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  • HB ARCHIVES: ArchaeologyBuddy--DO NOT DELETE

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by chinajade, Mar 25, 2011.

    1. Forb1d

      Forb1d New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Ahh, sweet. thanks for letting me know. Then EK is working just perfect for me as an Alliance.

      Also, @Retoralic... don't know which subject you are referring to in that sentence, but if its about my "mod," you will get no proof. If its about me leveling so much in EK, then explain how I can prove it and I will =P
    2. leeg00

      leeg00 New Member

      Feb 24, 2010
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      Well I don't know why it would be hard to believe. I just got finished doing the same thing. I leveled my dk from 61 to 85. It took some time because of gettig stuck but it was done in ek.
    3. jprd105

      jprd105 New Member

      Jan 27, 2011
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      I just noticed I was getting stuck on the tree in EK i think it was stranglethorn. I thoguht this was fixed a few patches ago. RUnning AB 1.1.0404
    4. ubergoober

      ubergoober New Member

      Nov 19, 2010
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    5. Retoralic

      Retoralic Member

      Jun 6, 2011
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      Well its kinda hard for me to believe that your arch is working in EK. since my get stuck every time?
    6. aprisma

      aprisma New Member

      Feb 25, 2011
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      3 Problem Exavation Sites in Eastern Kingdom


      first I must say a big grats to the new version. It runs perfect under Windows 7 X 64 and I have no crashes any more. The new layout is also very good once you know where the features are now :)

      AB becomes really stable and you can let it run a long time without taking care. BUT its always the same 3 sites that makes problems. I dont have log file included because I posted one before and its always the same problems, so I think a description of the problem would help more.

      1. Aerie Peack (Nistgipfel)
      This is a site of the Wildhammer Clan. If you go there as Horde then there comes the moment where you are very near the inn. You start killing one guard, 1 second later another guard spawns, kill it, 1 second later another guard - kill it. More and more the toon goes into the building which ends up in a mass kill of ally guards. My tank char is very strong and can do it forever but it would never stop and every player there would know that you are botting and maybe will call the GM.

      2. Ironband Excavation Site
      There is a tent. And in this tent there are also guards. The toon like to fly to this tent and kill the guards. The respawn is also so fast that it will never stop. Also a very big danger getting caught.

      3. Nekmani Springs
      Every 2nd try there the toon falls into the water and cant get out. Its very tricky there because there is a small bridge with a well and small paths where you can fall. This is maybe a mesh problem. Also when doing this manually you must look not to fall into the water :)

      Except this 3 sites - Eastern Kingdom runs perfect. Thanx for all your hard work.
      It would be great if you could make the toon not killing PVP Guards. It would be OK if it just runs away, wait a bit and restart digging.

      PS: if your toon getting stucked in EK just use the plugin here that in this case it uses the heartstone to restart at the inn again - works perfect
    7. Stash

      Stash Member

      Jun 9, 2011
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      Got this problem in Desolace, had this problem a few times now.

      this is the problem digsite:

      And this is where it goes wrong:

      The place where my char stands is the place he tries to mount, flies up and falls down. Does this a few times, untill he goes to the start point of the digsite and the problem repeats itself.

      The place of the red cirlce is the place where is artefact is hidden.

      He does this untill he times out or untill HB crashed.
    8. xatlx

      xatlx Member

      Jun 16, 2011
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      Guys for some weird reason when i start this profile on my 6X dk he doesnt use mount ... he just run on foot to the dig site how can i make my guy use his mount ?
    9. dezaint

      dezaint New Member

      May 8, 2011
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      Hey, I've been trying out that plugin, but I dont know where to set the HS?
      I tried it in Gromgol camp (horde) in STV, but the bot never goes out of the building,
      he just stands there trying to mount up, but obviously, he cant...

      Please help me out how you solved this. Thanks!
    10. aiTMaster

      aiTMaster Member

      May 20, 2011
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      My toon dont slove items...
    11. sbzero

      sbzero Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Working good so far, i still somehow managed to lost in EK, it managed to find itself across a bridge after combat. "[ArchBuddy v1.1.0.390]:Can't find a valid point to survey Stopping the bot!"
    12. exmortis

      exmortis Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      i blacklisted these before i read about them here, but i do not have any problems with the "Nazj?vel Digsite" it sometimes stucks a litle in the big ruins on the midle of the island, but it finds it way out of it, for me anyway. with these many blackspots i sometimes end up with 3 out of 4 digsites that it wont fly to, havent been so unlucky as to it being 4. but this is afkable, ive had it go trough the night, on two profiles now, while sleeping. but in the morning i go take the blacklisted ones by hand. and let it run for a couple of more hours before doing the same. and over two days, i turn it of for one of the nights. i do not know if "Warden" detects long sessions, but if it does. im gonne give it the impression of the person "grinding" archaeology at least gets some rest now and then =)

      i will test out Eastern Kingdoms on my two next raf'ed toons. and post a report here. i will take them at least from 60-70, and if it works well after a few blacklists i will take em all the way to 85. and use it on my other toons to farm troll fragments. =)

      Edit: Ive decided i hate kodo graveyard as a Tauren, no stucks on my Blood elf though. yet.
      been a while since i had a stuck here, so i guess it all depends on how unlucky you are with where the fragments spawn.
      Last edited: Jun 19, 2011
    13. exmortis

      exmortis Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Tested it out on EK now, i got Aerie peak, and Ironbands Excavation site, blacklisted. with my 85 i got 525 skill, even though everyone says not to train over 375. this runs without any problems, depending on the events around the warzones in twilight highlands (dwarf place) it stays and fight for a few minutes now and then, but sucsessfully surveys the fields there.

      on my 7X paladin it failed a few times in Stranglethorn, but i had forgotten to put on Stuckhelper. wich i had on my hunter and didnt understand why the paladin had problems there. with that plugin it gets out of the trees succesfully every time now.

      I saw people blacklisting Nekmani Wellspring or whatnot. but i have not had any problems with now with the hunter or the paladin.

      hope this helps some people, remember to blacklist Aerie peaks, and the ironbands excavation sites, this is not because of stucks. its because of alliance guards spawning to fast and keeps you there. will edit this one message if i find any more with time.

      EK Blacklists:
      Aerie Peaks
      ironbands excavation site

      I would actually say that EK is better than Kalimdor. since i have 5 blacklists there, and it has only happened once, that all 4 sites were blacklisted. this cannot happen here. and theres one more type here as well, nerubian. im allready working on my puzzlebox. whatever it does.

      Edit: Having 5 blacklists in Kalimdor drasticly ruined the EXP/h, i had around 110k an hour there. in eastern kingdoms with the two blacklists ive put in, it outputs 240k exp/h average. this is from a 12 hour + run.

      Ive also noticed that depending on what order the sites come in, theres a few tree's here and there it stucks in, and a very few time the "stuckhelper" plugin wont help it out.
      Eastern Kingdoms is alot better, and recommend it to everyone, i feel stupid for going from 60-71 in Kalimdor. when its taken me less time to get two levels here then it took to get 1 level in Kalimdor.
      Last edited: Jun 22, 2011
    14. xatlx

      xatlx Member

      Jun 16, 2011
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      Just got my 2hander with 38 troll solve at 450 skill and lvl 7X :D
    15. Voetballer

      Voetballer New Member

      Jun 22, 2011
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      I cant seem to find the download link of this?
    16. HB6047L85

      HB6047L85 New Member

      Jun 19, 2011
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      hi i just started using this cool bot but i have found a "mistakes"

      its all in the STV area.

      one of the places it fails is at the spirit resser in the very top stv.. it falls down the side every time .. cant remember the name of the digsite atm

      but the real problem is, sometimes i get "stuck" in the trees .. so i just try and move forward into a branch but nothing happens.. i know the program auto try to avoid it but its not allways succesfull
      perhaps if you could add something like
      three stepps backwards .. fly up or down a few meters and then try again . i mean it should detect if i have been at the same spot for more than like 5 min.

      sometimes when i check the bot it has been hanging in a tree for up to an hour ^^ thats sad

      anyways thanks for a cool bot <3
    17. w746ehj

      w746ehj New Member

      Jun 13, 2011
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      so is it possible to run this while in outlands or northrend?
    18. aeus

      aeus Member

      Jan 15, 2011
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      I'm sorry to say but AB seems to get worse with each release. I used AB 6months ago with my char and I could do EK area AFK 1week straight without getting stuck (if I blacklisted 1 or 2 spots).

      Today I use 2.0.4928 and in the last 30min I restarted HB 3times because it gets stuck around the trees in STV.

      And I realized that in kalimdor it just stands still on some digsites sometimes forever and logs says nothing. Had this issue several times in different places.

      Got no log for it atm but I will post it later if I can remake the issue.

      But keep up the good work, this bot is amazing creation and with some tweaks and fixes it will be the 8th wonder of the world :D
    19. Malice211

      Malice211 Member

      Aug 4, 2010
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      I use AB exclusivly from lvl 60 to 85 for all my toons now. I only ever have any problem in Nek'mani Wellspring and Infectus Scar. I get stuck under an idol in Nek'mani Wellspring on occasion and stuck in water sometimes in Infectus Scar. I would love to see the bot use hearth if he gets stuck instead of trying to mount over and over again when in situations like this. Otherwise, it has worked great for me.

      Never had an issue with trees in Stranglethorn save for once or twice and the bot got himself unstuck. I afk all the time without an issue.
    20. Zeewolf

      Zeewolf Member

      Feb 2, 2011
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      Bael Modan, friendly mobs there are in combat.. they do an aoe battle shout that buffs you and also puts you in combat, however since you have not done any hostile action to any of the mobs you dont have any agro and HB doesnt have a target to kill to get you out of combat. You either have to manually kill all the mobs until you break combat or move away until combat breaks

      Its not an issue with AB as such as the same would happen if you were doing archeology manually in that dig site, however AB doesnt detect the problem and work around it. I recommend blacklisting that one site

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