Hi, I just hit level 85 and wanted to get some pvp gear, so i turned on BG bot.. it queued fine, but when BG poped up, it wouldn't click it, so i did manually, when he entered he runs a loop, gate to middle, looks botty... also, he targetted the flag carrier, but has like 3 people attacking him, why doesn't he change targets? also, in battle he walks a few spots then stops for abit and continues.. I heard BG bot was really bad, but i thought it would work good to a point.. is this normal or is something wrong?
Its doing it for all BGs, just stands at gate now, even in WSG, It was working in previous version, now wont even work in WSG with new
use the bugtracker and explain in as much detail as possible so Apoc can look into the exact issues (more detail > less detail)
Just tried, says error while trying to create bug report, you may be able to resubmit, elsee manually submit.
weird well, put all of the valid info here (in great detail) and Tony can bug apoc about it I see that you have some detail, but more details > less
I'm not sure what else there is, Major problems: Does not move, this is kinda weird, because It does and It doesn't - If i enter Battle Ground, It will NOT move at all, but If i move to where people are and what not, It will move itself to attack and whatnot, But once there's no one to kill or heal, it will not move again, just stays it the current position. (Also, If i die, will not move, stays at graveyard) Targeting - He targeted the enemy flag carrier, but was being attacked by like 3 other people, I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, but shouldn't he give up on the flag carrier at a certain point, if he is being attacked by to many, like, I'd myself would prefer him to attempt to kill them, just looks more, IDK.. human? Okay, Also, This was the first BG I entered upon using new version of HonorBuddy, was WSG, now at this point in time, It was moving, but I could see there was problems occurring, It was only at the gate when he would run to left hand gate, then run back to middle, in a loop until it opened. (I'm now back to using the previous version, and I can say it does not do this, however, get's stuck a little, and does look abit bottish, it works (probably until I get banned lol) I thought there was an issue with entering Battleground, but I am unsure now, as I've noticed that HB waits for xx amount of time before entering (6-9 seconds) - So It could have been messing up, but after thinking about it again, I can't say. Ahh, I didn't really notice any other problems yet, I hope Ive gone into enough depth for you, I've included a log in the above post. - Question regarding previous HB, now when he re-spawns at Graveyeard, sometimes he'll walk a little forwards, just run left then right, probably, 2-3 times? (If im lucky ) and then find someone to target or heal and stuff, was this planned to be fixed in new HB, because that's really only problem I have with previous version. Last thing, is there a way to make him face the target, he'll be facing one way, il being attacked from the other, does cause problems and is annoying
what i can see in your log are many errors so make a new Hb installation(including a new mesh folder) and make a try with all your plugins disabled
Will this help BG? I'll try it, even if it works, im going to stick with previous version for a while, thanks though. Will the GUI be changed in future?
my part is to suggest you and try to find solutions if you dont wanna follow our suggestions its up to you there will be fixes on GUI
Something is going very wrong there. Can you close WoW and HB, delete the WoW cache folder, delete the HB logs folder and try again? Remember to run WoW and HB as Administrator. Assuming it still doesn't work, please post back attaching the new log. We plan to do a release today and if there is a bug, it would be great to have it fixed in that release.
Since I (possibly) encountered a major bug but cannot get the bugtracker to work I'll just post it here. After one or two BGs, I joined a SoTA game. Once the bot had gotten off the boat and went about 20 yards, it completely stopped moving. Posting the log. View attachment 2011-06-10_12_11 5764 Log.txt I know there are alot of errors in the beginning due that I did not make a clean install of the latest version. Perhaps my bug is because that.
EoS big problem after jumping down, he tryes to go back under the rock and just stand there, does same thing over and overi start/stop bot to fix it, but if you dont have a spawn point from taken towers and need to rez at begining it does same thing. Sry i dont have log atm, but ill try post it tonight after i get home
I don't get that problem, mine jumps down perfectly, but how do I make him not eat every time he falls? I've disabled auto refreshment plug-ins, its just a bit annoying, also, how do I get him to face the right way when waiting in the pink bulb thingy? also faces backwards..