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  • ArchaeologyBuddy - An Archaeology Bot

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by raphus, Jan 20, 2011.

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    1. pantasd1

      pantasd1 Banned

      Jan 15, 2010
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      You can't do that, at least not yet. You either use or don't use keystones at all.
    2. laria

      laria Well-Known Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      On some Digsites like Baeldun in Barrens, you have friendly guards fighting against enemies.
      If you get near them while surveying, so you are marked as "in combat". They wont attack you, because they are fighting against the guards, but i cant mount .
      If i cant mount, AB idles.

      If you can get a list of those mobs that mark you as "in combat", you should kill them. If you can't, at least walk out of that digsite instead of idling^^

      AB is often placing the survey tool, right in a wall/hill, and then follows its direction. A human being wouldnt be able to read that, looks a bit strange.

      I had a few movement isssues yesterday.

      Trying to mount too close to a wall, will fail without AB realizing it.
      Also, Tanaris is a good example for an hilly area.
      AB will survey, ascend a little, fly a stright line to the next spot, get stuck in the hilly ground, ascend again, and then after this has repeated a few times, be able to land at the original destination spot and do the digging/surveying there.
      Looks stupid and botlike again ;) Just ascend a little higher.
    3. Ridos

      Ridos New Member

      Mar 9, 2010
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      Are not useing it on Kamildor is useing it on Easten Kingdom, it is that is walk a loot to the next survey point. It rarly use the mout to get to it. :S

      Edit: And i am not in combat so it should use mout :/ or atlest i would love it if it did
    4. amaya

      amaya New Member

      Feb 1, 2010
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      Update working ek

      Ran this for 12 hours untouched in EK on a lvl 85 DK with simplecc with no problems what so ever

      my skill level is 450 arch, so i didnt run the cata zones

      so if your having problems its prolly your cc / gear / toon *mages* lol
      redownload everything and try again

      this does get stuck in kalimor at that digsite where there are mobs around attacking each other and the toon will not mount because it sees it as 'in combat', you need to run your char far away from the mobs so then you are out of combat then you can mount and arch is working again

    5. bloodbee

      bloodbee New Member

      Feb 13, 2011
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      Stuck mounting


      Tries to mount under the bones over and over and over etc..

      Other than that, perfection for the last few hours. Started last night at 71demolock 74 now. 290k-390k exp/hour :)

      Nevermind, right after I posted this I saw there was an HB2 update with Bugfixes: Most of stuck issues should be fixed. Mounting infinitly is fixed.
      Last edited: Mar 21, 2011
    6. BuddyLover69xx

      BuddyLover69xx New Member

      Mar 7, 2011
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      Don't have any specifics, but to me it seems a little buggier in its movement patterns: running in to walls ect. Don't get me wrong! It's still amazing, but I do feel like it ran better before the HB update.
    7. daemon9

      daemon9 New Member

      Feb 11, 2011
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      New Version - Watched my toon fly in crazy circles above the portal in the Twilight Grove which caused a disconnect after about 3 minutes. I believe I reported this before...

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    8. slamit28

      slamit28 New Member

      Feb 15, 2011
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      Had to come and brag about my luck! Second canopic jar and bamn vial of sand recipe! :) Enjoying it so far anyway sorry for everyone still in the grind .
    9. hissig

      hissig New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Stuck the entire night in the same place it seems. Got 3 different "are you a bot" whispers aswell. It kept running in a loop, trying to clear the small ledge on the bridge at Thandol Span.

      Not good.

      PS. My log for the night was nearly double the size of what you let me upload. So here is a short list..

      [01:36:35:857] [STUCK] All sides. Adding blackspot.
      [01:36:35:924] [STUCK] Moving backwards for 3 seconds.
      [01:36:38:958] [STUCK] Clearing current path to regenerate it around our stuck location.
      [01:36:41:418] [STUCK] Relative speed check failed [0.5190948]. Checking stuck.
      [01:36:41:435] [STUCK] All sides. Adding blackspot.
      [01:36:41:490] [STUCK] Moving backwards for 3 seconds.
      [01:36:44:505] [STUCK] Clearing current path to regenerate it around our stuck location.
      [01:36:46:916] [STUCK] Relative speed check failed [0.5146558]. Checking stuck.
      [01:36:46:933] [STUCK] All sides. Adding blackspot.
      [01:36:46:990] [STUCK] Moving backwards for 3 seconds.
      [01:36:50:18] [STUCK] Clearing current path to regenerate it around our stuck location.
      [01:36:50:183] Pet happiness: 5
      [01:36:50:183] Activity: Resting
      [01:36:50:204] Spell_C::CastSpell(6991, 0, 0x0, 0) [412]
      [01:36:50:805] Feed Pet...
      [01:36:50:923] Activity: Moving to next survey point
      [01:36:52:382] Unloading tiles!
      [01:36:52:384] Activity: Loading Tile/s
      [01:36:52:384] Loading Azeroth_36_36
      [01:36:52:717] Activity: Moving to next survey point
      [01:36:53:220] [STUCK] Relative speed check failed [0.5008492]. Checking stuck.
      [01:36:53:248] [STUCK] All sides. Adding blackspot.
      [01:36:53:332] [STUCK] Moving backwards for 3 seconds.
      [01:36:56:365] [STUCK] Clearing current path to regenerate it around our stuck location.
      [01:36:56:506] [STUCK] Relative speed check failed [0.01955803]. Checking stuck.
      [01:36:56:533] [STUCK] All sides. Adding blackspot.
      [01:36:56:593] [STUCK] Moving backwards for 3 seconds.
      [01:36:59:633] [STUCK] Clearing current path to regenerate it around our stuck location.
      [01:36:59:728] Activity: Loading Tile/s
      [01:36:59:728] Loading Azeroth_36_37
      [01:36:59:899] [STUCK] Relative speed check failed [0.01955803]. Checking stuck.
      [01:37:00:27] Activity: Moving to next survey point
      [01:37:02:301] [STUCK] Relative speed check failed [0.5012061]. Checking stuck.
      [01:37:02:315] [STUCK] All sides. Adding blackspot.
      [01:37:02:400] [STUCK] Moving backwards for 3 seconds.
      [01:37:05:431] [STUCK] Clearing current path to regenerate it around our stuck location.
      [01:37:07:759] [STUCK] Relative speed check failed [0.5112097]. Checking stuck.
      [01:37:07:777] [STUCK] All sides. Adding blackspot.
      [01:37:07:864] [STUCK] Moving backwards for 3 seconds.
      [01:37:10:877] [STUCK] Clearing current path to regenerate it around our stuck location.
      [01:37:13:259] [STUCK] Relative speed check failed [0.5035124]. Checking stuck.
      [01:37:13:287] [STUCK] All sides. Adding blackspot.
      [01:37:13:343] [STUCK] Moving backwards for 3 seconds.
      [01:37:16:372] [STUCK] Clearing current path to regenerate it around our stuck location.
      [01:37:18:715] [STUCK] Relative speed check failed [0.5182352]. Checking stuck.
      [01:37:18:735] [STUCK] All sides. Adding blackspot.
      [01:37:18:785] [STUCK] Moving backwards for 3 seconds.
      [01:37:21:803] [STUCK] Clearing current path to regenerate it around our stuck location.
      [01:37:24:294] [STUCK] Relative speed check failed [0.5008554]. Checking stuck.
      [01:37:24:312] [STUCK] All sides. Adding blackspot.
      [01:37:24:398] [STUCK] Moving backwards for 3 seconds.
      [01:37:27:432] [STUCK] Clearing current path to regenerate it around our stuck location.
      [01:37:29:862] [STUCK] Relative speed check failed [0.5096729]. Checking stuck.
      [01:37:29:891] [STUCK] All sides. Adding blackspot.
      [01:37:29:952] [STUCK] Moving backwards for 3 seconds.
      [01:37:32:960] [STUCK] Clearing current path to regenerate it around our stuck location.
      [01:37:35:387] [STUCK] Relative speed check failed [0.5206165]. Checking stuck.
      [01:37:35:403] [STUCK] All sides. Adding blackspot.
      [01:37:35:495] [STUCK] Moving backwards for 3 seconds.
      [01:37:38:521] [STUCK] Clearing current path to regenerate it around our stuck location.
      [01:37:40:950] [STUCK] Relative speed check failed [0.5364169]. Checking stuck.
      [01:37:40:968] [STUCK] All sides. Adding blackspot.
      [01:37:41:30] [STUCK] Moving backwards for 3 seconds.
      [01:37:44:51] [STUCK] Clearing current path to regenerate it around our stuck location.
      [01:37:46:468] [STUCK] Relative speed check failed [0.5124693]. Checking stuck.
      [01:37:46:502] [STUCK] All sides. Adding blackspot.
      [01:37:46:595] [STUCK] Moving backwards for 3 seconds.
      [01:37:49:613] [STUCK] Clearing current path to regenerate it around our stuck location.
      [01:37:50:251] Pet happiness: 5
      [01:37:50:251] Activity: Resting
      [01:37:50:271] Spell_C::CastSpell(6991, 0, 0x0, 0) [413]
      [01:37:50:807] Feed Pet...
      [01:37:50:909] Activity: Moving to next survey point
      [01:37:52:697] [STUCK] Relative speed check failed [0.5050257]. Checking stuck.
      [01:37:52:716] [STUCK] All sides. Adding blackspot.
      [01:37:52:793] [STUCK] Moving backwards for 3 seconds.
      [01:37:55:815] [STUCK] Clearing current path to regenerate it around our stuck location.
      [01:37:58:311] [STUCK] Relative speed check failed [0.4968389]. Checking stuck.
      [01:37:58:329] [STUCK] All sides. Adding blackspot.
      [01:37:58:387] [STUCK] Moving backwards for 3 seconds.
      [01:38:01:408] [STUCK] Clearing current path to regenerate it around our stuck location.
      [01:38:03:889] [STUCK] Relative speed check failed [0.4996656]. Checking stuck.
      [01:38:03:907] [STUCK] All sides. Adding blackspot.
      [01:38:03:999] [STUCK] Moving backwards for 3 seconds.
      [01:38:07:38] [STUCK] Clearing current path to regenerate it around our stuck location.
      [01:38:09:518] [STUCK] Relative speed check failed [0.4946074]. Checking stuck.
      [01:38:09:535] [STUCK] All sides. Adding blackspot.
      [01:38:09:591] [STUCK] Moving backwards for 3 seconds.
      [01:38:12:604] [STUCK] Clearing current path to regenerate it around our stuck location.
      [01:38:15:17] [STUCK] Relative speed check failed [0.496682]. Checking stuck.
      [01:38:15:47] [STUCK] All sides. Adding blackspot.
      [01:38:15:107] [STUCK] Moving backwards for 3 seconds.
      [01:38:18:115] [STUCK] Clearing current path to regenerate it around our stuck location.
      [01:38:20:547] [STUCK] Relative speed check failed [0.4988733]. Checking stuck.
      [01:38:20:575] [STUCK] All sides. Adding blackspot.
      [01:38:20:666] [STUCK] Moving backwards for 3 seconds.
      [01:38:23:694] [STUCK] Clearing current path to regenerate it around our stuck location.
      [01:38:26:172] [STUCK] Relative speed check failed [0.4989401]. Checking stuck.
      [01:38:26:190] [STUCK] All sides. Adding blackspot.
      [01:38:26:265] [STUCK] Moving backwards for 3 seconds.
      [01:38:29:291] [STUCK] Clearing current path to regenerate it around our stuck location.
      [01:38:31:703] [STUCK] Relative speed check failed [0.524098]. Checking stuck.
      [01:38:31:723] [STUCK] All sides. Adding blackspot.
      [01:38:31:815] [STUCK] Moving backwards for 3 seconds.
      [01:38:34:834] [STUCK] Clearing current path to regenerate it around our stuck location.
      [01:38:37:216] [STUCK] Relative speed check failed [0.5068205]. Checking stuck.
      [01:38:37:233] [STUCK] All sides. Adding blackspot.
      [01:38:37:233] [STUCK] Moving backwards for 3 seconds.
      [01:38:40:251] [STUCK] Clearing current path to regenerate it around our stuck location.
      [01:38:42:676] [STUCK] Relative speed check failed [0.5204371]. Checking stuck.
      [01:38:42:693] [STUCK] All sides. Adding blackspot.
      [01:38:42:747] [STUCK] Moving backwards for 3 seconds.
      [01:38:45:781] [STUCK] Clearing current path to regenerate it around our stuck location.
      [01:38:48:222] [STUCK] Relative speed check failed [0.5070323]. Checking stuck.
      [01:38:48:240] [STUCK] All sides. Adding blackspot.
      [01:38:48:318] [STUCK] Moving backwards for 3 seconds.
      [01:38:51:327] [STUCK] Clearing current path to regenerate it around our stuck location.
      [01:38:51:475] Pet happiness: 4
      [01:38:51:475] Activity: Resting
      [01:38:51:494] Spell_C::CastSpell(6991, 0, 0x0, 0) [414]
      [01:38:52:78] Feed Pet...
      [01:38:52:180] Activity: Moving to next survey point
      [01:38:54:473] [STUCK] Relative speed check failed [0.4974195]. Checking stuck.
      [01:38:54:491] [STUCK] All sides. Adding blackspot.
      [01:38:54:491] [STUCK] Moving backwards for 3 seconds.
      [01:38:57:509] [STUCK] Clearing current path to regenerate it around our stuck location.
      [01:38:59:991] [STUCK] Relative speed check failed [0.4815422]. Checking stuck.
      [01:39:00:18] [STUCK] All sides. Adding blackspot.
      [01:39:00:78] [STUCK] Moving backwards for 3 seconds.
      [01:39:03:89] [STUCK] Clearing current path to regenerate it around our stuck location.
      [01:39:05:464] [STUCK] Relative speed check failed [0.5180846]. Checking stuck.
      [01:39:05:483] [STUCK] All sides. Adding blackspot.
      [01:39:05:572] [STUCK] Moving backwards for 3 seconds.
      [01:39:08:582] [STUCK] Clearing current path to regenerate it around our stuck location.
      [01:39:11:63] [STUCK] Relative speed check failed [0.4967662]. Checking stuck.
      [01:39:11:93] [STUCK] All sides. Adding blackspot.
      [01:39:11:181] [STUCK] Moving backwards for 3 seconds.
      [01:39:14:210] [STUCK] Clearing current path to regenerate it around our stuck location.
      [01:39:16:674] [STUCK] Relative speed check failed [0.5156579]. Checking stuck.
      [01:39:16:697] [STUCK] All sides. Adding blackspot.
      [01:39:16:786] [STUCK] Moving backwards for 3 seconds.
      [01:39:19:822] [STUCK] Clearing current path to regenerate it around our stuck location.
      [01:39:22:285] [STUCK] Relative speed check failed [0.5138344]. Checking stuck.
      [01:39:22:304] [STUCK] All sides. Adding blackspot.
      [01:39:22:361] [STUCK] Moving backwards for 3 seconds.
      [01:39:25:388] [STUCK] Clearing current path to regenerate it around our stuck location.
      [01:39:27:837] [STUCK] Relative speed check failed [0.500799]. Checking stuck.
      [01:39:27:865] [STUCK] All sides. Adding blackspot.
      [01:39:27:925] [STUCK] Moving backwards for 3 seconds.
      [01:39:30:950] [STUCK] Clearing current path to regenerate it around our stuck location.
      [01:39:33:334] [STUCK] Relative speed check failed [0.5195571]. Checking stuck.
      [01:39:33:360] [STUCK] All sides. Adding blackspot.
      [01:39:33:447] [STUCK] Moving backwards for 3 seconds.
      [01:39:36:466] [STUCK] Clearing current path to regenerate it around our stuck location.
      [01:39:38:877] [STUCK] Relative speed check failed [0.5028742]. Checking stuck.
      [01:39:38:906] [STUCK] All sides. Adding blackspot.
      [01:39:38:968] [STUCK] Moving backwards for 3 seconds.
      [01:39:41:995] [STUCK] Clearing current path to regenerate it around our stuck location.
      [01:39:44:505] [STUCK] Relative speed check failed [0.4851084]. Checking stuck.
      [01:39:44:524] [STUCK] All sides. Adding blackspot.
      [01:39:44:587] [STUCK] Moving backwards for 3 seconds.
      [01:39:47:607] [STUCK] Clearing current path to regenerate it around our stuck location.
      [01:39:50:70] [STUCK] Relative speed check failed [0.4904362]. Checking stuck.
      [01:39:50:98] [STUCK] All sides. Adding blackspot.
      [01:39:50:165] [STUCK] Moving backwards for 3 seconds.
      [01:39:53:182] [STUCK] Clearing current path to regenerate it around our stuck location.
      [01:39:53:350] Pet happiness: 3
      [01:39:53:351] Activity: Resting
      [01:39:53:370] Spell_C::CastSpell(6991, 0, 0x0, 0) [415]
      [01:39:53:941] Feed Pet...
      [01:39:54:39] Activity: Moving to next survey point
      [01:39:56:304] [STUCK] Relative speed check failed [0.5051596]. Checking stuck.
      [01:39:56:333] [STUCK] All sides. Adding blackspot.
      [01:39:56:395] [STUCK] Moving backwards for 3 seconds.
      [01:39:59:417] [STUCK] Clearing current path to regenerate it around our stuck location.
      [01:39:59:569] [STUCK] Relative speed check failed [0.01797294]. Checking stuck.
      [01:39:59:583] [STUCK] All sides. Adding blackspot.
      [01:39:59:640] [STUCK] Moving backwards for 3 seconds.
      Last edited: Mar 22, 2011
    10. daemon9

      daemon9 New Member

      Feb 11, 2011
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      Yup...I have the same problem with the Thandol Span digsite, too. I wonder if people have a problem with the Nek'mani Wellspring site, also... o.o

      All that needs to be done is have the char get on his flying mount to reach that spot. Problem solved.
    11. AlexDacker

      AlexDacker New Member

      Oct 1, 2010
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      First off all creds to the maker! awesome bott!

      A few suggestions, you should be able to blacklist races AND digsites for example in EK the cata digsites are to hard for my char to handle, so i want it to both blacklist the race, and the specifik digsite.

      Second off, i have read before that people have the same problem when it serveys and mounts and then just stands there and does another survey on the same spot. Reporting about the problem :)

      Thank you in advance!
    12. Mupp

      Mupp New Member

      May 3, 2010
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      This can be done already, first blacklist the race's you want Then change to name and just add in the digsite's you want to add.

      This is done when AB cannot located where the "scope" is pointing so it does a new and better search.
    13. AlexDacker

      AlexDacker New Member

      Oct 1, 2010
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      Thank you for the answear! :)
    14. AlexDacker

      AlexDacker New Member

      Oct 1, 2010
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      Another question regarding archaeology, how many rares can you search for at the same time? have 2 atm and none of the once I want

    15. ashix

      ashix New Member

      Feb 2, 2011
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      working fine :) verry nice bot time to get 525 :D
      Last edited: Mar 22, 2011
    16. pngwyn

      pngwyn New Member

      Jan 16, 2011
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      Ethel Rethor Digsite on Kalimdor I get this error after pressing stop. Otherwise it just stands at the digsite for a long time and doesn't do anything.

      System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
      at ..GetTile(TileIdentifier wowTile)
      at Tripper.Navigation.WowNavigator.LoadTile(TileIdentifier wowTile)
      at Tripper.Navigation.WowNavigator.FindPath(Vector3 start, Vector3 end)
      at Styx.Logic.Pathing.MeshNavigator.CanNavigateFully(WoWPoint from, WoWPoint to, Int32 maxHops)
      at Styx.Logic.Pathing.Navigator.CanNavigateFully(WoWPoint from, WoWPoint to, Int32 maxHops)
      at Styx.Logic.Pathing.Navigator.CanNavigateFully(WoWPoint from, WoWPoint to)
      at Styx.Database.NpcQueries.GetNearestNpc(WoWFactionTemplate myFaction, UInt32 mapId, WoWPoint searchLocation, UnitNPCFlags npcFlags)
      at Styx.Logic.Profiles.VendorManager.GetClosestVendor(VendorType type)
      Starting the bot!
    17. AlexDacker

      AlexDacker New Member

      Oct 1, 2010
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      Can you make it not to stop solving the race you want it to solve?

      For example : Solve Troll
      It Solves it and then think it's done. Make it Solve it again... and again.. and again.
      I Caped (200) fragments on all races but trolls. you get me?

      This is the greatest found in Archbuddies history!
      Last edited: Mar 23, 2011
    18. Frayvel

      Frayvel New Member

      Feb 28, 2011
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      I got an idea!
      Can you add multisolving?
      So like: "Solve everything but trolls and nightelfs" or something like that!
    19. daemon9

      daemon9 New Member

      Feb 11, 2011
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      Stuck flying around in crazy circles above Zul'Mashar:

      Attached Files:

    20. daemon9

      daemon9 New Member

      Feb 11, 2011
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      Got home and WoW was disconnected. Again, I'm not sure what the hell happened...

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