Hi i am looking for a free proxy to run wow by. Right now i am running 2 bots from "Telia" sweden and on the way to the realm i get connection problems from time to time, it seem to pe a telia problem down in europe, now if i would run through a proxy i might not need to pass the problem and the game would work better. Is there a free one to test this one, if it works then i could pay for a proxy but only if it works. and anyone know?
You could try ping buster it has a 3 day free trial but you need proxy cap witch costs around 30$ USD I think, been a long time since i brought it.
There are free alternatives to ProxyCap. WideCap and FreeCap. Widecap used to be a paid product, but its now free.
I've a c r a c k e d (why is this filtered by *****?) version of proxycap, so yeah, you could have saved 30$
Someone in my guild keeps getting his account locked and he said that its because he uses one of these ping services... is this the case or is he telling porkies?
Probably because the guys that run this site are, above all else, software developers themselves and not real fond of *****ed software?
Yes, while I was using proxycap + pingbuster my accounts where locked a few times. Always got them back so far. I asked blizz why this always happens to me and they offered me, that it could be because of my proxy and I should try another one. In my opinion to many people use pingbuster for botting so the ip is kinda dirty. I'm not using pingbuster anymore, not even another proxy. I've a german ISP so my IP changes from time to time.
Ah well the proxy i tested did not work DC?d all the time from the realm. Going to set up my own proxy at home so i can play better from work any pro tip of a proxy program that is secure?
Having the ip you connect whit change country's within a few seconds you connect again will get you account locked. Also check out the signature there is some more info in there about hiding your bots. OpenVPN on port 443 using TCP. This will go trough ANY firewall although it isn't easy to setup. Proxy's are so 2005
Don?t want to hide my bot, i want to go around a connection problem the ISP here have, it is strange that there isn?t more with this problem. using Telia.