Provided for a request its a basic profile with mailbox and a vendor in Uldum. Comments are welcome and i'll make changes. Your call
Just tested this. Runs smooth without any stucks. After 1h 30m the result is the following: 57 [Embersilk Cloth] 2 green items a few greys ~60g cash
I've only been running for about 15 mins and already have 82 embersilk 4 greens and a few greys and don't keep track of the gold picked up.
try this: View attachment Embersilk Cloth - Tol Barad.xml in tol barad way more drops, low health mobs
i am trying it now and it first went into the eternal protector area. Wowhead gives a rate 0f 62% on these for embersilk but i have watched it loot 15-20 and i haven't gotten one single embersilk cloth. They had to have changed the drop rate on these, but im afraid to try tol barad due to the possiblity of pvp people reporting me bot farming.
and now im watching my took repeatedly try and get over a stair case thats taller then him. Looks like a little adjustment for this area is needed, but im not positive it's supposed to be here. I'm still a noob and unsure what bot to use some of these profiles under. I tried GB2 and all it did on this profile is go to mine nodes. So i switched to grind bot and maybe thats not doing hotspots properly?
THANKS for that Tolbarad embersilk profile, that is BY FAR the best embersilk profile i have used, the ones in Hyjal, Twilight highlands and Uldum, shcnotts landing ect is worthless if you compare to the TB one, GJ!
depends on your server - i completely stopped using this one - rentability is too low on mine. i now sell volatile fire and similars - they are harder to farm. 2 reasons why i do this: 1. the harder they to farm in certain areas, the less people are around. 2. the harder to farm the more money you get. just use buffed, wowhead, gathering addons etc to find good spot for special items and you can become rich. but be aware of the fact that others do the same
The bot walks around the ruins and at 34,62 there is a set of stairs. It will hug the building and get stuck trying to jump over the stairs. This causes my bot to act very and obviously botlike. Jumping up and down, trying to get around it... to no avail. Then I log for inactivity. I've no clue how to do blackspots but it seems if you could blackspot the north side of this set of stairs it would make this bot 100% legit. That's the only part where I get stuck. Ever.. I've made over 12k G with this profile but those stairs are killin' me. Can anyone assist me in putting in blackspots?
I've tried blackspotting the entire stairs but the damned thing just keeps continuing to try to run through a wall. Can I get some help?
6 hours 240 pieces (12 stacks).....2 stacks an hour 25 green drops The gathe rate is similar to a profile I made myself (in the same area too, except I also added a few hotspots near the coast so I don't stay in one area for too long). The drop rate from mobs outside of instances is just horrible.