One thing I noticed while leveling a priest, is shadow completely sucks for leveling. Drinking every 3 pulls is terrible for the overall xp/hr. Is their a possibility to make it stop Mindflay/Mindblast if the target is within Shadow Word: Death limits. This way it would be able to proc spirit tap at the least.
This right here. Would love to see the use of Archangel option with a option to set the stack count 1-5. Overall a great healing CC. Been running Cata norms and BG its healing great. haven't tried heroic's yet...
fpsware, just for you ... if you need to run out of mana, or cast a spell over and over for whatever reason, here ya go! (use quest bot)
It is already supposed to do that, but it appears its not happening. EDIT: Fixed. I'll update the SVN in the next 1-5 hours.
SVN updated. Added: Power Word: Barrier (questing/grinding). I'll add PWB support for healbot soon (tm) Added: Archangel (what a effing hassle! LUA FTW!) . If you don't have the selected number of Evangelism stacks and the buff is about to expire it will cast Archangel so its not wasted. (It is not cast if you are: Mounted/Flying/Eating/Drinking).
I'll try the new build here after this run... Just an update since yesterday (this includes a few build downloads).... Leveling steadly, no major issues with questing/grinding PvP seems ok, not the top, but its new but does get its share of Killing Blows.. sure after you've developed more it will go good. Instance running.. ya.. Mana is a big issue.. find it drinking after almost every big pull unless it just doesn't geet there in time cause of the last one. But people have reported it and your already working on it. Other then that, with my limited priest knowledge.. for a 'in-development' cc its going real nice.
The default levels for healing are set very high and it tends to overheal and use a lot of mana. I was messing around last night and I lowered the settings, that made it more mana friendly. But basically you need to adjust them to where your character "fits". Shadow Word: Death will now properly interrupt other spells in order to be cast. This should result in a lot more killing blows and better grinding.
it's funny because i DID read the entire thread but now i can see the attached files whereas before i couldn't..
Don't download the attached files. They were only temp builds fit for 1 purpose. Use the build on the SVN.
i have noticed it on mobs that are immune to certain spells such as dots it just keeps trying to apply them over and over again untill its oom and dies.. cant help u anymore atm but atleast u know a thing to look out for in the future other then that its working really good for me dont be like that im just tellling u it is happening. i dont have a log im not there anymore.. it was in searing gorge fighting golems.. it went casting holy fire then apply shadow word pain OR devoiring plague im not sure untill holy fire cd was gone and repeat. just trying to help u.. but fine it was first and last time. i understand its easier for u with log file but i have not and i know what i saw and thought i should let u know.
SVN updated. Build 0.0.82 Mind Blast and Mind Flay *WILL* be interrupted in order to cast Shadow Word: Death if the target < 25% health. OH YEAH!
FPSware, I thought I remember in your hunter class an option to save the settings for a certain spec. Is that a viable option for future releases of this class as well? I would love to be able to tweak each spec's settings and just load them on the fly as I switch from healing to dps etc. Thanks very much for working so hard on this class.
Sounds good. Thanks for the quick response. Going to try out a 85 dungeon now with me new priest now!
Sweet jesus thank you. In other news, during instance healing if a Blood Spec tank is well tanking. It is not detect properly, and continues to spam Fortitude.