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  • Zerfall - A Warlock CC

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by CodenameG, Apr 16, 2011.

    1. CodenameG

      CodenameG New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Zerfall - A Warlock CC
      Version 1.2.5 - 1/27/12 - Celestia

      Zerfall Currently has support for levels 1-85 - All Specs and Instaces, & PVP
      And LazyRaider Support!

      What is this?
      Zerfall is a Warlock CC Supporting all 3 specs, and aims to the best warlock CC ever made.

      Known bugs:
      Fixed--Pet Double Summoning - Summoning the pet again after dismounting and using flight trainers.

      Version Notes:
      Updated the framework from Zerfall to work with WoW Version 4.0.3 and up, and incorporated framework and helper class Fixes from amplify. Added Pet and Pull Spell Down dialogs as well UI settings for other things. Added support for Health stones to be used to regen health instead of eating, as well as in combat.

      1.0.1:Fixed Talent Detection issues. Fixed Mana and Health Potion Null issues, Added PetSpell Support, added ReCouping Soulshards with Drainsoul, Added Felgaurd and Felhunter in the pet list, as well as Pet Spells, BloodPact and Sacrifice. fixed nulls with HealthStones, Changed Zerfall Framework to Switch Rotations on Different Needs (PvE,PvP,Instances)

      1.1.1: More Rotation Fixes and updates, LastCast System added to prevent double casting, added support for Felguard, and felguard spells, FelGuard will attempt to use Axe Throw to Stun Mobs and Interrupt Casts. Legion Strike on more then 2 adds. removed Raf Logic, It wasn't needed from the amplify framework, and gives a boost in instances because its not trying to keep the leaders target the same as yours. Changed Health Stone Creation to PreCombat Buffs this should allow you to make stones any time you needed them, not just when rest settings where tripped. Added Armor Dropdown. Curse, Bane and Pet Selection Dropdowns - Automatic is not Yet setup please refrain from using it. Changed Wait Times for Pet Summons, it should be more generous when waiting for pets to spawn.

      1.1.2: some more rotation fixes and aoe options, felstorm is automatic, and rain of fire only works for destruction in instance mode. added soul fire to pull options. changed immolate so all are effected by LastCast.

      1.1.3: LastCast now works on Spell ID this should fix issues with none english clients. changed pet actions, they should work no matter what bar they are on or how they are setup. changed Line of Sight Routine to blacklist the mob for 10sec, so it can find a better mob to get into combat with. changed all settings, EVERY Automatic setting should work now. Added more Checks for Spell Validity when casting spells to avoid the CC from locking up trying to cast a spell it doesn't have.

      1.2.2: Added LazyRaider Support, just enable the "No Movement" option in the CC. Rain of Fire / Add Settings Properly Detects Adds now, Adds = All Enemy units in Combat, Default Options setup for the CC, should be ready to go out of the box.

      1.2.3: Movement Disabled, now hits all checks properly no more moving to target location, Spell Toggles and Settings how moved to thier proper tabs if they ONLY effect in that spec, such as "Drain Life instead of shadow bolt" Speed fixes by ditching the Waiting while Spellcasting, instead it will just return so plugins or anything else that needs to be done during combat will pulse properly.Changed in combat pet summoning, no more waiting for pet to appear, its timer based, so it instantly resummons pet, this is awesome since if you have a soul stone it will do an instant cast summon on the pet, so if it dies, only takes about half a second or two, to bring a new one out, increasing survivability.

      1.2.4: added Fel Flame as pull spell, Changed rotations so it now actually does pvp rotations, changed Demo Rotations spam spell to incineration.

      1.2.5: Updated to use new LoS Api.

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Jan 27, 2012
    2. Dgc2002

      Dgc2002 Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Very good news sir, glad to see warlocks getting some love after all =)

      I can't help too much atm as i have an 85 lock but after i'm done leveling my current alt i can start a low level lock to check this out.
    3. froggystyle

      froggystyle New Member

      Jan 8, 2011
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      when it gets up 2 85 ill help loads
    4. Shakam

      Shakam Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      i?ll test it as soon this is for 30+ :)

      thanks for your work
    5. Xanathos

      Xanathos Active Member

      Jul 25, 2010
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      Can't wait to see what this turns into. I certainly have some ideas on how the affliction side of things should end up. I'll be taking a look at it once you hit the higher levels.
    6. CodenameG

      CodenameG New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      please if any of you guys have ideas, send them to me now, so it can get done right the first time.
    7. froggystyle

      froggystyle New Member

      Jan 8, 2011
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      the lazy lock destro and aff cc work wonders for me in 10 mans at 85 .. maybe there roations would be great other then levelin its been so long .. skiwarlock is the one i used for 1-85
    8. CodenameG

      CodenameG New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      yes, but just pulling code from other CC's isnt something i want to do, it seems cheap.
    9. CodenameG

      CodenameG New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      another thing too if you all think im moving into a place where things are already good, maybe i should just get rid of this then since it already seems like theres a lot of competetion and a lot of people working on what im trying to do
    10. mymegabot

      mymegabot Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      There are several good Warlock CC's that work reasonably well. You want a class that needs love, bad? Build something for Hunters ... especially for PvP. There is absolutely zero there.
    11. Mupp

      Mupp New Member

      May 3, 2010
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      I cant agree with that, there are no warlock cc that works good with the current release of Cata.
      And on the other hand I think Codename started a warlock CC because ppl requested it.
    12. grad13

      grad13 New Member

      Feb 1, 2010
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      Personally I hope you continue the project. Tested 1-10 worked very well. many of the other Warlock CCs work but are quite a bit outdated.

      I'm looking forward to using it after lvl 10.
    13. froggystyle

      froggystyle New Member

      Jan 8, 2011
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      no no stay doing it none else keeps theres updated lemme grab some infro from ej for u :)
    14. mspazz

      mspazz Member

      Jul 12, 2010
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      G, what things are you wanting feedback on? I've played a lock since Beta and know them pretty much in and out, and I would be willing to start a new one to help you out.. PM me if you want.
    15. froggystyle

      froggystyle New Member

      Jan 8, 2011
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      Destruction in Cataclysm | The Demonic Mage (4.0.6 Updated) - Elitist Jerks (DESTRO)

      Spell Priority

      • Improved Soul Fire (Keep this buff up!)
      • Immolate
      • Conflagrate
      • Bane of Doom
      • Corruption
      • Soul Fire (Empowered Imp)
      • Shadowflame
      • Demon Soul
      • Chaos Bolt
      • Shadowburn (Sub 20% HP)
      • Incinerate

      Basically, you should always open with Soul Fire, generally an instant cast through Soul Burn, and continue to keep the buff up as much as possible, this includes hard casting it. In addition using Demon Soul on cooldown is important, preferably with on "Use" trinkets. After that it is simply a case of keeping Immolate, Corruption and Bane of Doom up as much as possible, while using Conflagrate and Chaos Bolt on cooldown.

      If safe, using Shadowflame while in melee range will provide a DPS increase, however it is not worth going "out of your way" to do this, running a long distance into melee range would be a DPS loss. If all of the above is done, revert to Incinerate.

      When the boss reaches 20% HP, using Shadowburn on CD will result in an increase in DPS, it is also great when used on adds to replenish your Soul Shard supply.
      AoE and Multiple Targets

      In a large AoE situation, where there are no issues of threat or possible group wipage, then Rain of Fire, Shadowflame and Infernal should all provide an acceptable amount of damage.

      For more controlled multiple target damage, tab targeting non-cc'd mobs with Immolate and Corruption and then proceeding with a single target rotation on each mob until it is dead will be the most optimal way of dealing damage.
    16. froggystyle

      froggystyle New Member

      Jan 8, 2011
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      Affliction in Cataclysm | DoTs and You (4.0.6 Updated) - Elitist Jerks (AFFLICITION)

      Spell Priority

      • Haunt
      • Bane of Doom
      • Corruption
      • Unstable Affliction
      • Drain Soul (below 25%)
      • Shadowflame
      • Demon Soul
      • Shadow Bolt or Drain Life

      Basically, using Demon Soul on cooldown is important, preferably with on "Use" trinkets. After that it is simply a case of keeping Unstable Affliction, Corruption and Bane of Doom up as much as possible, while casting Haunt on cooldown to keep 100% uptime on the debuff. After that, simply spam Shadow Bolt or channel Drain Life.

      Once the boss reaches 25% HP, begin to channel Drain Soul, while continuing to cast Haunt on CD and refresh Bane of Doom when required. Drain Soul will automatically refresh Unstable Affliction when it ticks, so you should not need to worry about this.

      If it is safe to do so, using Shadowflame while in melee range will provide a DPS increase, however it is not worth going "out of your way" to do this, running a long distance into melee range would be a DPS loss.

      Note: If you are choosing to use Drain Life as your filler of choice, and no one in your raid or party is able to provide the 5% crit debuff through "Shadow and Flame", then casting Shadow Bolt once every 30 seconds would be beneficial to your personal DPS.

      Note 2: If you are on a fight that you are constantly using glyphed Soul Swap on, then switch to Bane of Agony instead of Bane of Doom, as Bane of Doom can only be applied to 1 target.

      [top]Optimal Opener

      During Wrath of the Lich King, DoTs did not update on a per-tick basis with boss debuffs and it was much more beneficial to open a fight by applying these debuffs (Haunt, Shadow's Embrace and Improved Shadow Bolt) before applying DoTs, however in 4.0.1 this was changed so that DoTs damage would update on the fly with boss debuffs.

      This means that it is no longer beneficial to delay applying our DoTs to get these debuffs up. Hence the optimal opening for Affliction will look something like this:

      Bane of Doom > Unstable Affliction > Corruption > Haunt > Shadow Bolt spam. Then continuing to follow the priority detailed above.

      oE and Multiple Targets

      Affliction has 2 main tools for multi-target damage - Soulburn: Seed of Corruption and Soul Swap. For fights with more than 2 targets, then Soulburn: Seed of Corruption is the clear winner, followed by spamming Seed of Corruption. You can also use Soulburn: Seed of Corruption, then proceed to tab-target Unstable Affliction onto targets. If safe to do so, using Shadowflame on cooldown would also be beneficial.

      For fights with 2 main targets, using Soul Swap (Glyphed) to transfer your DoTs to from one target to another will be a significant increase.
    17. froggystyle

      froggystyle New Member

      Jan 8, 2011
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      Demonology in Cataclysm | The Demon Within (4.0.6 Updated) - Elitist Jerks (DEMO)

      Spell Priority

      • Metamorphosis
      • Demon Soul (Felguard)
      • Immolate
      • Hand of Gul'dan
      • Bane of Doom
      • Immolation Aura
      • Corruption
      • Shadowflame
      • Incinerate (Molten Core)
      • Soul Fire (Decimation)
      • Demon Soul (Succubus)
      • Shadow Bolt

      It is a basic case of using your cooldowns (Demon Soul and Meta) as often as possible.

      Immolate, Corruption and BoD should have as close to 100% up time as possible, while using HoG on cooldown, Incin when Molten Core procs and Soul Fire if Decimation is up, otherwise revert to SB.

      If safe to do so, using Shadowflame and Immolation Aura (Meta) within melee range is also a good idea for increasing DPS.


      One of the changes made to Metamorphosis since 4.0.1 is the introduction of the Impending Doom talent. This means that our Metamorphosis ability will have an ever changing cooldown that will need to be closely monitored.

      Currently, Sims are showing the possibility of this cooldown being as low as 100 seconds (Heroic T11), however the actual number will vary quite a bit depending on RNG, cast times (gear) and movement.

      As a general rule, you want to be using this as often as possible. At the start of the fight and then on CD from then guarantees potential uptime isn't wasted, however, with good encounter knowledge, if you are safely able to line this up important events such as bloodlust/heroism and Decimation then I would suggest doing so.

      An even better than general rule of using Meta would be to try and time this effect with the cooldown of your Demon Soul ability. Demon soul has a 2 minute cooldown, and often your Meta CD will end close to the same as this. Due to the multiplicative stacking nature of percentage based damage increases, it is even worth waiting (upto 10-20 seconds) for either to come off CD and using both at the same time.

      [top]AoE and Multiple Targets

      In a large AoE situation, where there are no issues of threat or possible group wipage, then channelling Hellfire, Felguard Felstorm, Infernal, Shadowflame and Immolation Aura in Meta will all provide a large amount of AoE damage.

      For more controlled multiple target damage, tab targeting non-cc'd mobs with Immolate and Corruption and then proceeding with a single target rotation on each mob until it is dead will be the most optimal way of dealing damage.
    18. CodenameG

      CodenameG New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      thanks froggystyle thats exactly what i needed.
    19. froggystyle

      froggystyle New Member

      Jan 8, 2011
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    20. lcf8088

      lcf8088 New Member

      Aug 24, 2010
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      Glad to see G working on a lock CC! Your work has always been top notch.

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