For crying loud, it happened twice, been botting for 6 hours. I come back. 6 slots equiped with GRAY armor. The original ones are sold. I dont use any addons so thats not the problem and EQUIPME plugin is unchecked. So what the hell is wrong with this friggin bot, its the worst shit I ever encountered in my botting life. Please clarify, thank you.
The most common cause of this is an underpowered computer. If not underpowered, then overloaded. My toon is now wearing all grey armor cheers, chinajade
I retract 6 slots, its fuckin 9 slots. So I am now running a bot with 9 slots filled with GRAY armor. Even the sword, pff.
My laptop is a Centrino 2, with a gaming Nvidia card, Windows Experience Index is 5.0. I can run 5 wow instances and it will still be smooth. And now I am just running 1 wow instance. And I am on a 100mbit connection. Disappointed that this is even in the FAQ. Because this should be prevented in the bot and should never have a chance to happen. You know how long it took me to get those 9 pieces of armor + weapon? Everything sold and now I am equiped pretty much with GRAY items.