If you want any support you must attach a full and complete log file. EDIT January 24 2012 - edit by Hawker to resolve line of sight issues caused by API changes. This CC has only had limited testing (up to level 70) and is primarly designed for PVE questing/grinding. It will work in instances (instancebuddy) and PVP but has had very little testing. Recommended spec for leveling/questing: Unholy or Frost. Put talent points anywhere it doesn't care what you spend them on. Installation instructions: this CC must be in a folder called Fpsware Death Knight. UI. (the current settings are based on Frost spec). Quick spec setup: At the botton of the UI form there is a dropdown field that will quickly change the settings based on the option you select from the dropdown; Frost spec, Blood spec and Unholy spec. These are not perfect and are ment to be used as a base only. To clarify, your settings are not saved per spec. This will only populate the settings suitable for the choosen spec. If you want any support you must attach a full and complete log file.
Reserved for smart ass comments about people who can't follow basic instructions. 1. Moujoohoo. Can't follow even the most basic instructions. No log file attached! Your posts have been deleted. This is why I want someone to invent an internet controlled tazer! 2. Pushkivan. Can't follow instructions! Not installed in the correct folder. 3. Wirello. Can't follow instructions. No log file! 3. Almanekra. Can't follow instructions. No log file!
So, we can call the folder "FpsWarez DK"? <ducks as Fpsware throws a brick, and deletes her comment> chinajade P.S. - We *love* the new SVN technique. THANKS so much! EDIT by Fpsware: /me attaches dynomite to the brick before throwing it
working well so far. if you can't get it to compile the folder name is not correct - it should be installed in Fpsware Death Knight.
Before you take it to ZG/ZA I suggesst you test it against a training dummy. I'm not entirely confident the rotation is correct. Play with some of the settings and let me know how it goes.
i did try it on a trainign dummy it was sitting around 8 - 9 on the boss so with buffs it may get to 10...i sit around 11 - 12 playing as my self
after more testing Deathknight - Barebone Edition - 10.05.2011 got 9 - 10k sat around 9.4k (22-05-2011_9_22 AM 5440 Log) Singular - 11 - 12k sat around 11.4 - this used the pet (22-05-2011_9_25 AM 5060 Log) Fpsware Death Knight - 8 - 9k sat around 8.8 (22-05-2011_9_27 AM 5696 Log) I have attached the logs for each
How do you think the rotation can be improved, what would you change, what do you do different to the CC? EDIT: I can get a very different average DPS by tweaking the settings slightly. Try playing and see what changes. EDIT: What spec are you?
im really not sure but with me playing my self i get and sit at 10k on the dummy... It doesnt spam frost strike enough/fast enough - i changed the bar for when it can cast it with how much rune power to rather lower but watching the bot he doesnt use his runepower fast enough ive attached my settings and with it i sit on 9k edit - When i play i spam frost strike/Icy touch and when it procs i hit obilterate when i have adds i spam howling blast. i use pillar of frost asap and empowering rune weapon i use outbreak as soon as its up if im taking damage i use magic shield and use death strike when needed
I've changed the priority of Frost Strike. Update from the SVN (zip file is not updated) and let me know how it goes.
SVN Updated. There has been a MASSIVE increase in DPS (Frost spec). Much thanks for MCTRIX for all his assistance and testing with this build.
Right now, it's not death gripping at all, the bot will run to whoever its targeting until it hits once then it'll start the frost rotation. I also didn't see a death grip option in the CC options, maybe I'm just missing it it. I also attached a log file, I did notice another error that repeated pretty frequently looking back at the log file. Could be my fault though. I had to zip it because the log was pretty big.
There is no option in the UI for Death Grip. It will use Death Grip in the pull logic, but only if the target is out of range of Icy Touch. I'll add Death Grip in the combat logic. I'll do some PVP testing over the next couple of days and see what I can fix. The build you are using is slightly out of date. Update from the SVN.