I'm noticing it's doing the same exact thing with mord's CC also. It must be an HB error or something. Your CC and Mord's both death grip in questing/grind bot just fine. For some reason in BG bot it doesn't do anything until it lands a melee hit before starting the rotation.
Just out of curiosity, when you see the character running towards a player manually hit Icy Touch and see what happens.
When I icy touch manually he starts the combat routine like normal. It's actually much faster, he starts the combat routine right away instead of waiting for a white hit.
I did some PVP testing myself. I think you're right, something is up with HB. Its waiting far too long before HB gives the CC control. PVE is fine, but PVP is far too slow.
Not working I'm getting an error after I choose the CC. I also then changed to my pally using the FPS Paladin and it didn't even show up when I selected the CC for him. So I removed the FPS DK file from the HB folder and restarted HB and it showed up. Not sure but it seems like they're conflicting with each other.
You have not followed the installation instructions. You are doing it wrong, read the installation instructions. There is a small compatability issue with my newer CCs and some of my older CCs I'm in the process of fixing this.
Hmm... The PVE combat works absolutely perfect, but in InstanceBuddy it wont even target the mobs. And when i target them manually, it kills them perfect.
Just a heads up, PVP rotation is different. Check Arenajunkies. Should be spamming Howling Blast, keeping Necrotic Strike up and Frost Strike when Killing Machine procs. Well from knowledge anyway Also having Mind Freeze, Strangulate and any racials for interrupts would mean a sweet DK pvp cc
Ahh Fpsware you just keep making life easier one CC at a time and for that we thank you. PS: Rolled a DK just for this
Thanks for this CC, it works really well. Sometimes it doesn't move close enough to attack mobs, stays like few yards too far away from the attack range. Anyone else has this sort of behaviour?
Here is my log and a picture. 1) It don't fight back, just stops when a mob attacks and die. 2) Getting the error you see on the picture when I press the CC Configuration What is wrong here? As you can see in log I used the lasted version through SVN
[18:49:52:390] System.NullReferenceException: В экземпляре объекта не задана ссылка на объект. в Hera.Fpsware.get_WantButton() в d:\Honorbuddy для 4.1а\CustomClasses\Fpsware Death Knight [22-05-2011]\fpsware.cs:строка 58 в ..(Object sender, EventArgs e) в System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e) в System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e) в System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent) в System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks) в System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m) в System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m) в System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m) в System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m) в System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m) в System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam) wrote it while trying to adjust
Hi, moujoohoo, and thanks for the log! <chuckles> Read the bold stuff in Post #1, and a further hint in Post #3. This information should solve your problem. cheers, chinajade
FYI I'm not ignoring your posts, I've been extremely busy with exams over the last 1-2 weeks. And on top of that I've had all (3) of my botting accounts suspended for 72 hours, I'm taking this time to put more effort into study until my exams are and done with (for this semister at leasts). I'll address all posts when I have time. Also, those have have sent me PMs asking for support - I delete every single one of them! I do not provide support via PMs. If you want support post in the appropriate thread!
I am checking this CC out and really enjoying it. One suggestion that I am not sure if is possible is with the Option that you have for Lazy-raider Support. While it seems that option disables most movement, it doesn't disable all, my character still wanted to chase people that got our of range and try to target and chase people that attacked him. I personally prefer when the CC just does combat meaning that it doesn't target when attacked and doesn't chase the people that try to run away. The reason for that is that when a person runs away sometimes I don't want to chase them, such as today I was running it in TB and the person was basically trying to pull me away from the flag and the bot was chasing him when me personally I would have just stopped attacking him and went back to flag and kill him when he comes to me. I dont like the Bot fighting me for movement as its trying to chase one person and I want to attack someone else or stop attacking. If you need logs for any of this I can provide.
After a few seconds of fight on a dummy, my dk just stops and stands there doin' nothing. Look at the log. greetz weischbier
Im having a couple of issues with this, one isnt so bad, the other is rather annoying. The one that I can work around is by simply disabling raise dead. When there are two mobs on me, and my dk uses raise dead, the ghoul iwll attack the other target. This causes me to lose threat on it, and after I kill my target my char just sits there dumb founded while my ghoul solos the other one. The second and more annoying problem is that I can't seem to get my death knight to use heart strike, ever. I have it set to be used "always" in the settings.