FYI you can't really get any epics before you are lvl 75 Also wanted to update what I got now: I have NE trinket, Boy emperor ring, tol'vir sword, bug mount, fossile shield. ALL the pets (even monkey hand) couple silly epics that is use items, and also the lvl 71 axe
Well I've got epics, such as the fossil shield. fossilized raptor, bones of transformation, and blessings of the old god and of course the lvl 51 robe. Then of course I've got several pets.
I think at this point it's safe to say AB has treated the majority of us quite well. If not then you are just an impatient derp who should be leveling it by hand instead of sitting and watching it all day. Go get some sun! I have ran this through ALL of Eastern Kingdom with no issues getting stuck. If it does it fixes itself quickly. Now I have been hearing rumors about changes to Archy in the new patch coming up. I just hope it wont ruin our fantastic experience with AB thus far.
Update, just woke up and the battle tank is on solve need 100 more fragments then its mine. So now I ring, nelf trinket, healer staff and the bug mount and loads of other shit. After bug mount ill move my guy over to troll/dwarfes digistes to get more rares for my proffessor title
I hate you so much :<. For the first time in long time i decided to let it run over night, woke up and i had a wow error. And it had only ran for about 30mins. fml
Hehe, well I have had arch run for over 2 weeks. But to be honest I dont care about the epics its just a nice thing to have at the side. but I guess im in quite a bit of luck its my 88th tolvir solve. have heard people who've solved over 400 and havent gotten it. Keep botting, u earn alot of money m8 aswell as epics. No need to be in a hurry
I HATE WHEN THAT HAPPENS LOL. You have your good and bad days with AB... Another thing that sucks is when you wake up to being stuck in a tree in STV for how many hours lol.
My wife has been extremely lucky getting everything I want on her account lol. She has the sword and the ring :/
"Wish i could say my wife had" lol. jk, shes not playing wow. So i feel your pain lol. Guess im just as unlucky as you are.
hi guys, im new with curious.. can i set it so it uses the keystones for certain races, but not others?
Pretty impressive way to level in my opinion and many thx to the developers. From 67-85 in 4 days using 280mount +crusader aura, only surveiing in kalimdor. Earnd nearly 9k gold and got following rares: bones of transformation crawling claw fossilized raptor pendant of the scarab storm ring of the boy emperor wisp amulet queen azshara's dressing gown tyrande's favorite doll chalice of the mountain kings druid and priest statue set fossilized hatchling highborne soul mirror kaldorei wind chimes pterrodax hatchling haunted war drum vodoo figurine ancient amber still looking forward to get the extinct turtle shell, scimitar of the sirocco, the allmighty in'rokh, destroyer of worlds and finally blessing of the old god. but i think these are the hardest ones to get. so for the troll and dwarf relicts kalimdor is pretty useless and i have to move to the eastern kingdoms?
well i just learned one thing, once you hit 80 it opens up twilight highlands even if you're only maxed out at 450. i ran my bot over night and he died over and over because he was in twilight highlands lol. guess i'll blacklist that one.
Remember when Achy first came out and everyone said achy bot would never happen? I was always thinking positive and I knew someone would figure it out. This has been a fantastic tool and by far one of the most used HB products to date. Very well done!
just got bug mount DDD so happy D on my fresh 85 today success ding 85 + bug mount GREAT D