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  • HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by fhlhwow, Aug 17, 2010.

    Thread Status:
    Not open for further replies.
    1. grutamu

      grutamu Member

      Jan 15, 2010
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      [9:02:59 PM:968] KillBetweenHotspots: True
      [9:02:59 PM:968] LogoutForInactivity: False
      [9:02:59 PM:968] LogoutInactivityTimer: 10
      [9:02:59 PM:968] LogoutInactivityUseForceQuit: False
      [9:02:59 PM:969] UseExperimentalStuckHandler: True
      [9:02:59 PM:969] ProfileDebuggingMode: False
      [9:02:59 PM:969] FoodAmount: 0
      [9:02:59 PM:969] DrinkAmount: 0
      [9:02:59 PM:969] Anti-Drown
      [9:02:59 PM:969] Refreshment Detection
      [9:02:59 PM:969] AutoPrecision
      [9:02:59 PM:969] Loot Master
      [9:02:59 PM:969] OpenThatStuff
      [9:02:59 PM:969] Azenius
      [9:02:59 PM:969] EquipMe
      [9:02:59 PM:969] Questhelper - ItemForAura
      [9:02:59 PM:969] Talented
      [9:02:59 PM:969] Bug Submitter
      [9:02:59 PM:969] FormLocationX: 20
      [9:02:59 PM:969] FormLocationY: 20
      [9:02:59 PM:969] SelectedBotIndex: 10
      [9:02:59 PM:969] UseFlightPaths: False
      [9:02:59 PM:969] FindMountAutomatically: True
      [9:02:59 PM:969] UseRandomMount: True
      [9:02:59 PM:969] FoodName: Automatically detected, press to change
      [9:02:59 PM:969] DrinkName: Automatically detected, press to change
      [9:02:59 PM:969] MountName: Automatically detected, press to change
      [9:02:59 PM:969] LootMobs: True
      [9:02:59 PM:969] SkinMobs: False
      [9:02:59 PM:969] NinjaSkin: False
      [9:02:59 PM:969] LootChests: True
      [9:02:59 PM:969] HarvestMinerals: False
      [9:02:59 PM:969] HarvestHerbs: False
      [9:02:59 PM:969] UseMount: False
      [9:02:59 PM:969] PullDistance: 30
      [9:02:59 PM:969] LootRadius: 45
      [9:02:59 PM:969] FindVendorsAutomatically: True
      [9:02:59 PM:969] TrainNewSkills: True
      [9:02:59 PM:969] LearnFlightPaths: True
      [9:02:59 PM:969] RessAtSpiritHealers: False
      [9:02:59 PM:969] GroundMountFarmingMode: False
      [9:02:59 PM:969] LastUsedPath: C:\Users\PJ\Documents\Rawr\Featured Profiles\Horde\Starting Zones\Goblin.xml
      [9:02:59 PM:969] MountDistance: 75
      [9:02:59 PM:978] Activity: Initializing.
      [9:02:59 PM:978] Activity: Loading memory management & tables
      [9:02:59 PM:996] Activity: Loading Spells
      [9:03:00 PM:70] Activity: Initializing Spell Manager
      [9:03:00 PM:110] Activity: Initializing Plugins
      [9:03:00 PM:112]
      [9:03:07 PM:852] ItemForAura: Loading config file: C:\Users\PJ\Documents\Rawr\Plugins\ItemForAuraQuesthelper\ItemForAura.config
      [9:03:07 PM:852] ItemForAura: Active1=False
      [9:03:07 PM:852] ItemForAura: Active2=False
      [9:03:07 PM:852] ItemForAura: Active3=False
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Active4=False
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Active5=False
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Active6=False
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Item1=58165
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Item2=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Item3=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Item4=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Item5=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Item6=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Aura1=79651
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Aura2=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Aura3=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Aura4=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Aura5=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Aura6=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Quest11=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Quest21=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Quest31=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Quest41=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Quest51=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Quest61=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Quest12=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Quest22=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Quest32=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Quest42=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Quest52=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Quest62=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Quest13=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Quest23=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Quest33=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Quest43=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Quest53=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Quest63=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Combat1=True
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Combat2=False
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Combat3=False
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Combat4=False
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Combat5=False
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Combat6=False
      [9:03:07 PM:854] ItemForAura: Loading config file: C:\Users\PJ\Documents\Rawr\Plugins\ItemForAuraQuesthelper\ItemForAura.config
      [9:03:07 PM:854] ItemForAura: Active1=False
      [9:03:07 PM:854] ItemForAura: Active2=False
      [9:03:07 PM:854] ItemForAura: Active3=False
      [9:03:07 PM:854] ItemForAura: Active4=False
      [9:03:07 PM:854] ItemForAura: Active5=False
      [9:03:07 PM:854] ItemForAura: Active6=False
      [9:03:07 PM:854] ItemForAura: Item1=58165
      [9:03:07 PM:854] ItemForAura: Item2=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Item3=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Item4=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Item5=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Item6=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Aura1=79651
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Aura2=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Aura3=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Aura4=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Aura5=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Aura6=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Quest11=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Quest21=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Quest31=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Quest41=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Quest51=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Quest61=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Quest12=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Quest22=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Quest32=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Quest42=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Quest52=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Quest62=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Quest13=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Quest23=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Quest33=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Quest43=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Quest53=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Quest63=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Combat1=True
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Combat2=False
      [9:03:07 PM:856] ItemForAura: Combat3=False
      [9:03:07 PM:856] ItemForAura: Combat4=False
      [9:03:07 PM:856] ItemForAura: Combat5=False
      [9:03:07 PM:856] ItemForAura: Combat6=False
      [9:03:10 PM:913] Activity: Initializing Navigator
      [9:03:11 PM:42] Activity: Initializing Blackspot Manager
      [9:03:11 PM:46] Activity: Initializing Battlegrounds
      [9:03:11 PM:79] Activity: Initializing Flight Paths
      [9:03:11 PM:82] Activity: Initializing Routines
      [9:03:11 PM:96] Compiling C:\Users\PJ\Documents\Rawr\CustomClasses\Amplify
      [9:03:11 PM:945] Compiling C:\Users\PJ\Documents\Rawr\CustomClasses\Config
      [9:03:11 PM:947] Compiling C:\Users\PJ\Documents\Rawr\CustomClasses\Fpsware Druid
      [9:03:13 PM:387] Compiling C:\Users\PJ\Documents\Rawr\CustomClasses\Fpsware Hunter
      [9:03:14 PM:299] Compiling C:\Users\PJ\Documents\Rawr\CustomClasses\Fpsware Rogue
      [9:03:16 PM:72] Compiling C:\Users\PJ\Documents\Rawr\CustomClasses\ShamWOW
      [9:03:17 PM:225] Compiling C:\Users\PJ\Documents\Rawr\CustomClasses\SimpleCC
      [9:03:18 PM:328] Compiling C:\Users\PJ\Documents\Rawr\CustomClasses\Zerfall
      [9:03:19 PM:396] Activity: Initialization complete
      [9:04:31 PM:272] Start/Stop button pressed.
      [9:04:32 PM:990] Cleared POI
      [9:04:32 PM:990] Cleared POI - Reason Starting up
      [9:04:32 PM:991] Cleared POI
      [9:04:35 PM:521] Picking up Trouble in the Mines : 14075
      [9:04:35 PM:521] Goal: Picking up Trouble in the Mines
      [9:04:35 PM:529] Changed POI to: Type: QuestPickUp
      [9:04:35 PM:734] Activity: Loading Tile/s
      [9:04:39 PM:946] interact: 0x2834DF24
      [9:04:39 PM:968] interact done: 0x2834DF24
      [9:04:43 PM:280] Cleared POI - Reason Quest Completed
      [9:04:43 PM:280] Cleared POI
      [9:04:43 PM:618] Picking up Good Help is Hard to Find : 14069
      [9:04:43 PM:618] Goal: Picking up Good Help is Hard to Find
      [9:04:43 PM:618] Changed POI to: Type: QuestPickUp
      [9:04:43 PM:897] interact: 0x2834DF24
      [9:04:43 PM:897] interact done: 0x2834DF24
      [9:04:47 PM:487] Cleared POI - Reason Quest Completed
      [9:04:47 PM:487] Cleared POI
      [9:04:47 PM:756] Compiling expression 'HasQuest(14069) && !IsQuestCompleted(14069)' @ line 71
      [9:04:48 PM:523] Compiling quest behavior from 'C:\Users\PJ\Documents\Rawr\Quest Behaviors\InteractWith.cs'
      [9:04:49 PM:263] Could not compile quest behavior from 'C:\Users\PJ\Documents\Rawr\Quest Behaviors\InteractWith.cs'
      [9:04:49 PM:264] Line 139: 'Styx.Bot.Quest_Behaviors.InteractWith.SubversionId': no suitable method found to override
      [9:04:49 PM:264] Line 140: 'Styx.Bot.Quest_Behaviors.InteractWith.SubversionRevision': no suitable method found to override
      [9:04:49 PM:270] Stop called!
      [9:04:49 PM:323] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
      at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()
      at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()
      [9:04:49 PM:325] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
      at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()

      Bug after picking up 1st 2 quest in the goblin chain any help or idea?
    2. Kickazz006

      Kickazz006 Well-Known Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      you can comment out via <!-- before the selected text and --> after

      or you can just delete stuff until it works for u
    3. WrathofGod

      WrathofGod New Member

      May 24, 2011
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Yea I tried deleting it no luck. I'll try again tonight and let you know. So <!-- dsklafjiawermlksfsjdf --> to comment out.


      Yeap I still cannot get it. I tried to edit it out and delete it. Could I talk you into telling me what to edit exactly or possibly uploading a fixed one for me?
      I also thought about going to war so I could lose rep, but I can't do that either pfft damn consortium.

      Thanks Kick
      Last edited: Jun 23, 2011
    4. Megser

      Megser Well-Known Member

      Apr 17, 2010
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      308387][9:02:59 PM:968] KillBetweenHotspots: True
      [9:02:59 PM:968] LogoutForInactivity: False
      [9:02:59 PM:968] LogoutInactivityTimer: 10
      [9:02:59 PM:968] LogoutInactivityUseForceQuit: False
      [9:02:59 PM:969] UseExperimentalStuckHandler: True
      [9:02:59 PM:969] ProfileDebuggingMode: False
      [9:02:59 PM:969] FoodAmount: 0
      [9:02:59 PM:969] DrinkAmount: 0
      [9:02:59 PM:969]     Anti-Drown
      [9:02:59 PM:969]     Refreshment Detection
      [9:02:59 PM:969]     AutoPrecision
      [9:02:59 PM:969]     Loot Master
      [9:02:59 PM:969]     OpenThatStuff
      [9:02:59 PM:969]     Azenius
      [9:02:59 PM:969]     EquipMe
      [9:02:59 PM:969]     Questhelper - ItemForAura
      [9:02:59 PM:969]     Talented
      [9:02:59 PM:969]     Bug Submitter
      [9:02:59 PM:969] FormLocationX: 20
      [9:02:59 PM:969] FormLocationY: 20
      [9:02:59 PM:969] SelectedBotIndex: 10
      [9:02:59 PM:969] UseFlightPaths: False
      [9:02:59 PM:969] FindMountAutomatically: True
      [9:02:59 PM:969] UseRandomMount: True
      [9:02:59 PM:969] FoodName: Automatically detected, press to change
      [9:02:59 PM:969] DrinkName: Automatically detected, press to change
      [9:02:59 PM:969] MountName: Automatically detected, press to change
      [9:02:59 PM:969] LootMobs: True
      [9:02:59 PM:969] SkinMobs: False
      [9:02:59 PM:969] NinjaSkin: False
      [9:02:59 PM:969] LootChests: True
      [9:02:59 PM:969] HarvestMinerals: False
      [9:02:59 PM:969] HarvestHerbs: False
      [9:02:59 PM:969] UseMount: False
      [9:02:59 PM:969] PullDistance: 30
      [9:02:59 PM:969] LootRadius: 45
      [9:02:59 PM:969] FindVendorsAutomatically: True
      [9:02:59 PM:969] TrainNewSkills: True
      [9:02:59 PM:969] LearnFlightPaths: True
      [9:02:59 PM:969] RessAtSpiritHealers: False
      [9:02:59 PM:969] GroundMountFarmingMode: False
      [9:02:59 PM:969] LastUsedPath: C:\Users\PJ\Documents\Rawr\Featured Profiles\Horde\Starting Zones\Goblin.xml
      [9:02:59 PM:969] MountDistance: 75
      [9:02:59 PM:978] Activity: Initializing.
      [9:02:59 PM:978] Activity: Loading memory management & tables
      [9:02:59 PM:996] Activity: Loading Spells
      [9:03:00 PM:70] Activity: Initializing Spell Manager
      [9:03:00 PM:110] Activity: Initializing Plugins
      [9:03:00 PM:112] 
      [9:03:07 PM:852] ItemForAura: Loading config file: C:\Users\PJ\Documents\Rawr\Plugins\ItemForAuraQuesthelper\ItemForAura.config
      [9:03:07 PM:852] ItemForAura: Active1=False
      [9:03:07 PM:852] ItemForAura: Active2=False
      [9:03:07 PM:852] ItemForAura: Active3=False
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Active4=False
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Active5=False
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Active6=False
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Item1=58165
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Item2=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Item3=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Item4=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Item5=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Item6=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Aura1=79651
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Aura2=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Aura3=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Aura4=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Aura5=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Aura6=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Quest11=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Quest21=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Quest31=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Quest41=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Quest51=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Quest61=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Quest12=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Quest22=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Quest32=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Quest42=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Quest52=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Quest62=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Quest13=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Quest23=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Quest33=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Quest43=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Quest53=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Quest63=0
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Combat1=True
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Combat2=False
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Combat3=False
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Combat4=False
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Combat5=False
      [9:03:07 PM:853] ItemForAura: Combat6=False
      [9:03:07 PM:854] ItemForAura: Loading config file: C:\Users\PJ\Documents\Rawr\Plugins\ItemForAuraQuesthelper\ItemForAura.config
      [9:03:07 PM:854] ItemForAura: Active1=False
      [9:03:07 PM:854] ItemForAura: Active2=False
      [9:03:07 PM:854] ItemForAura: Active3=False
      [9:03:07 PM:854] ItemForAura: Active4=False
      [9:03:07 PM:854] ItemForAura: Active5=False
      [9:03:07 PM:854] ItemForAura: Active6=False
      [9:03:07 PM:854] ItemForAura: Item1=58165
      [9:03:07 PM:854] ItemForAura: Item2=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Item3=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Item4=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Item5=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Item6=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Aura1=79651
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Aura2=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Aura3=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Aura4=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Aura5=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Aura6=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Quest11=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Quest21=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Quest31=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Quest41=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Quest51=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Quest61=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Quest12=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Quest22=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Quest32=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Quest42=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Quest52=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Quest62=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Quest13=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Quest23=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Quest33=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Quest43=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Quest53=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Quest63=0
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Combat1=True
      [9:03:07 PM:855] ItemForAura: Combat2=False
      [9:03:07 PM:856] ItemForAura: Combat3=False
      [9:03:07 PM:856] ItemForAura: Combat4=False
      [9:03:07 PM:856] ItemForAura: Combat5=False
      [9:03:07 PM:856] ItemForAura: Combat6=False
      [9:03:10 PM:913] Activity: Initializing Navigator
      [9:03:11 PM:42] Activity: Initializing Blackspot Manager
      [9:03:11 PM:46] Activity: Initializing Battlegrounds
      [9:03:11 PM:79] Activity: Initializing Flight Paths
      [9:03:11 PM:82] Activity: Initializing Routines
      [9:03:11 PM:96] Compiling C:\Users\PJ\Documents\Rawr\CustomClasses\Amplify
      [9:03:11 PM:945] Compiling C:\Users\PJ\Documents\Rawr\CustomClasses\Config
      [9:03:11 PM:947] Compiling C:\Users\PJ\Documents\Rawr\CustomClasses\Fpsware Druid
      [9:03:13 PM:387] Compiling C:\Users\PJ\Documents\Rawr\CustomClasses\Fpsware Hunter
      [9:03:14 PM:299] Compiling C:\Users\PJ\Documents\Rawr\CustomClasses\Fpsware Rogue
      [9:03:16 PM:72] Compiling C:\Users\PJ\Documents\Rawr\CustomClasses\ShamWOW
      [9:03:17 PM:225] Compiling C:\Users\PJ\Documents\Rawr\CustomClasses\SimpleCC
      [9:03:18 PM:328] Compiling C:\Users\PJ\Documents\Rawr\CustomClasses\Zerfall
      [9:03:19 PM:396] Activity: Initialization complete
      [9:04:31 PM:272] Start/Stop button pressed.
      [9:04:32 PM:990] Cleared POI
      [9:04:32 PM:990] Cleared POI - Reason Starting up
      [9:04:32 PM:991] Cleared POI
      [9:04:35 PM:521] Picking up Trouble in the Mines : 14075
      [9:04:35 PM:521] Goal: Picking up Trouble in the Mines
      [9:04:35 PM:529] Changed POI to: Type: QuestPickUp
      [9:04:35 PM:734] Activity: Loading Tile/s
      [9:04:39 PM:946] interact: 0x2834DF24
      [9:04:39 PM:968] interact done: 0x2834DF24
      [9:04:43 PM:280] Cleared POI - Reason Quest Completed
      [9:04:43 PM:280] Cleared POI
      [9:04:43 PM:618] Picking up Good Help is Hard to Find : 14069
      [9:04:43 PM:618] Goal: Picking up Good Help is Hard to Find
      [9:04:43 PM:618] Changed POI to: Type: QuestPickUp
      [9:04:43 PM:897] interact: 0x2834DF24
      [9:04:43 PM:897] interact done: 0x2834DF24
      [9:04:47 PM:487] Cleared POI - Reason Quest Completed
      [9:04:47 PM:487] Cleared POI
      [9:04:47 PM:756] Compiling expression 'HasQuest(14069) && !IsQuestCompleted(14069)' @ line 71
      [9:04:48 PM:523] Compiling quest behavior from 'C:\Users\PJ\Documents\Rawr\Quest Behaviors\InteractWith.cs'
      [9:04:49 PM:263] Could not compile quest behavior from 'C:\Users\PJ\Documents\Rawr\Quest Behaviors\InteractWith.cs'
      [9:04:49 PM:264] Line 139: 'Styx.Bot.Quest_Behaviors.InteractWith.SubversionId': no suitable method found to override
      [9:04:49 PM:264] Line 140: 'Styx.Bot.Quest_Behaviors.InteractWith.SubversionRevision': no suitable method found to override
      [9:04:49 PM:270] Stop called!
      [9:04:49 PM:323] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
         at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()
         at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()
      [9:04:49 PM:325] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
         at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()
      Bug after picking up 1st 2 quest in the goblin chain any help or idea?
      Copy the InteractWith behavior that comes with your HB version and paste it in your quest behaviors folder -- Done.
    5. aungoo68

      aungoo68 New Member

      Jun 21, 2011
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      Azenius Plugin?

      Where would you find the Azenius plugin?
    6. Megser

      Megser Well-Known Member

      Apr 17, 2010
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      In the plugins folder of course :). That comes with the download.
    7. HB4713E76

      HB4713E76 New Member

      May 29, 2011
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      Kick, I have all your profiles, and they all are awesom. I just have a quick question, for bots that are [fly], do I need to have the fastest type of flying? Im asking this because I have flying but not cold weather, or the fastest one, but the hyjal questing bot keeps saying I need flying for this bot.
    8. Kickazz006

      Kickazz006 Well-Known Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      it requires the flying key or lifetime
    9. Kickazz006

      Kickazz006 Well-Known Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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    10. Kickazz006

      Kickazz006 Well-Known Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      have you:

      done quests manually, especially the tharassian chain?

      also, re-svn and tell me if that fixed it
    11. Zacharybinx34

      Zacharybinx34 New Member

      May 11, 2011
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      Kick, for the vendor error I told you about in Elwynn Forest before, where the vendor you have it set to has no food. Replace it with either <Innkeeper Farley> or <Barkeep Dobbins>

      They are both in the Lion's Pride Inn in Goldshire.
    12. Kickazz006

      Kickazz006 Well-Known Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I need the name of the vendor to delete =D
    13. tozededao

      tozededao Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      It dies a lot passing near Bloodwatcher Point in Badlands, theres a horde camp that kills you instantly :\
    14. Kickazz006

      Kickazz006 Well-Known Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      get me some blackspots and i'll stick them in there. hopefully it will obey them :(
    15. Zacharybinx34

      Zacharybinx34 New Member

      May 11, 2011
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      Didn't I post the vendor before?

      Sergeant De Vries - I believe.
      Last edited: Jun 23, 2011
    16. Kickazz006

      Kickazz006 Well-Known Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      he was the weakest link

    17. tozededao

      tozededao Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Here it is

      <Blackspot X="-6900.375" Y="-3501.76" Z="244.31" Radius="69.71878" />

      maybe the radius might not be enough since the mob is a lvl 85 and he has insane shot range, there's a guy reporting in wowhead that he died while flying and only hit the ground after 15 secs :s
    18. tozededao

      tozededao Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      <PickUp QuestName="Siege!" GiverName="Mountain-Lord Rendan" QuestId="28028" GiverId="47393" />
      <PickUp QuestName="They Build a Better Bullet" GiverName="Mountain-Lord Rendan" QuestId="28030" GiverId="47393" />
      <PickUp QuestName="The Mysteries of the Fire-Gizzard" GiverName="Agnes Flimshale" QuestId="28032" GiverId="47440" />
      <PickUp QuestName="Set Them Ablaze!" GiverName="Mountain-Lord Rendan" QuestId="28029" GiverId="47393" />

      Would be better if he picked all the 3 quests from the same guy instead of picking 2, and then having to come back to pick the last one :p

      <PickUp QuestName="Siege!" GiverName="Mountain-Lord Rendan" QuestId="28028" GiverId="47393" />
      <PickUp QuestName="They Build a Better Bullet" GiverName="Mountain-Lord Rendan" QuestId="28030" GiverId="47393" />
      <PickUp QuestName="Set Them Ablaze!" GiverName="Mountain-Lord Rendan" QuestId="28029" GiverId="47393" />
      <PickUp QuestName="The Mysteries of the Fire-Gizzard" GiverName="Agnes Flimshale" QuestId="28032" GiverId="47440" />
    19. Ripperpt

      Ripperpt New Member

      Jan 12, 2011
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      Hello i need some help.

      i need the proffession buddy do one thing.

      if a dont have X itens on bag e load X profile, but aftes e farm 40 of this mats he cast the Spell X

      some one can help me

      i have some part of the code but cant finish it


      <If Condition="InbagCount (2672) == 0 " IgnoreCanRun="True" ChildrenCount="1">
      <LoadProfileAction Path="GrindmATS\Spiced Wolf Meat.xml" ProfileType="Honorbuddy" />
    20. dezaint

      dezaint New Member

      May 8, 2011
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      can the guy on my realm using this profile please go somewhere else? Haha, damn feral druid! :D :D
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