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  • Singular - A community driven All-In-One CC - It Just Plain Works - (Pt. 2)

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Xanathos, Apr 19, 2011.

    1. Xanathos

      Xanathos Active Member

      Jul 25, 2010
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      Apoc, you can change Affliction for Warlock to at least orange. That's what I'm currently using (with a couple of personal tweaks) and it works mostly fine.
    2. Fraak

      Fraak New Member

      Mar 24, 2011
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      Warlock contributions

      Here are some warlock updates. The Demo part is from Crowley, Raphus and a tiny little bit from me. and Some non instance destruction routine I made. For the destruction routine I used quite some parts from Raphus again.

      The destruction routine is verry poorly tested so dont expect anything from it. I will be updating it when the weather here is a bit les sunny ;).

      Attached Files:

    3. mctrix

      mctrix Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      using a dk the bot wont let me pick this cc to use...
    4. StefanKFG

      StefanKFG New Member

      Sep 5, 2010
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      What Class are you?:


      What Spec are you?:


      What 'context' is the bot in? (Instance, BG, Normal):

      Only questing so far

      What level are you?:


      What revision of Singular are you using?:

      254 (I think, I'm not sure. Updated 3-4 days ago)

      Have you made any modifications to Singular?:


      Are you using a branched build, or the trunk build? (Only viable for developers):


      What version of Honorbuddy are you using?:


      CC works good except for Consecration. My toon uses this at every single mob, so if I edit the count when it should be used, it doesn't take affect. It cost a lot of mana so the downtime for drinking is to big. Is this an already known issue or is it my personal problem :)?
    5. Lockwood

      Lockwood Member

      Jul 30, 2010
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      New Warlock DEMO alpha-Please review!

      Apoc or Fraak (or indeed any1 experienced with this)

      Can you take a look at this CC code for me. Trying to help out and make a PVP demo Warlock CC with some fear/DC logic and anti stun.

      Also tried to incorporate Drain Soul

      I would love some feedback and someone who is more experienced at CC's to take a look at it for me.

      Attached Files:

    6. froggystyle

      froggystyle New Member

      Jan 8, 2011
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      can we get some destro love :)
      Destruction in Cataclysm | The Demonic Mage (4.0.6 Updated) - Elitist Jerks (DESTRO)

      Spell Priority

      • Improved Soul Fire (Keep this buff up!)
      • Immolate
      • Conflagrate
      • Bane of Doom
      • Corruption
      • Soul Fire (Empowered Imp)
      • Shadowflame
      • Demon Soul
      • Chaos Bolt
      • Shadowburn (Sub 20% HP)
      • Incinerate

      Basically, you should always open with Soul Fire, generally an instant cast through Soul Burn, and continue to keep the buff up as much as possible, this includes hard casting it. In addition using Demon Soul on cooldown is important, preferably with on "Use" trinkets. After that it is simply a case of keeping Immolate, Corruption and Bane of Doom up as much as possible, while using Conflagrate and Chaos Bolt on cooldown.

      If safe, using Shadowflame while in melee range will provide a DPS increase, however it is not worth going "out of your way" to do this, running a long distance into melee range would be a DPS loss. If all of the above is done, revert to Incinerate.

      When the boss reaches 20% HP, using Shadowburn on CD will result in an increase in DPS, it is also great when used on adds to replenish your Soul Shard supply.
      AoE and Multiple Targets

      In a large AoE situation, where there are no issues of threat or possible group wipage, then Rain of Fire, Shadowflame and Infernal should all provide an acceptable amount of damage.

      For more controlled multiple target damage, tab targeting non-cc'd mobs with Immolate and Corruption and then proceeding with a single target rotation on each mob until it is dead will be the most optimal way of dealing damage. ​
    7. echelon17

      echelon17 New Member

      Jan 6, 2011
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      For protection Paladins, please make 'Judgement' the opening pull spell. This in turn activates 'Judgements of the Wise' which starts the mana replenishment immediately, meaning less downtime for drinking etc.
    8. theatristformallyknownasG

      theatristformallyknownasG Active Member

      Jan 16, 2010
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      Yes, reported several times, Ret Paly was kicking ass and not drinking at all it was so efficient, latest update basically made it as slow as hell because the mana drain was huge and made it drink like a fish, even changing the drink % did nothing, older version needs to come back in a hurry.

    9. |Dexter|

      |Dexter| New Member

      Mar 4, 2011
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      In Gatherbuddy 2 mode the Retribution pally keep casting "Retribution Aura" when landing and "Crusader Aura" when mounted this looks really bad and got bot writen all over it! Can you please change it so it cast "Retribution Aura" again only when it get in combat?!
    10. Lockwood

      Lockwood Member

      Jul 30, 2010
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      Can somebody have a check over my Demo Lock PVP CC please and advise anything that needs changing.

      The present build sucks for pvp.

      Someone please assist me on this one. I've done most of the work already, just needs a checkover and me to be able to ask some questions.
      Last edited: Apr 21, 2011
    11. mopysworld

      mopysworld New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Wish you all the best of luck rets...

      raphus is the man you need to talk to... as all the recent fixes/changes has been done by him. I gave up offering fixes/patchs to singular (normal/Instance) after the last two submission have been pretty much ignored.

      Current issues that I see so far.

      1). still no support for tauren warstomp as a interrupt that was asked previously.
      2). It is STILL checking for "Hand of Light" instead of Divine Purpose as per 4.06 update.
      3). No ability to change Seals/Auras as was requested previously. (Currently uses SoT/Ret aura now by default... which it should but now that SoI is not in there mana issues run abound do to Conc being used single target rotations)
      4). AoE count is still at a static 3 instead of a variable that could be changed to reflect EJ effective use at 5+ mobs.
      5). No use of Exo on pull if AoW has a unused proc.
      6). WoG is the only heal spell and is not used on a Divine Purpose proc as requested for previously.
      7). Still no trinket support :(

      Stuff that are asked since the last time I did a update on it...
      1). Don't swap Crusader to Ret or what ever until in combat. (Me personally I have always done swap to ret/devo when I land since I play on a pvp server and get jumped ALOT. But can see how it can be assumed bottish if toon is taking off and landing in rapid successions.)
      2). Clean up / debug rest routine to correct mana issues.
      3). Combat is Slow ???? (Details?)

      I haven't tested the new Blessing routine so can't comment there. I wish you all the best of luck and hope all your issues get resolved soon.
    12. lunatiq

      lunatiq New Member

      Jan 28, 2011
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      What Class are you?: Warlock
      What Spec are you?: Demonology
      What 'context' is the bot in? (Instance, BG, Normal): Normal
      What level are you?: 85
      What revision of Singular are you using?: 290
      Have you made any modifications to Singular?: No
      Are you using a branched build, or the trunk build? (Only viable for developers): Trunk
      What version of Honorbuddy are you using?: 4492

      Moves while trying to cast Soul Harvest and Healthstone.
      Last edited: Apr 21, 2011
    13. Lockwood

      Lockwood Member

      Jul 30, 2010
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      I've been trying a few things. Especially for my new Demo Lock PVP CC.

      However, in the community spirit of this CC none of the Devs or experienced CC makers have bothered to have a look over my beta version or respond to my PMs.

      This isn't a community CC.

      I'll be working on it and hopefully it will finally work. I won't however be releasing it because I do not believe there is any community input into new CCs or support for people trying to contribute (I'll PM you with it once it's working lunatiq).
    14. Apoc

      Apoc Moderator Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 16, 2010
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      I'm just going to rewrite the entire ret pally (and likely prot/holy too) rotations. If you wanna gimme a detailed rotation (or link to one in the other thread) I'll be more than happy to reimplement it properly.

      Most of the issues you're talking about, were introduced while I was busy with other internal projects with HB.

      I'll be doing quite a bit of cleanup. That includes removing entire rotations if they're not up to snuff.
    15. theatristformallyknownasG

      theatristformallyknownasG Active Member

      Jan 16, 2010
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      That would be great, 3 HB releases ago ret paly was sweet, maybe start there.

    16. Lockwood

      Lockwood Member

      Jul 30, 2010
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      Warlock pvp demo

      I've tried to do a Demo Lock PVP CS routine for Singular.

      Including new demo fear/death coil logic and anti stun (with Everyman for himself support)

      I still can't manage to stop the movement during create healthstone or soul harvest -APOC TAKE NOTE <--------------------------------------------------

      Could some1 please advise why this isn't compiling? HB's descriptions are USELESS at explaining, there is no WIKI to explain how singular works.

      This is the last time before I give up. could SOMEONE please help out with the final touches to this CC.

      I have attached the CS file.

      If someone helps with this and gives me a hand I'll add in some more features etc but I am still learning.

      I have an msn is that helps. PM if you are interested in helping with the Warlock PVP set.

      Attached Files:

    17. Hasp

      Hasp New Member

      Apr 2, 2010
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      For warriors in PvP it spams Hamstring in between every other skill. So it's like hamstring > mortal strike > hamstring > battle shout > and so on. It makes the damage terrible and pretty much nothing happens but hamstring gets refreshed all the time. Would be nice if it was cast only if it didn't already exist as a debuff or if improved hamstring was off cooldown.
    18. Jon310

      Jon310 Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Please follow the posting guidelines:

      No one can do anything with the amount of information you gave. Some specifics would be good too.

      Did the target already have hamstring on it? or was it slowed by something else and kept hamstringing because it couldn't apply the debuff.

      Edit: Pretty sure I fixed the issue. let me know how it works for you. On a side note. I do not know if I can work in improved hamstring. There is no debuff to track or way to tell if its off CD that I know of.
      Last edited: Apr 22, 2011
    19. Jon310

      Jon310 Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I have a bug to report.

      What Class are you?: Warrior
      What Spec are you?: Arms
      What 'context' is the bot in? (Instance, BG, Normal): BG
      What level are you?: 85
      What revision of Singular are you using?: Latest
      Have you made any modifications to Singular?: No
      Are you using a branched build, or the trunk build? (Only viable for developers): Trunk
      What version of Honorbuddy are you using?: 4492

      Please provide an explanation of the bug. The more detail, the easier it will be to resolve.

      When loading into battlegrounds I'm noticing singular using skills used only in the normal version of the cc and not included in the PvP version. Currently there is no instance of Heroic Throw being used in the ArmsPvP.cs. However the warrior will frequently use heroic throw when in battlegrounds.

      Log attached.

      Attached Files:

    20. lunatiq

      lunatiq New Member

      Jan 28, 2011
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      What Class are you?: DK
      What Spec are you?: Blood
      What 'context' is the bot in? (Instance, BG, Normal): Normal
      What level are you?: 75
      What revision of Singular are you using?: 254
      Have you made any modifications to Singular?: No
      Are you using a branched build, or the trunk build? (Only viable for developers): Trunk
      What version of Honorbuddy are you using?: 4492

      Would you please add the proper presence according to it's SPEC? DK Blood spec is still using Unholy, why I don't know and it is rather stupid.

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