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  • [PB] [A] Mining + Engineering fully automated

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Inrego, Jul 8, 2011.

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    1. Inrego

      Inrego New Member Buddy Store Developer

      Feb 7, 2010
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      After I started studying at the university, I realized that I don't have enough spare time for a project as large as this. If anyone wants to pick up the project, you're welcome to (there's the beginning of the horde side in 0.6 too if you wanna look into that)

      Hello there. I am in the progress of making a ProfessionBuddy Profile for lvl'ing mining and engineering without any user interaction. 1-525 is done! Now I need some bugfixing etc. If you run into bugs PLEASE post a full log (if it's very big try close and open HB and then reproduce the bug), along with a very detailed description of what it's doing and what your prof. skills are etc. Everything you can think of!

      This profile is atm ALLIANCE only.
      If you get any errors, please update your PB version using highvoltz's SVN!

      Current features + important stuff to know.
      • Load the profile in PB.
      • In GatherBuddy settings, make sure you set "when bags are full" to "mail to alt". Deposit to guild vault should also work I guess, but not HS & Exit.
      • Please make sure all your bags are at least 16-slot and emptied before starting this. It requires alot of bagspace.
      • If in doubt where to start it, SW should work any time.
      • Disable plugins like TidyBags. The profile will turn motes into primals without plugins, and will make them into motes again when needed. TidyBags and other stuff like that will ruin this.
      • I say it's best to make sure your toon has enough of gold. I really made this profile to be VERY cost efficient so should get the job done on low gold. Although if you want to nullify the gold costs, you can use the "Mats in Bank" option described below. Then it will only use gold to train skills and buy cheap stuff like Weak Flux. Like that you should earn more gold than you're using. I'm pretty sure my toon has kept itself self-running with the stuff it's sold on AH.
      • At the top of the profile (when loaded in PB) you'll see a list of stuff it'll buy off the AH when needed. You can estimate a starting amount of gold from this.
      • From the settings you can set "Mats in Bank" to true. If you do this, the bot will go to your bank to pick up the items it would otherwise buy at AH. You can also set this to "True" if you have some of the items. Then it should pick it up from bank when needed and buy the rest from AH.
      • This profile will learn the professions if you don't have them already. It will also buy the required tools if you don't have them. If you're midway in engi-mining, I expect the profile to work also, but it will probably farm too many mats at the step you're at. I haven't tested this, so if you're trying this and run into any bugs, please let me know (with log ofc).
      • In settings, you can enable selling gems to AH, selling rare ores/bars to AH (Silver, Gold, Truesilver, Eternium etc), and also the selling of regular ores and other tradegoods to AH. The prices it'll use on AH will prolly be off from your server, but if you don't think it's worth it, set to false and it'll sell it all to vendor. (Don't worry, it won't ever sell stuff you still need)
      • This profile will automatically go to Outlands when needed, it'll also take the boat to Northrend without your help (Thanks to highvoltz for the provided profiles that helped me make the code for this).
      • This profile will make the Flying Machine (Mount) and learn it for you. DON'T learn it yourself after it's been created or the profile will get stuck trying to make a new one without having the mats, or it'll go farm mats to create a new one!

      Known bugs:
      • Selling stuff to vendor takes a while. Highvoltz recently made an update to PB to make this faster. For the most optimized speed I'll need to update the profile. I'll do this soon. - fixed
      • When shattering or sundering primals earth/fire into motes there might be some bugs (I had some troubles there, believe I fixed it but I'm not sure).
      • Sometimes this profile levels up on making green recipes (for example to prevent that you have to farm an NPC for a limited sales recipe). It's hard to predict how many mats you need on these. I'm quite certain I've had it farm enough mats for these, but if you run into problems where you don't have enough mats to get to the next step of the profile, please let me know!
      • ProfessionBuddy has a problem with coordinates. I've made a small guide on how to fix it here. This problem is not only for this profile, but for any PB profile using coordinates! - Might have been fixed in latest PB (rev. 33)
      • If your bags get full while in Outlands or Northrend, it'll bug because there's no working AH there. (HB can't navigate to Dalaran). If you have 16-slot bags and emptied your bags before running the profile this should not be a problem as it'll have enough space to make it until it's back in Eastern Kingdom.

      Features to come:
      • Level engineering without mining. I'll make a list of all the items you need. Then you can level up engineering with all the stuff in your bank (for example if you have another char with mining).
      • Level engineering with AH as the source of mats only. This will cost ALOT of gold, but will level your engineering without having mining at all.
      • Check if your reputation is with Scryers or Aldor to pick the right trainers in Shattrath. Atm it'll use the ones in Scryers. (Should also work on a rather new toon that haven't chosen between the two yet)
      • If you have any suggestions, please let me know. I believe I'm quite innovative about such stuff, but I love to hear about new ideas (and the troubles it takes me to implement them!)

      I recommend using the newest version of ProfessionBuddy from his SVN.

      Special thanks to:
      • Highvoltz for making this awesome plugin ProfessionBuddy, adding new features from user suggestions, and for providing such great profiles with the plugin that has been a part of my inspiration and that I have copied a few patial code snippets from.
      • rompa for making a nagrand profile to farm Adamantite Ores here.
      • zuabros for making and releasing his cobalt farming profile found here.
      • You! for helping me improve this profile by letting me know if you run into problems or if you tell me your success story.

      If you have problems, please post a log or will most likely not be able to help you!

      When the profile is done, I might add support for Horde, but my first priority is getting the profile done and bugfree for alliance.

      I've spent alot more hours on this project than I first expected, so if anyone wants to give their support with a small donation I'd appreciate it.


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      Last edited: Sep 27, 2011
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    2. Inrego

      Inrego New Member Buddy Store Developer

      Feb 7, 2010
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      • Initial Release
      • Fixed a bug where it would run to Outlands, even at low levels.
      • Hopefully fixed all the previous bugs that would prevent the profile from running. Redid most of the profile with a new structure to get a better overview and better control of what it's doing and when.
      • Changed a bit of the "Create Stuff" logic.
      • Small bug fixes.
      • Optimized for the "new" selling method.
      • Added Northrend (only farming the mats so far. Crafting stuff will be added soon, when I've the mats myself)
      • 0.2a:
      • Small bug fix for low level Engineering that occured after changing the profile structure.
      • highvoltz also added the possibility to change botbase. Of course I added this change to my profile so it'll change to GB2 instead of requesting you to do it. (This function will also prove useful if I choose to add an option to go farm the cloth that it would otherwise buy from AH).
      • Added up to and including skill 425. It will automatically take the boat to Northrend and back when needed.
      • Minor bug fixes and tweaks.
      • 0.3a
      • Fixed a bug where it would get stuck around 60 in engineering.
      • Fixed a bug where it would get stuck farming stuff in Duskwood.
      • Fixed a bug where it would try making some stuff without knowing the recipe. Now it'll check if the recipe is known before trying to make it, and if it's not known, it will go and learn it.
      • Added moving to Hyjal for 425+ farming. It will take the portal from SW, and if you don't have the portal (or if it for other reasons fail to use it), it will take the boat to Darnassus. Still need to figure out how to get from Darnassus to the mainland. (Help is welcome)
      • Added all the way to 525. It is recommended to have the portal to Hyjal and Uldum. I recommend giving your toon some Volatile Airs, as it needs 48 and they can be quite expensive on AH.
      • Fixed the bug where it would sometimes not go to forge after being at the vendor.
      • Fixed a bug where it would get stuck trying to smelt ores if it hasn't learned the recipe yet.
      • Added setting "HS to SW" - currently this only works from Cataclysm areas. Your HS has to be set in SW. I primarily added this because it takes so fucking long to travel from Hyjal to SW as I have to use the boat from Dustwallow Marsh.
      • Fixed the stop and go issue.
      • A little more logging.
      • 0.5a
      • Fixed a few minor, but yet important bugs.
      • Started adding the numbers for what it's farming in log, so you know when it'll be done. (1-250 so far).
      • 1-250 should be afk'able now (I recommend you stay nearby though).
      • 1-525 Should be more or less bugfree now. Tested on a second toon.
      • Will now correctly fly to Hyjal/Uldum if you don't have the portal.
      • Added a "Force Sell" option. Enable this if you're in SW and want the bot to sell the stuff in your bags before moving on. (It will only sell stuff that it farmed, and will not sell stuff that you still need). Another good use for this if your auctions didn't sell and you want it to put them back on AH, then you can pick it up from mail and enable this. Remember to disable it again.
      • Added logging about how much it's farming on each step so you know if it stops accordingly, instead of being in doubt if it's just farming endlessly.
      • Added support for "HS to SW" on Outlands, Northrend and Hyjal/Uldum.
      • Fixed several minor bugs throughout the profile.
      • Added color to logging so you can tell the messages apart from my profile and other stuff in the log.
      Last edited: Aug 15, 2011
    3. HB9303K29

      HB9303K29 New Member

      Jul 2, 2011
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      too bad its for alliance.
    4. imdasandman

      imdasandman Active Member

      Feb 2, 2011
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      to bad you cannot post anything constructive newbie.

      To the author this is running great have had no issues so far.
    5. WrathofGod

      WrathofGod New Member

      May 24, 2011
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      Last edited: Jul 10, 2011
    6. Inrego

      Inrego New Member Buddy Store Developer

      Feb 7, 2010
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      Please post your log along with your current skill level.

      @imdasandman did you use it from skill one? And how far have you tried it so far? :)
    7. Ripperpt

      Ripperpt New Member

      Jan 12, 2011
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      ( i dont kwon if is a pb Problem or if is the profile.

      he train the the skill but after e say
      Flying to Outlands.

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      Last edited: Jul 10, 2011
    8. Inrego

      Inrego New Member Buddy Store Developer

      Feb 7, 2010
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      That is definately the profile. Please also tell me what your engineering level was when you started the profile, and your current engineering level.

      Those having the bug with "Flying to Outlands" try redownload the profile and run again. I believe I should've fixed it, but I'm not home so I just did it quickly from dropbox :p Else I'll have a look at it again later when I'm on my own computer
      Last edited: Jul 10, 2011
    9. Ripperpt

      Ripperpt New Member

      Jan 12, 2011
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      its after training m8, e loads the Elwind Forest profile 1 - 75 mining, but e goes to outland, and dont stay in elwind.

      and other but, im at 1 om mining and Eng and e do this

      Loading profile: Mining 120-160
      [11:18:45:010] ProfessionBuddy: Loading Profile :D:\Hots\Honorbuddy\Plugins\ProfessionBuddy\Profiles\HBProfiles\(GB2 1-300)Herb&Mining\Alliance\(GB2 120-160)(StranglethornJungle.Alliance)Herb&Mining.xml, previous profile was D:\Hots\Honorbuddy\Plugins\ProfessionBuddy\Profiles\HBProfiles\(GB2 1-300)Herb&Mining\Alliance\(GB2 1-75)(Elwynn.Alliance)Herb&Mining.xml
    10. WrathofGod

      WrathofGod New Member

      May 24, 2011
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    11. Ripperpt

      Ripperpt New Member

      Jan 12, 2011
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    12. WrathofGod

      WrathofGod New Member

      May 24, 2011
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      Shit my bad about my skill lvl. It's at 0 I unlearned it to see if that would help the bot and it doesn't.
    13. Inrego

      Inrego New Member Buddy Store Developer

      Feb 7, 2010
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      Your mining and Eng lvl should be matching. For example you can't run it with max mining and low eng.. Thanks for the input. I will most likely make a change to the profile loading to prevent errors like this.
    14. timotyman

      timotyman Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Looking forward to using this when my mage hits 85. At the end of this profile do you end up with more or less gold?
    15. Inrego

      Inrego New Member Buddy Store Developer

      Feb 7, 2010
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      That's hard to say. I haven't looked into the mats costs at end levels. I am trying to use recipes that takes more farming of ores than stuff you need on AH. Also depends on the settings you use for AH. Personally I'm such a slacker with AH, so I prefer selling the stuff to vendor. I added AH settings just as an option for others. Some of the AH price values I've used might also be wrong as I didn't rly look it up on my server, I've just made some estimates. It may also very alot from server to server. All in all so far I'm about 100g lower than when I started.
    16. timotyman

      timotyman Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      100g, that's nothing, Sounds like an awesome profile. thanks for the reply.
    17. Ripperpt

      Ripperpt New Member

      Jan 12, 2011
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      M8 i have Mining 1 and Engi 1, they are equal, and learned at the same time
    18. timotyman

      timotyman Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      one last question, can i run this on my level 60 mage and then stop it. picking it up as i level?
    19. Inrego

      Inrego New Member Buddy Store Developer

      Feb 7, 2010
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      Ok I'll have another look into it some time today.

      @timotyman You should be able to I guess. Just make sure you have a flying mount.
    20. highvoltz

      highvoltz Well-Known Member

      Mar 22, 2010
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      Ripperpt, A change that I had made to the 'While Condition' in a previous svn revision might have broken a few profiles. I reverted that change in my current SVN build.
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