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  • BGbot and pvp is vry choppy in movement

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by kayes, May 21, 2011.

    1. kayes

      kayes Active Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      If I find a bug I will use the proper way to forward it, but when the bug is so obvious I won't spend ages on the bugzilla with screenshots logs and what not. I spend enough time making my toons stay online so they can farm atleast the $$$ they use in gametime.

      Sorry if it seems "lazy" but all we want is a dev that fires up a toon, load a CC and see for them self and give us atleast a hint of feedback. It is too damn quiet.
    2. Anonuzer01

      Anonuzer01 Active Member

      Sep 9, 2010
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      The log is there to help them diagnose what is causing the problem. What may be happening on your computer setup may not be happening on my computer setup. If you want problems fixed, you have to give them the information they need. They aren't just asking for logs to make things hard for you personally, they are asking because they truly help to diagnose problems.
    3. webhond


      May 23, 2011
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      Ill try to make logs, as said, when its not obvious.
      Last edited: May 25, 2011
    4. kayes

      kayes Active Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Did you actually read what I wrote?

      I know exactly why they need logs, but lately there have been so many releases that is awfull that I just post obvious bugs so we can get a feedback if and when they are fixed.

      Ill repeat it once again, I don't want to spend day in and out to post bug reports with bugs this obvious. If I should post a bug report for every thing that is wrong with every release of HB I could just quit my job and sit at home posting bugs.
    5. swiftzoom

      swiftzoom New Member

      Jan 9, 2011
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      Sounds like fun, you should give it a try some time and report back to us on it.

      Then don't, there is no obligation for you to do that. It just may reduce the amount of time it takes for that bug to be fixed, as you may have encountered it while others haven't. OR on the other hand, if it's a bug that's well known, leave it as is because it's already been posted and there's no need to make duplicate bug reports, as it just makes even less time for them to sift through the list of bugs to fix.

      I'll state it again, programming isn't a walk in the park(For most people anyways, I've seen a few people who find it similar to their primary language), nor is finding a bug in the code and fixing it (unless it's blatantly obvious or the writer of the code knows exactly whats wrong(mostly the case with newly added objects from the programming)). They kind of have a real life too and I'm guessing a real job as well(Unless the HB team is really a bunch of AI's....*gasps*).... so I'd have to guess that with the time of that, programming HB, trying to fix bugs, that they don't have all the time in the world to respond to every bug post in the forum. They can do their best to read the bug and fix it if they've got time and deem it a high priority.

      This thread should have died already because the bugs been reported already. Note the name of the battle ground bot too(BG Bot BETA). You may start complaining again about it when the name changes to BG Bot.
    6. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      The forums have no tool for gleaning "more than just me" information. Conversely, this situation is obvious when the bug is reported via BugTracker.

      It comes down to a problem of time management. Honorbuddy developers are a scarce resource.

      The developer is going to address issues that follow the defined procedure, and have adequate information. Bug reports that are sloppily written (i.e., have no logs or screenshots or whatever) are simply going to be "pushed to the back". The developer can knock out ten well-written bug reports in the time it takes to do the research for the sloppy one.

      Needless to say, unwritten bug reports (i.e., forum complaints that were never written up in BugTracker) will simply not be addressed. As, there is plenty other well-defined work for the developer to do.

      Every bug the developer addresses has the multiplying-effect of fixing it for the whole community. So, naturally they are going to knock out as many as they can. Sloppy or unwritten bug reports just slow the process down, so their priority is implicitly lower.

      "Post obvious bugs" is not the procedure for reporting them. Feel free to do it, but you're just wasting your own time and 'blowing into the wind'.

      Feedback of "if and when they are fixed" is provided by BugTracker. Thus by not using BugTracker, you are choosing to not receive the feedback you request.

      BugTracker is the mechanism for reporting Honorbuddy bugs. "Posting bugs" in the forum is just people complaining. It doesn't get anything fixed--never has.

      You might not like the situation, but that's the reality of it.

      Last edited: May 26, 2011
    7. donmagicjuan

      donmagicjuan Member

      Dec 31, 2010
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      It's funny because I took a 3 month break from WoW and now that I'm back it seems the BGBot is in an even worse state than it was in before. This bot is called HonorBuddy and yet the devs are more focused on harvesting and archaeology.
    8. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      "Honorbuddy" is a marketing term, not a requirements list.

      And the word "honor", has a much bigger definition than PvP. Questing can just as easily fulfill the definition of "honor". So can grinding for rep.

      If you know of a better PvP bot, feel free to use it.

      Last edited: May 26, 2011
    9. swiftzoom

      swiftzoom New Member

      Jan 9, 2011
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      I'd personally like to see your reasons for believing this, because the HB dev's have worked hard on BG Bot in the past few months making it even better then it was before. It's by far more compatable with every BG than it once was. The only BG I haven't seen significant work on is SoTA, however I understand that they have priority's and I respect their effort to improving HB as a whole. Just because people are whining non-stop about bugs, doesn't make the bot worse than it once was, they simply aren't reporting the bugs properly.
    10. kayes

      kayes Active Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Lets just let this thread die. Ive been arond since the SY days, and I have posted quite a few bug reports since then.

      I respect that the dev's have private lifes
      I understand that in a perfect world all users would use the correct tools to post bugs to help out developing the bot further
      I understand it is a "beta"
      I understand that coding and bug tracking is not a walk in the park
      etc etc etc.

      But when it takes litterally weeks before my bug reports are adressed, and every release is crap, I loose that respect. Im not here to make a huge discussion, I make posts like this so when others have the same issues they can search the forums and get answers. Right now there is only forum police wannabees that want to tear apart everything I write for their own pleasure.

      How long should a program be in beta?
      Why can't atleast SOME of the dev's reply to threads and give us atleast a small hint of what is going on?
      The bot IS awesome, but the "tiny" bugs that make it almost useless is really anoying, and the very basic features of the bot wont work properly because the dev's release a "new and better version" It is harsh, I know, but its been a long time since I woke up and found my bots running.

      The fact is, I find myself spending more time babysitting the bot than I spendt playing the game. Please explain the point in having a bot when the situation is like that.
    11. blobbing

      blobbing New Member

      Sep 19, 2011
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      idd absolutely everything i would hope it is resolved soon as im not being funny its movement and the way it just mounts up dismounts goes thru fighting players is just way 2 obvious i wud rly be suprised if i didnt get caught if i was using it for hours straight like i want to be able to but just cant :/

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