Macro's: Action Bar 3: Key 1 = Flying Mount Macros: /use Crystallized Shadow /use Crystallized Air /use Crystallized Earth /use Crystallized Fire /use Crystallized Life /use Crystallized Water /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear() /use YourMountName Key 2 = Empty, unless you suck clouds Macro: none Key 3 = Eat Macro: none, just plain food Key 4 = Empty Key 5 = Shout after Death Macro: /cast Battle Shout Key 6 = Shout before start (rage generation) Macro: #showtooltip /cast Battle Shout /cast Berserker Rage Key 7 = Enraged Regeneration Macro: No macro, just Enraged Regeneration on button 7 Key 8 = DPS Macro Macro: #showtooltip /cast Bloodthirst /cast Raging Blow /cast Heroic Strike /cast Berserker Rage /cast Colossus Smash Key 9 = Empty Talent Tree: copy this talent by CTRL+C and then ingame in chat CTRL+V, Press Enter and press Learn! Code: /run t,p,a={2,23,32,42,52,62,83,91,103,121,131,141,162,172,183,192,201,3,12,1,13,22,63,}SetPreviewPrimaryTalentTree(t[1],GetActiveTalentGroup())for i=1,#t do a=t[i]if a<9 then p=a else AddPreviewTalentPoints(p,floor(a/10),a%10)end end
hope this makes your warrior farmers any good, as the Arms build didn't cut it for me and made me die every often in the new zones. with this I'm cutting trough mobs again. Be adviced HAVE GOOD GEAR in Cataclysm. Your death's are not my responsibility.
panYama, you are always so thorough and organized in what you post when it comes to your profiles and help. It just sorta makes me go, "Wow..." It's not a bad thing. Also, thank you. I can use this on my warrior when he's at 80. Got any suggestions for a level 74 warrior as far as a DPS macro is concerned since I don't have some of the things you have listed?
Sure, give me a little while though because I'm grinding my new paladin testing the new HB. .3558 that is.
Great combat macros. My 80 warrior is rolling right through any mobs that he aggros when farming in Hyjal! Thank you panYama!
How did this work for you guys? I went from fury to arms, but now im thinking maybe prot would be good for these multiple adds while farming.. should I check out fury again?
With my gear I'm dominating the adds. I am 80 right now with mainly 10 man ICC gear including weps. With the first few quest greens you will easily melt faces with your blades.
Yeah my frost DK still has his full wrathful on and he's not died once, makes my warrior look like a chump haha, thanks ill check it out
Hello, i think that talent in arms tree(that is in center) is not so really good(healing is not so need for wars) P.S. Sorry for my English