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  • Druid Flight Form concerns

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by bigbadaboom, May 26, 2011.

    1. bigbadaboom

      bigbadaboom New Member

      Dec 30, 2010
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      I run Tauren Druids with GB so it harvests herbs extremely fast (due to it's racial). What usually happens is the bot will land on top of the herb, and if a mob is near it will get into combat as soon as it touches the ground or as soon as the mob touches my druid. It will then proceed to shift out of flight form and fight the mob, ignoring the herb until the mob is dead.

      As a druid, the bot easily has time to pick the herb and fly away before the mob has a chance to hit it, even more so for Tauren Druids because of the .5 second harvest time.

      The fix for this would be for the bot to attempt to harvest the herb one or two times even if it is in combat, then fly away if successful in harvesting said herb, and it ignores the aggressive mob completely. This would save so much time and make the bot so much more efficient instead of wasting time fighting mobs it doesn't have to fight.

      This is the second time I've posted, since Tony was going to talk to Ruphus in regards of this is issue, but I haven't heard any reply yet. So I am just checking to see if any fellow users are having the same issue herbing as a Tauren Druid? If so how did you guys deal with it?

      P.S. Sorry to bother you Tony, but I'd really appreciate if this issue has been brought to Ruphus by any chance?

      Thanks in advance. :)
    2. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      GB2 should avoid the combat while your char is herbing on flight form o_O

      so i guess that your Gb2 dont work like this?
      do you have a log that shows the problem?
    3. bigbadaboom

      bigbadaboom New Member

      Dec 30, 2010
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      I understand about avoiding combat, which makes the character fly away once it gets into combat and go back to the harvesting node once he gets out of combat am I correct?
      I notice that, even if it does avoid combat if the character get hit once, it'll always shift into combat form to kill the mob.
      My concern is really not about this, it's about Tauren Druid's racial being able to herb in 0.5s.
      Let's me put it this way, if there can be a fix which would make the bot to attempt to harvest the herb one or two times even if it is in combat, then fly away after harvesting the herb, and ignores the aggressive mob completely. This would save so much time and make the bot so much more efficient instead of wasting time fighting mobs it doesn't have to fight. The only reason people make tauren druid for herbing is because of their 0.5s cast, and if it had to fight (sometimes) it makes it less efficient and very bottish.

      My HB2 is working fine as intended, I am just concern if there could be some sort of a fix that I mentioned above to make it more efficient for Tauren Druids harvesting herb.
      Maybe even an option that we can have in the bot setting or allow CCs to add options to completely ignore mobs even if it gets into combat and just herb then fly away.

      Thanks in advance.
      Last edited: May 26, 2011
    4. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      yeah got it now

      i will talk with raphus about it
    5. MrBig

      MrBig Member

      Jan 25, 2010
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      I noticied same behavior on mine, thus I am using feral cat so it will burn mobs faster, if he could harvest the herbs instead of picking a fight, then it would be awsome, since I can manually do this, even when in melee range, since 0.5 harvest is faster than most mobs swing timer.
    6. bigbadaboom

      bigbadaboom New Member

      Dec 30, 2010
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      Great thanks Tony! Hope to see or hear any upcoming changes from you or raphus soon!
    7. mrtrailmix

      mrtrailmix New Member

      Dec 19, 2010
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      I also feel this is one of the major problems with the bot that needs to be hotfixed asap everyone knows im a bot because as a tauren druid i fight the mobs instead of just picking the herbs many people have whispered me saying they know im a bot because of this please fix asap i haven't herbed on my tauren druid for a long time because of this.
    8. bigbadaboom

      bigbadaboom New Member

      Dec 30, 2010
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      I hope more people would actually come and continue with this post, until something is fixed. I don't see the point of leveling a Tauren druid and end up not be able to use it to herb, then ended up with a DK or Pally to work on the harvesting job. I hope to see an incoming hotfix as well. I am sure there was tons of thread being posted back, but no additional hotfix or features was added into hb.
    9. Makelio

      Makelio New Member

      Jan 17, 2011
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      when character is Tauren Druid and when in combat enable 6sec's delay before attacking the enemy. when delay is enabled harvest the node and continue route, if failed to harvest the node or delay expires change to cat form and kill the enemy (i dont know how to code this thought but this is the idea). i dont think it will fail to harvest the node coz of the racial
    10. bigbadaboom

      bigbadaboom New Member

      Dec 30, 2010
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      I don't see how hard would it be to input the code of disabling fight back during a combat which is ONLY available for Tauren druids. I did a search earlier through the forum and I've found quite a few people with this problem and ended up leveling another character to harvest. Seriously, if we put it this way making gold is all about EFFICIENCY if I could harvest herb much faster throughout the entire course you'll be using less time while harvesting more herb.

      I even see a reply saying that even a normal player harvest with a druid will try to fly back and forth to avoid the mob beside a node before harvesting. It made me think... if it was me controlling the character to harvest and I am a Tauren druid I'd just fly down there harvest with 0.5sec racial and poof fly away... why would I even bother fighting back or flying back and forth to try to avoid the mob beside a node? What exactly does flying back and forth to get out of combat seems normal for a Tauren druid?

      I am sorry I am not trying to be a dick here, but stating some facts that HB could simply add a tiny extra kick into it to make it so much more efficient for certain class.
      If it's possible I am sure we all would like to hear if there'll be a fix to this in the near future?
    11. mrtrailmix

      mrtrailmix New Member

      Dec 19, 2010
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      I'm surprised they haven't realized this them selves considering they probably farm as tauren druids lol
    12. mrtrailmix

      mrtrailmix New Member

      Dec 19, 2010
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      bump was this issue never addressed?
    13. 13rock

      13rock Member

      May 28, 2011
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      Do you ahve any trouble Mining? I tried leveling it in Elwynn, but my druid wouldn't shift out of form to mine. It wouldn't land, so it wouldn't be able to autoshift back.

      I'd like to know if it's just me, so I can drop skinning (which isnt working for druids) and pick up mining.(Which would be more useful anyway)
    14. aprisma

      aprisma New Member

      Feb 25, 2011
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      Works perfect for me. If for example a crocodile attacks the toon flies away, fly back, and try to get the herb. It does that about 3-4 times and then it start combat which is in my opinion a good solution.
    15. bigbadaboom

      bigbadaboom New Member

      Dec 30, 2010
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      well, i've gotten reply from mods saying he'll pass a message down to the dev (twice), but I haven't see any changes or fix to it.:)

      are you a tauren druid? flying 3-4 times back and forth then get into combat? give this a try: fly down by hand let the mob hit you while you harvest herbs as a "Tauren" druid, and tell me how fast you can herb and fly away, compared to flying 3-4times back and forth then get into combat and shift out to kill the mob then fly away? :)

      you should post your log so tony could read it, if you're having trouble shifting form out for mining, the issue we're addressing is "why can't a tauren druid not shift out and herb with it's racial (0.5sec harvest) while ignoring the mobs attacking it".
    16. aprisma

      aprisma New Member

      Feb 25, 2011
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      yes tauren druid. if i try to get the herb manually during i am hit from crodile and a wesp i need some tries to get it without fight. I am always interupted. So I prefer like HB2 handels it.
      First it tries to get it quick without comat.
      Second it tries to ***** the mob with moving away, come back and try to get it without fight.
      Third - it kills the mob and get the herb.
      But we all have different flavors. I dont have the problem to make enough herbs and trinkets - I have the problems to sell them all :)
    17. 13rock

      13rock Member

      May 28, 2011
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      you should post your log so tony could read it, if you're having trouble shifting form out for mining, the issue we're addressing is "why can't a tauren druid not shift out and herb with it's racial (0.5sec harvest) while ignoring the mobs attacking it".[/QUOTE]

      I figured it was related. Don't want to start a new thread for something that can be looked at at the same time.
    18. lordsithius01

      lordsithius01 New Member

      Jun 8, 2011
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      Same issue- Before i got my bot i leveled herbing up on my druid to maximize profits when whiptail was at its peak on my realm. Now i was forced to level herbing on another toon due to the stupidity of my bot. In my opinion, the bot is now worse that it trys to fly away. Before it would automatically dismount and kill then grab the herb (obviously botlike) now it attempts to act retarded at almost every node and then kill the mob and grab the herb (even more botlike and more time consuming). I hope there is a plan of action to address this because I believe there's way over the 20 or so people on this thread about the issue.

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