can some1 please help me... i can't get my toon to grind when outside the instance using IB ;; it was working b4 for some reason it just stopped.
I have Tanked using IB, I don't reccomend doing it unatended but it seemed to work pretty well in Ramparts as a lvl 58 DK. As blood he does very well with arggo, pulls like a madman, and one minnor issuse on the 2nd boss. After killing the 2 adds just before 2nd boss he will then move to the boss and just before he gets into arggo range of boss he truns around and goes and pulls the adds in front of the last boss. Others that I've tested didn't seem to work so well. BC Manatombs requires you to interact on every pull but does fine with arggo. I was in the process of testing the northrend ones, I haven't found one that works very well yet. I've only tried one in Cata and it required me to interact with it alot as well. BRC was the one. And that was as DPS not tank.
Just wanted to say thank you never really used it much but im using it to get tank gear for my warrior. Running as arms and im #1 on DPS every dungeon ily no homo.... k maybe a lil homo <3
Willing to pay lots and lots of money for all cata dungeons working as close to flawless as possible. Name your pice
Need to agree with him, make donate button, InstanceBuddy its the best part of HB! Lvl'ing bot is faster than ever... please keep working on it, and make a donation button, many ppl would like to donate just to keep you working more on it. (would be nice for InstanceBuddy to take quests on instances, he can give it back on next visit in that instance, and its usually nothing special, just kill mobs etc) cheers!
Project is very much alive. My IB version 3.5 is working perfectly. Doing dungeons 24/7 with 4 bots in the same time. Freakin' awsome! Totally worth the $100 I paid for it.
agree. IB needs serious updating it does work, occassionally but 9 out of 10 times requires babysitting or total intervention at times.
If this isnt going to be update could the source code at least be given to somenone who is willing/able to update it?
Yup, didn't complete even one instance for me without babysitting, but with some extra work it will be the best part of HB and best lvling bot ever. Hope the project will stay alive, make donation button and maybe more ppl will work on it.
ok I have a question about it.. i know its not scripted for cata dunegons.. but if you run it with movement disabled and just move it manually .. will the bot still run heals and such? as long as you move it ?
This is something im very interested in also as I like to watch tv and play but with cata healing being a bit more intensive (Mainly due to tards standing in fires) Im missing too much tv bahahaha
I agree. If the boss mechnanics could be implemented that would be so awesome. But I think it's really hard to code this