I'm adding Rebirth now, I'll let you know once the SVN is updated. The logic I have used in this CC is completely differernt from the Priest CC, this one is better While the Priest CC does work, and it works damn well, its bit messy. But all my healing CCs support prioritised tank healing. But, if the tank has sufficent health and other members are lower in health it will override it and heal the other party members.
Innervate works as expected. Tree of Life I'm still implementing. The options for Tree of Life are: always, never, only during a boss fight. I will probably have to borrow the list of instances bosses from Singularity to save myself many many many hours typing it all in.
God how dumb am I.. don't answer that. I said Innervate but I was thinking Tranquility. tree looks a little tricky. I know hazz pops it on druid health but some times tank or 3+ might be bad and healer is at 100 so its kinda iffy. manually I pop it when tank and 2 more are bad and lots of damage coming in. some say to lifebloom everyone 1 time them go back and heal. hell when its that bad I am hitting everything and praying LOL lb +rejuv on everyone top to bottom on vudoo then spam big heals on tank. did they finally decide NOT to remove the bloom part of the heal in 4.2 ? benj180 can you post a resto tab pic of your settings? quick question for both of you I have 950 mastery and 650 haste are these too low, I have 650 crit and would not mind reforging some to haste.
Still playing with settings to get it right. Lifebloom, it still seems to have issues with keeping a full stack up constantly on tank. Edit: seems to work a tad better if i have the tank targeted. If there are other droods, can it distinguish between mine and their stack?
Actually it makes no difference at all if the tank is targeted, it does not target checking. It simply enumerates all raid and party members and casts the spell 'on' them, it does not care what target you have. Yes, all HoTs are checked against the owner. IE, if Regrowth is already on the tank but it was cast by another Druid, if the tanks health is below the required value it will still cast Regrowth. EDIT: Adding an option to heal pets now. Only because the tank on this (low level) run bailed out and the hunter decided to continue pulling using his pet to tank. Of cause, without the CC healing pets it didn't last too long
Yeah Lifebloom is def off. Should be a perm stack of 3 on the main tank target. Especially when u have the 4pc, as 540 spirit bonus if up Edit: also seems to use regrowth even with it set to never
I pretty much just leave the stack on. Don't rate the bloom. Nah dude, have been updating as you have released. Edit: also this is where a lot of the mana regen comes from. Thinking back to the fights earlier I did see it burn mana quicker than i would. Once i started manually keeping the stacks up in later fights, mana was much much better. Only just clued up that it was prob as LB wasn't up all the time.
SVN updated. Fixed: Healing Touch being cast on the player instead of the tank. Fixed: Misc other healing tweaks Added: Heal pets Added: Rebirth (battle rez)
SVN Updated with some minor tweaks. This build appears pretty stable, healing is good but it does require tweaking for your character. Don't expect to use the default settings and have it work amazingly. Its 4am and I'm off to bed.
this is what I am testing tonight on 5 man heroics. comments welcome If I can I am using rebirth myself to make sure I don't rez a party member at 10% boss health. trying for more a tank emergency or major player rez. fps have not looked at your code yet. how are you healing on clearcasting? <SwiftmendTank>... always</SwiftmendTank> <SwiftmendTankHealth>65</SwiftmendTankHealth> <HealingTouchTank>... always</HealingTouchTank> <HealingTouchTankHealth>30</HealingTouchTankHealth> <RegrowthTank>... always</RegrowthTank> <RegrowthTankHealth>30</RegrowthTankHealth> <RejuvenationTank>... always</RejuvenationTank> <RejuvenationTankHealth>95</RejuvenationTankHealth> <NourishTank>... never</NourishTank> <NourishTankHealth>55</NourishTankHealth> <LifebloomTank>... always</LifebloomTank> <LifebloomTankHealth>100</LifebloomTankHealth> <ThornsTankRestoration>... always</ThornsTankRestoration> <!--Restoration Party Members--> <SwiftmendParty>... always</SwiftmendParty> <SwiftmendPartyHealth>65</SwiftmendPartyHealth> <HealingTouchParty>... always</HealingTouchParty> <HealingTouchPartyHealth>50</HealingTouchPartyHealth> <RegrowthParty>... always</RegrowthParty> <RegrowthPartyHealth>30</RegrowthPartyHealth> <RejuvenationParty>... always</RejuvenationParty> <RejuvenationPartyHealth>95</RejuvenationPartyHealth> <NourishParty>... always</NourishParty> <NourishPartyHealth>50</NourishPartyHealth> <WildGrowth>... only on 2+ members low health</WildGrowth> <WildGrowthHealth>85</WildGrowthHealth> <Tranquility>... only on 3+ members low health</Tranquility> <TranquilityHealth>30</TranquilityHealth> <RemoveCorruptionRestoration>... immediately</RemoveCorruptionRestoration> <InnervateRestoration>35</InnervateRestoration> <BarkskinRestoration>... on aggro</BarkskinRestoration> <TreeOfLifeRestoration>... always</TreeOfLifeRestoration> <RebirthRestoration>... never</RebirthRestoration>
Please add a check for other debuffs, that have the same effect as "Mangle" or "Faerie Fire". Please also check, if another player casts Mangle or FFF -> then we would not use it (as a cat). Debuffs with exactly the same effects are: "Mangle" = "Trauma" = "Gore" = "Stampede" (yes, same name as our buff after feral charge, but in this case its a debuff on the target ) = "Tendon Rip" = "Hemorrhage" "Faerie Fire" = "Corrosive Spit" = "Tear Armor" = "Sunder Armor" (please check, if each of these 4 debuffs is applied with 3 Stacks, otherwise replace it with a 3 stacks fff debuff) = "Expose Armor" (Expose Armor didnt stack, it reduces armor by 12% with just one stack.) For Bear-Dps: Please do the same for "Demoralizing Roar" if you plan to integrate it. "Demoralizing Roar" = "Curse of Weakness" = "Demoralizing Screech" = "Demoralizing Shout" = "Scarlet Fever" = "Vindication"
I'm running this through its first Cataclysm instance on an extremely poorly geared character (all auction house greens) and its handling it extremely well. Mana levels have never dropped below 75%
Fpsware, Just wondering, if it is an HB problem...why doesn't it do it with your defauld druid cc. I don't have that problem when I use it...but not nearly the dps either.
if you plan on including pvp , i suggest to give healers in bg a higher priority to take down than dps classes.
At the moment there is no target prioritisation other than the tank. I'll be doing the same type of prioritisation for healing target as I have done for targeting enemies.