everything should be working, if not do a fresh install of the CC, and restart wow and HB, sometimes HB fails at reporting procs. are you running an english client? if not what language are you using? and what level and spec are you in?
already did the fresh install and still spamming scorch when fireball is chosen... level 44 fire mage... english client.. i was looking in the temp section of the settings after posting before and didnt see hot streak pyroblasts listed... maybe it was an oversight? thanks.. sorry if im a bother
I have the exact same problem with my firemage. Hotstreak with Pyroblast and Impact for reset Fire Blast. He doesn't use it. I use for every CC another install of HB and update when possible. So thats not the problem.
someone mind posting a log? i guess really what im getting at is that it broke in build 4354, because i know for a fact it was working fine in build 4317. i am testing with the new build now to figure out whats going on.
after updating to 1.6.4 i get this error: Could not compile CC from C:\xxx\xxx\xxx\HB\CustomClasses\Amplify! File: Amplify.cs Line: 62 Error: Identifier expected did fresh install of both HB and Amplify and still got error...
Could not compile CC from C:\Users\**************\Desktop\WOW\HonorBuddy\CustomClasses\Amplify! File: Amplify.cs Line: 62 Error: Identifier expected
a couple things with instancebuddy that it would be awesome if we could update -all specs --doesnt use fire orb --doesnt use mirror image (save for boss only?) --auto sheep moon on pull? --time warp on bosses @ 40% -fire --not using any AOE (good and bad) --not using Dragon's Breath -frost --not using any AOE --not using Cone of Cold
Weird problem where it stops fighting mid combat seems to be something with health pots or maybe i have a setting wrong
Indeed i it doing this for pots/drinks that are not in my bag, i had some of these in my bank from leveling alchemy
Yep, solved it by going to the bank and deleting them Theres been many occasions where its simply died to a mob it could have easily killed because it got to the level of HP to use a pot and stopped attacking because it was trying to use the pot I'm done leveling the character i was using this for and since it was an alt for alch/enchanting its not a huge problem for me but i also noticed that when casting it wouldnt cast back to back, always seemed to be leaving half a second or more and my latency is 52/60ms
because if it was doing what i was thinking it was doing it was trying to find a potion every pulse. im going to work on the code again to try and fix it, at this point its probably going to need a complete redesign. the only question i have was the potion that was in the bank a healing or mana pot? ive never seen those around, the code is set to find potions where the spell effect heals or regens mana, so if you can confirm that for me, that would help .
Sure it was a health pot, altho the reason you likely havent heard of it is that its a BG only pot. Also why i deleted them as they were no use to me other than leveling alch
well i completely re-wrote the potion code last night, however i still dont know how to make it stop using bg potions in pve. but i changed it so it only looks in your bag now, not your entire inventory and changed it so it will only look in your bags for potions once every battle instead of several times per battle. i figured there's no way in the middle of a battle that your going to magically pick up an item, so this way it requires less processing power to deal with it. i also added settings so the mana and health pots can be changed. along with some other stuff. so just a bit more testing, but im looking at doing a new release sometime tomorrow.