Hello, After being banned every time I use a grinding profile, I wish to know how safe BG botting really is, as I would like to use it. Compared to grinding anyway, because I really want to get PvP set for character, but I've had 2 suspension and one full account closure, and surprisingly I still have access to it, but I don't wanna get banned again... I know, why bot then? - - I still use Quest Profile Bot, just not Grind. If BG bot is the same detection rate as Questing profile, I have no problem... So, could someone please explain how risky BG botting is (Only 2 Grinding) Thanks
Well, I got the full pvp set and the full justice set on 3 accounts from Bg botting, not a single ban
I have used both healer and multiple dps classes. Its just about getting a decent CC and then letting it do its thing. Its just as safe as other forms of botting. I have done it all night and capped my 4k many many times
I usually only bot AV and sometimes AB. I never have good luck doing anything else. This weekend with Gilneas, the it just has bad news written all over it (for my mage/warlock anyways). I prefer to run healers aswell, sucessfully botting Priest/Sham/Druid to 85 via PvP healing on good CTA weekends mixed with Arch in the week. (Sham went from 30-72 in one weekend via CTA)
Either way your risk is the same, Tips to avoid getting noticed, Keep your gear up to date so people don't send tells, And make your gear look at least worthy of your class. As for grinding, I would find a better profile..... Usually bad profiles are what get you into trouble.. You get stuck or just not using your space effectively enough, people see you standing around doing nothing in the same area all day it draws attention
I use the PvP bot on my main, so far I've gotten full pvp set and full heirlooms for two other accounts, the thing is that I always (almost always) come out as top healer using sm0ke's cc, so nobody's going to question that Im a bot
Grindbot is purely a ban bate. No profile is going to change if your going to get banned or not. Blizzard notices when you been grinding mobs strait for 8 hours with no brake.
Thanks for the comments, luckily I do have paladin I could spec to healer. Guess WSG is out of the question then. Lol
I botted my 2nd rogue fully BG'ing to full Bloodthirsty. No bans so far, really. And rogue profiles were horrible. Still are, I guess. For Sub at least.
TRUE STORY I had to go out of the city for 2 days to my farm to cut grass and do general maintenance, during that time i ran "BG Bot [Beta]" using the plugins; Refreshment Detection, -Custom- BGFix, Interrupter, Tidy Bags 3 Reloaded, Bloodthirsty Gladiator, Equip Me 2, Bug Submitter, and LeaderPlugin. and the addon BG Defender (pretty much announces shit in battlegrounds raid chat like flag caps etc). So i came home to having 5/5 bloodthirsty, 2 rings, kneck, cape, boots, belt, bracers, 2 trinkets, and honor cap @ 4000 which i turned into JP and bought 2 pieces of BOA gear No ban & 100% AFK
Huh? Alot other BG's are fine on PvP bot? a few hicups but its pretty much afk'able... BG Beta sucks IMO
Ban risk of various botting activities: GOLD SELLING: Sure ban GRINDING: Very high risk PVP (battlegrounds): High risk GATHERING: Moderate risk FISHING: Safe INSTANCEBUDDY: Safe ARCHEOLOGY: Very safe COMBAT ASSIST: "LAZY RIDER" (combat or heal botted with player movement control): Minimal chances of banning
lol @ people saying its risky Its fine The problem comes in the CC's ... Play a BG using shamwow as a healer.. u will not look like a bot.. and u will be first on the healing tables Pretty much every other CC's(that I have tried) SUCK in pvp