So vendoring cutted gems will be nerfed in 4.1 Is there another possibility to earn gold with Jewelcrafting? Blue gems are worth to sell because there are some freaks that undercut my auctions nearly instantly after posting them to the AH. Do I have to sell the ore now? I can not put 200+ stacks a day in the AH. I guess that would ban my accounts .
Its going to happen.. its already doen on the PTR (yes i know not fully set in stone but still).. The part that most don't read about is the raw gems STILL sell for 5g each.. so you still can make 100g per stack.. so its not a TOTAL waste
if your extremely lucky.. but you consider the cost of time - vs - competition... its just smarter to vendor it sometimes.. but I never said I vendor everything.. i'm one tha tplays the numbers, a part goes here, a part goes there, a part is placed in that.. you get the idea.. i am just saying there is an option that makes them cutting the GEM price not completely a buzz kill..... ANd not to mention once the 4.1 hits and this price change goes into effect.. the AH is gonna get saturated with uncut gems cuase one is gonna be wanting to cut/vendor them.... so ya..
Will the new money maker require 3 profs? mine, prospect, create items, disenchant? That's a lot of work for probably not a lot of profit. Also, I think I read that the uncut gems were going to get knocked down to 75s as well.