This is a really nice modification! Can you post the update on the CS on Single and HotR on AoE? I used this for tanking instances with LazyRaider. It was spectacular! I just had to make sure I round up the targets and let the CC do its magic. One thing I notice is though it will try to cast Flash of Light, gonna have to find a way to disable that for instances. Anyhow, great tweak. Hope the original author expand the CC by adding support for No-MV and such in order to make it "Official"
I wish this was good for 85 tanking single and multi target. I gave it a whirl when it was first out and you don't want to try it. It pulls everything even neutral mobs.
Use the modified script on page 6. Pulling and movement was disable. Which means you get to decide what to pull.
tried it Xenofell and he still starts fighting one mob then if another one is close he will take off running towards it and pulling and on and on. keep hoping that HB9806B90 gets his version done. single and aoe with no healing for instances will be awesome.
I like this CC alot and it's gr8 for Questing and Grindin, haven't PvPed with it. Only thing I've notice is that it never uses Consecration, atleast not for me. Maybe it's not suppose to? I don't know, i just feel that when it sometimes have like 4-5 mobs at the same time, it should really consecrate for more AoE dmg. Don't know if my CC is bugged or if I have to put it "on" myself. Great work!
This is fantastic buddy, used it on my 56 Protection Paladin for 5 hours AFK PVP, when I returned, I did the most damage in the current match and had gained second most honor. Great CC.
Anyone continuing work on this CC? Would be sad to see it fade off into the sunsets with no updates...
Can someone show me an example of how to get it to use kings in place of might, I tried tinkering with the code, but can't seem to figure it out. Out of the box it uses might. +Rep for help!
If you want it to use kings instead of might, search for: Code: private const int BLESSING_OF_MIGHT = 19740; replace "19740" with "20217" i.e Code: private const int BLESSING_OF_MIGHT = 20217; cheers.
Can it be smart about the blessing? If has MotW, or grouping with a druid, use might, otherwise use kings?
Anybody know where protpallygather.cs went. Same as original but kept crusader up and did not run to other mobs ?