I am having trouble with my first farming profile. I have the common errors everyone has like the "This profile does not contain any profiles fitting the character!". I have adjusted the leveling and i am using the "grind profile" on HB. Well i let you guys sit on the log and profile and let me know what you think. I am trying to learn so any feedback would be nice. Im using HonorBuddy v2.0.0.5024
You've put out the wrong ContinentId, Uldum is in Kalimdor and the ContinentId = 0 stands for Eastern Kingdoms, therefore if you're in Kalimdor it wont run. Kalimdor has the Id = 1.
Still the same error, does it matter what type of CC i use? Also i am an 85 warlock. i dont know how much it matters on class.
PHP: <MinLevel>83</MinLevel><MaxLevel>85</MaxLevel> change max level to 86 also, unless they changed it, <Hotspots> </Hotspots> still has to be inside of a <GrindArea> and </GrindArea> tag
I saw another farming type profile ill try to plug my coords into that and see if it is just an old template.