as post said.... just dloaded newest HB... so i can trial it... and it failes from the start. Not a good way to promote if its failing so easily. I have bought gatherbuddy, and it works like a charm but Honorbuddy on the other hand.. getting very annoyed already [4:53:40 PM:707] AUTH OK [4:53:40 PM:715] Authorization Success! [4:54:02 PM:259] Honorbuddy 1.20 started. [4:54:02 PM:259] Using wow with process id:6168 [4:54:02 PM:261] Platform: Microsoft Windows NT 6.0.6001 Service Pack 1 [4:54:02 PM:263] Honorbuddy executable: C:\Users\Mark P\Desktop\HB\Honorbuddy.exe [4:54:12 PM:518] Exception in DoString: Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync; InjectionFinishedEvent was never fired. StackTrace: at EndScene.ExecutorRand.Execute() at Styx.Memory_Read_Write_Inject.Lua.Lua.DoString(String szLua, String szLuaFile, UInt32 pState) [4:54:32 PM:532] ------------------------------- [4:54:32 PM:533] Please login to your WoW character and then restart Global.Honorbuddy. [4:54:32 PM:534] ------------------------------- [4:54:32 PM:538] Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync; InjectionFinishedEvent was never fired. - From: Styx at EndScene.ExecutorRand.Execute() at Styx.Memory_Read_Write_Inject.Lua.Lua.GetLocalizedText(String szLuaVariable, UInt32 lpLocalPlayer) at Styx.Logic.Inventory.InventoryManager.get_LowestDurability() at Styx.FiniteStateMachine.Engine..ctor() at Styx.Honorbuddy..ctor(BlackMagic magic, LogicType logicType, BattlegroundType type) at Styx.Honorbuddy..ctor(BlackMagic magic, LogicType logicType) at ..(Object , EventArgs ) [4:54:32 PM:572] Character is a level 6 Druid. [4:54:32 PM:574] Current zone is: Elwynn Forest. [4:54:43 PM:960] Loading C:\Users\Mark P\Desktop\HB\human\1-60_human.xml. [4:54:53 PM:985] Error - sync2: Unable to connect to the remote server [4:55:02 PM:638] Loaded mesh C:\Users\Mark P\Desktop\HB\human\human_a.mesh - 15480 nodes in total were found.