Hey fps, I am having a slight problem with the CC while using LazyRaider. Im running some low level instances and The problem is that the paladin will auto target & auto cast on the tank's target. The lazyraider option is set to "always" I am using the latest CC updated by SVN. I'm not sure whether this is a CC problem or a LazyRaider problem. I would upload a log but it seems to have not recorded one since I am running two toons in the same folder. I am going to run another instance and see if I can get one generated if you need it. EDIT: added log. It looks like there are A LOT of exceptions. This I separated the folder so each toon has its own folder.
Heya fpsware, thanks for making this CC. I just have one slight request: Could you add an option of "manual" aura (or just add all available auras)? Reason I'm asking is because if you are using it with say combat/healbot and you are asked to put up resistance aura, or when I'm farming I'd prefer constant CA to make it look a bit more human.
I'm not sure what happen. But the CC stop working overnight after the last reset. It just pull with Judgement then Autoattack.
Amazing response time. I tried switching to Grinding and it work. Mixed doesn't work. Quest doesn't work. Going to try to re-download HB. Maybe a file was corrupted. UPDATE - Okied. Figure it out. It had to do with a quest. It needed to activate something during the fight and I guess the CC didn't like that. Manually completed the quest and the CC work again.
This is not caused by the CC. A CC is only responsible for combat and initiating combat (pulling) - but only after HB has selected an appropriate target. Anything happening outside of combat happens within the HB 'core', not the CC. The CC is not responsible for choosing a target, looting, training, navigation, vendoring, questing or anything like that.
Why do you have one adress for every CC? why just not http://fpswaresCCs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/CustomClasses/blahablaha/ Like Kick has his profiles, that way the users can shose do download all your CC?s in one go or just one by one.
Another suggestion: Add a "only with crusader buff" option to holy light that lets me pick to only use it with the crusader buff (300% bonus healing). The reason is that otherwise it will continue casting that slow heal that doesn't really shift health all that much rather than use flash heal which is preferably for my ret in most situations without crusader buff. Would be appreciated.
HB Crash Everytime I try to run this CC HB crashes. Here is log file. I don't usually have problems with your CC's fpsware, usaully very happy with your work. Thanks
I got a problem Could not compile CC from C:\Users\robert\Desktop\Honorbuddy_2.0.0.4991\CustomClasses\Class Specific! File: CC.cs Line: 57 Error: 'Hera.Fpsware.Pulse()': no suitable method found to override File: Combat.cs Line: 20 Error: 'Hera.Fpsware.CombatBehavior': no suitable method found to override File: Other.cs Line: 11 Error: 'Hera.Fpsware.HealBehavior': no suitable method found to override File: Other.cs Line: 63 Error: 'Hera.Fpsware.RestBehavior': no suitable method found to override File: Pull.cs Line: 13 Error: 'Hera.Fpsware.PullBehavior': no suitable method found to override Could not compile CC from C:\Users\robert\Desktop\Honorbuddy_2.0.0.4991\CustomClasses\Fpsware Paladin! File: fpsware.cs Line: 39 Error: The type or namespace name 'UIForm2' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
I don't get why I can't get your CC to work. I have your Druid one setup the same way but when I put the folder in the Custom folder (Fpsware Paladin) and extract all the files there I can't select your CC or config it. What am I doing wrong?
I'm taking a guess and thinking that maybe you have accidentally installed either the druid or dk CC into the paladin folder. Try deleting and re-installing your three FPSware CC's.
wrong. I removed the druid cc from the custom class folder and it works it just doesnt like having both in the same directory for some reason.
Please could you add a feature to the GUI to enable/disable the auto target feature so I can use the CC for tanking wise selecting my own target without it switching. As at the moment if I try to deselect a target that I am attacking it will reselect it straight away and run back towards it!
The CC should prioritize constant upkeep of Inquisition while in combat over everything else, it doesn't seem inq is even implemented yet so I assume that's on your to do list? And I'm not sure what you mean with you Divine Storm and Holy Power option... there isn't really an amount of HP that you stop using DS... DS acts as replacement for CS for when there are 3 or more mobs attacking. I'd like for an option for when to pop my cooldowns as well. Overall it is working well, but I would love to see this pull off sick deeps in a 10man, but it needs some changes. EDIT: This is in ret spec we are talking about.