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    Discussion in 'Archives' started by jawn, Apr 7, 2011.

    1. jawn

      jawn Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account?

      If your not using both your WRONG!!

      2)If so, when was the last time?:

      Its a way of life, a needed part of life

      3)What profile were you using?:

      The one i felt lucky with today.

      4)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname:

      Combat? Oh ya they were all hitting things, digging things up, pulling things outta the ground, healing things, and running into things...

      5)What plugins are you using?:

      Well got thing thing from Adam/Eve Online... its REAL fun. You fill it with air, add some of this cool lube into this slot and that one, oh there's a third one.. wow :)

      6)How many hours per day did you bot for?:

      25/8 every day that ends in Day...

      7)How many auctions per day did you have?:

      If it's being old in mass.. we are selling it...

      8)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods?

      Refer to #1

      9)Was your account involved in gold selling?

      Well... uh... ya see.....

      10)EU or US realm?
      Eh.. We all look the same to the keyboard don't we?

      Account Name: WOW1

      Account Action: Closed If you couldn't tell..
      Reason for Action: Excessive Amount of Noobs Attempting Botting...

      This Mass Account Closure has been dwelled upon for some time. It is with great regret that we are forced to do this. But after spending an extremely amount of time issuing 72hr suspensions and in turn having people call us and bitch and moan, thus taking time away from beer drinking, we were forced to take this extreme measure. It is not obvious to these noobs that botting is against our user agreement. We are gods here, not them so we had to, as the great flood once did, wipe this world of the noobs.

      It will take time to rebuild this once great world but it will happen. It will be better, bigger and all round just cooler.

      We will be sending out new signup emails in the coming days for those that wish to be part of something wonderful. For those of you that don't, WE DON'T CARE, WE ARE STILL BETTER THEN YOU!!!

      For any disputes of this action or further information on Exploitive Activity, please visit the Exploitative Activity FAQ and contact page here: http://you.can.go/play/with/yourself/in/your/moms/basement


      Customer Services
      Blizzard Entertainment


      Ok for those that haven't noticed Blizzard has decided to ban EVERYONE and start over... you'll notice this by the "Connecting..." Screen when you attempt to load WoW... thats as far as it goes...

      I am expecting an email stating that due to extremely stupid noobs.. Blizzard has decided to wipe the slate clean, bann everyone's accounts and start from scratch. They will release new subscription information soon.

      I blame the NOOBS!!!!!!!!!!!

      hehehe sorry couldn't resist since the login servers are screwed up right now.

      Last edited: Apr 7, 2011
    2. rockgobbler

      rockgobbler New Member

      Mar 1, 2011
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      having same problem with loading screen, but it seems to be working now.
    3. dd4k

      dd4k New Member

      May 3, 2010
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      weird, after logging in, I see nothing but black window, no servers online... How come ?
    4. mistatic

      mistatic Guest

      Someone hacked WoW and now all of the servers with all of the characters are gone.

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