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[ProfessionBuddy] Obsidium vendor shuffle

Right now it seems like the bottom value of obsidium will be around 30-35g. .

Are you saying this is profitable right now as it is with Obsidium priced at 30-35 gold per stack (selling for ~30 g/stack on my server currently)
average of 6 green quality gems per stack of ore x 9g per cut gem = 54g on average.. so yes, 30g per stack would be profitable with this
Crap. My bad. I had a brain fart and was thinking Elementium. I *wish* I could find Obsidium at 30 g/stack.

Has anyone done the math to see what the threshold is for Elementium to be profitable currently?
Crap. My bad. I had a brain fart and was thinking Elementium. I *wish* I could find Obsidium at 30 g/stack.

Has anyone done the math to see what the threshold is for Elementium to be profitable currently?

[Obsidium Ore]: 55.23g per stack
Prospect (Jewelcrafting). Cut the resulting gems into any cut (Jewelcrafting)

[Elementium Ore]: 39.75g per stack
Prospect (Jewelcrafting). Cut the resulting gems into any cut (Jewelcrafting)

[Pyrite Ore]: 27?g per stack (Prospecting data still being gathered)
Prospect (Jewelcrafting). Cut the resulting gems into any cut (Jewelcrafting)

Uncommon gems: 9g per unit
Any Jewelcrafting cut

Rare gems: 3.75 per unit
Any Jewelcrafting cut

[Savage Leather]: ~14.26g per stack
Craft into [Razorshell Boots] (Leatherworking)

[Embersilk Cloth]: 5g per stack
Craft into [Bolt of Embersilk Cloth] (Tailoring)

This could help.
A little trick: Once I've bought all the sub 50 gold ore off of the AH, I post up one stack at around 45 gold. Generally, what happens then is that all the people just auto posting with an undercut end up posting back in at 44 gold or so, which I quickly snap up.
Update (8 April, 2011)

Since logging onto the PTR to test, it appears that the uncut price for green quality gems remains 5g. This puts the new vendor floor for Obsidium is 29.74g per stack, and 26.8 for Elementium. These numbers were calculated at WoW Prospector by inputting 5g into the price field for each rare and uncommon prospecting result.
Im getting dc everytime it withdraw ores from bank. And I cant log in again for a while because it says "a character with that name already exists".
Log attached.


i must be missing something here. i open up wow, open up honorbuddy, set to DoNothing, go to plugins->Proffessionbuddy, load your profile and click STOPPED which then changes to Running. but it does nothing after that? i have over 50 stacks of ore in my bags and more in the bank. but it wont prospect any of it. i have 525 mining and 503 jc. Any ideas?
When I first download this, I downloaded the file on the first link-and it did the same thing-nothing.

Are you using the JCShuffle_2-4_1339.xml‎ version of the file? This is the one that is working flawlessly for me.

I load HB, login, switch to DoNothing, load a profile (I just use the AV profile), swap to plugins, enable profession buddy, click load, load the profile, click the start button. It will ask five questions (Do you want to retrive new ore? From Guild Bank? From Personal Bank? From Mailbox? From AH?) Answer those, and it's off! Works very well starting the profile at the main Org bank.
Im having a similar problem...might be something to do with the new hb...but it pauses for a long period of time then it will makea gem

EDIT: Just reloaded previous HB and it works as intended
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I'm aware of issues when running this profile in combination with the new HB. Expect a new release within 3 days. I'll also include support for PB's built-in settings function. Looking into the Guild Bank issue.
Could you have it also include elementium ore? I find flipping it the quickest way to dispose of what I pick up while herbing.
I'm aware of issues when running this profile in combination with the new HB. Expect a new release within 3 days. I'll also include support for PB's built-in settings function. Looking into the Guild Bank issue.
so any good news?
Can you modify this profile so it will prospect and vendor greens uncut gems ?
Green gems are now only 5g cut and uncut. Is it still worth vendoring the uncuts?

The baseline price now is approx 30G instead of 45G with the lowering of vendored gems from 9G to 5G. That means it is still profitable, IF you can get stacks at or below 30G per.