1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account? Yes Honorbuddy 2)If so, when was the last time?: 10:25 Pm EST Tuesday march 29 3)What profile were you using?: Grind bot 4)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname: Hawkes BM 5)What plugins are you using?: none 6)How many hours per day did you bot for?: 14-18 hours max 7)How many auctions per day did you have?: none 8)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods? own GB dont use on this account tho 9)Was your account involved in gold selling? no just leveling that toon 10)EU or US realm? US Appealed the ban hoping for the sympathy vote from blizzard because i got a 72 hour ban on thursday of last week when i used instance buddy for the first time while sitting and watching it i got the first warning well see how my appeal goes btw i also run my main account and my botting account off the same pc thinking i should use a Mac filter to have the i got hacked option open still
What did the op in is the fact that he had been grinding way to much. On top of that he had already been flagged for suspicious activity. As far as I see it this is reckless botting. You most likely got your 72 hour ban for grinding they just put your temp ban in effect while you were doing a dungon. They put red flags all over that account and got caught red handed again. It is very easy for blizz to catch someone who is grinding. Hell if someone pm'd me there grinded toons name/server I could see it to. How? Goto armory>achievements>statistics. Look at the part that says mob killed most. If it is a reg mob that shows a count in the high hundreds to thousands there is an easy flag. Another way does the character have any rep at least to honored/friendly? If not it is a botted toon or RAF. How many 5mans have u completed? Almost none it is botted. Why u need to mix it up
I might be but it is true... also to the nubs who put their freshly minted lvl 80 in uldum with less than 20k hp... you are begging to get caught.
yea or with any Lev grinding here http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/submitted-profiles/alliance/80-85/14600-%5B-grind%5D-liquidfire-volatile-air-uldum.html is also begging for a ban on Blackrock I count 2-5 Bots on every Weekend there
yes sir... lol it amuses me when I see people using pirox though... there toons like to do what we like to call "dogwalk". In another words the mount will be flying but in a strifing manner. I like to watch and laugh... If I see an 80 botter in uldum I aggro a mob bring it to them and shadowmeld and watch em die over and over... easy way to eliminate some of my compation. Sorry for bad spelling just got off a double shift