That's what I have got running in Dalaran last version of profile using last version of ProffBuddy.
I checked only "take from mail". The logic for mail is completly stupid. Sorry, but it so.
Bot prospects ore in bags, craft gems, than goes to vendor, than AGAIN to mail (even if there are gems in bags for crafting), takes ore until 1 slot left in bag, than just uses mount I began to fly using GB2 profile which i have loaded.
<If Condition="(Convert.ToInt64(var1) & 16) == 16" IgnoreCanRun="False" ChildrenCount="3">
<CustomAction Code="Log("[ProfessionBuddy] Withdrawing ore from mail."

;" />
<GetMailAction Entry="53038" GetMailType="Specific" AutoFindMailBox="True" X="0" Y="0" Z="0" MinFreeBagSlots="12" />
<CustomAction Code="Log("[ProfessionBuddy] Done withdrawing ore from mail."

;" />
I think this is not complete condition for mail. How about situation when bot completes crafting gems and it's need to go to vendor first prior to go for new mails. Also bot ignors condotion to left MinFreeBagSlots="12". it will take all the time until Me.FreeBagSlots > 1