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  • ShamWOW for HB2 - An Enhance/Elemental/Resto + PVP/RaF Healbot by Bobby53

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by bobby53, May 25, 2010.

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    1. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      *NEW* ShamWOW 4.3.18 available for download!

      A quick change history and I'll emphasize some key points that come up frequently.

      Change History
      I have a question about something ShamWOW did or I saw an error/bug. Do I need to use the template from ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE]?
      Only for posts you want me to read. With that information I can answer your question or troubleshoot your problem. Without it, I can only post a reply politely asking for it.

      Resto Shaman - Telluric Currents Talent
      There is an excellent writeup on Telluric Currents and Restos casting Lightning Bolt on Elitist Jerks [CLICK HERE]. If you are a healer that does not want ShamWOW to DPS as Resto at all (not even to regen mana), you have to move the points out of Telluric Currents and ShamWOW will stop. Otherwise, if you have points in this talent expect ShamWOW to spam Lightning Bolt when no healing is needed. This works extremely well now that ShamWOW will interrupt a Lightning Bolt in mid-cast if it detects a group member needs a heal. If you encounter mana issues in Heroics and don't have this talent, respec with it and try again before posting.

      Resto Shaman: Focused Insight Talent
      If you have more than 60% mana, nobody needs heals, and talent points in Focused Insight, ShamWOW will keep shocks on cooldown. The optimal way to use Focused Insight is by anticipating big damage and casting in advance of that so you have a buffed big heal ready. Anticipation logic isn't really part of the Bot or ShamWOW at this time, so if you have points it does the next best thing and tries to maximize the buffs uptime by casting only when you don't have any healing to do anyway (so no HPS loss since you wouldn't be casting a heal at that point anyway.) If you don't want shocks cast as a healer, then choose a Talent Spec that does not include points in Focused Insight.

      Resto Shaman: RAF Combat Style set to 'Healing Only'
      Leave this set to Auto. The only reason the Healing Only setting exists is if you ever needed to force an Elemental or Enhancement into the role of group healer.

      Thanks for the informative posts. Your detailed feedback (as described in the FAQ) is the primary way that bugs and unexpected behavior are resolved in ShamWOW. Its impossible for me to test the large number of variations of specs, abilities, environments, and combat circumstances that are possible in WOW so thank you for your contributions!
      Last edited: Jul 12, 2011
    2. MrWizard516

      MrWizard516 Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Ahh, did not know that. I only suggested it because I have a habit of trying to read everything before I post a question or a concern. Either way no worries. I am just patiently waiting on the new release with crowd control enabled. Have a great day and thank you for your replies.
    3. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      MrWizard516, I'll add the druid recognition for hex in pvp I mentioned next release. As for implementing Crowd Control support I'll see what I can do but it will likely be in stages. Ultimately the end result will require manual intervention (to either change the configuration to use the raid icon that the leader chose for you or to change the raid icon on your CC target to the one your CC is setup for.) I just don't see this as being something fully automated to where you could AFK. Thanks for your well thought out posts and good luck with Shaman, Bobby53
    4. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I resolved the exceptions occurring in targeting by having LazyRaider disable some of HonorBuddys activity. However, those masked the real issue which appears to be that the areas for these encounters are not meshed. See my post in the LazyRaider thread [CLICK HERE] for more details. Basically everything grinds to a halt when you enter an area that isn't meshed.
    5. aeus

      aeus Member

      Jan 15, 2011
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      Wow! You made my day Bobby!

      Now with the latest ShamWOW and LazyRider everything works flawlessly!

      Keep up the good work!
    6. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      *NEW* ShamWOW 4.3.19 available for download!

      This version contains a change that hopefully fixes the issues users are facing in Nef, Ony, and other raid encounters that involve a transport. Special thanks to jeffgtx for the suggestion on the mod.

      Change History
      [B]07/12/11 Revision  4.3.19
      [/B]- change:  added code to allow CC activity on transports when inside  an instance.  they need to remain disabled to work with the Questing  bot outside of there, but enabling inside instances may resolve the Nef  and Ony issues being reported.  Please try and post your results.
      Last edited: Jul 12, 2011
    7. Trolkin

      Trolkin New Member

      Mar 7, 2011
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      Excellent! I will give this a try this week. Thanks for the update.
    8. jeffgtx

      jeffgtx New Member

      Sep 4, 2010
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      You are very much welcome, sir. Glad I could help.

      This did also give me an idea on how to implement the suggestion I had regarding disabling spell casting when mounted in LazyRaider mode to prevent it dismounting all the time due to instant casts when players that need healing come in range.

      I'm sure that you'd probably want to add a variable for this so it could be toggled in options, but would adding a check in the CC's "Need Rest" logic for LazyRaider and is Mounted do what I'm trying to accomplish?

      The only issue I foresee is that if LazyRaider is set to follow the tank automatically, it might never dismount and I'm not sure you can check for that with in the CC.
      Last edited: Jul 12, 2011
    9. jeffgtx

      jeffgtx New Member

      Sep 4, 2010
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      Hmmm.... am I missing it somewhere or does the CombatResto routing not use Purge if it's set to High priority? It looks as though with the priority set to "Low" it will try to do so if needed following the interrupt behavior, but I can't find where exactly it does it when set to "High".

      I know for PVE in general the Purge Whitelist doesn't really have a lot in there, but off the top of my head it would be useful for Remedy on Maloriak and Lifebloom/Avenging Wrath on Hex Lord Malacrass. (I can track these Spell ID's down for you on request.)
    10. evilseed

      evilseed Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Start tracking these Spell ID's, I will be a very happy chap!!!
    11. MrWizard516

      MrWizard516 Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      For my purposes I am not worried about running AFK or even PVP. As I do not run either. I myself am only interested in having the bot hex/bind whatever raid icon I have it set to, on it's own. In both Healing and combat modes.
    12. Honningbi

      Honningbi New Member

      Jan 25, 2011
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      Literally am blowed away to how good ShamWOW is, at first thought it was okay, then it started trinketing cc's and interupting spellcasting, even the little things like water walking in twin peaks, alot of time and effort must have gone into this :p
      awesome job :p
      bobby53 likes this.
    13. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Honningbi, Thanks for sharing your ShamWOW success! (+rep) ShamWOW has been in development since the initial release of HonorBuddy, so over that time it's evolved to incorporate a lot of subtle behavior that may not be encountered depending upon the spec played, method of botting, glyphs/gear equipped, etc. A few examples:

      o RAF Groups / All Specs: if Tank very low health or dies, will cast Earth Elemental to tank and attempt to save the group
      o RAF Groups / Enhc + Elem: switches to off healing group while any player is below 40% or if healer is dead
      o RAF Groups / All Specs: if healing a dps and tank or self gets very low, cancels heal and switches to save
      o PVP / Enhc: reserves Maelstrom procs for Healing self first (if < 75%) or secondarily a nearby teammate (if < 50%)
      o All Environments / All Specs: scans all nearby enemies for spell casts and interrupts (as opposed to only current target)
      o All Environments / All Specs: uses Mana, Health, and Restoration potions
      o All Environments / All Specs: will use First Aid for out of combat heal to preserve mana
      o All Environments / All Specs: adjust combat, ranges, tolerances, etc based on glyphs equipped
      o All Environments / All Specs: automatic detection of /use: trinkets and their purpose (pvp, combat, +health, or +mana)

      That's all I can recall quickly. Anyway, glad to hear your enjoying it!

      Good luck with your Shaman,
    14. zomgmage

      zomgmage Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      would love this. in BGs it jumps off for stupid reasons all the time.
    15. jeffgtx

      jeffgtx New Member

      Sep 4, 2010
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      Confirmed working on Cho'gall with ShamWOW 4.3.19 and LazyRaider 1.0.6.

      Also the Twilight Ascendant Council does not seem to work when you are levitate. Bobby53, perhaps the isFlying check in the needRest logic?
      Last edited: Jul 13, 2011
    16. Zacharybinx34

      Zacharybinx34 New Member

      May 11, 2011
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      Why can't all CC's be as good as ShamWoW

      You do awesome work!
      bobby53 likes this.
    17. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      As always, I need log files corresponding to specific examples if its important to you. The decision to dismount to heal is an important one for normal PVP behavior, otherwise in normal botting mode it would simply sit on its mount watching people friendlies die. So please be specific and provide the same level of supporting detail thats requested for all observed behavior (see the FAQ.) Understandably, I avoid changing program behavior when and the most specific detail a user provides of a behavior is "... for stupid reasons all the time."
      Last edited: Jul 14, 2011
    18. jeffgtx

      jeffgtx New Member

      Sep 4, 2010
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      I'll attach a log with this behavior recreated when I get home tonight.

      This really isn't a bug fix or flaw with the CC but more of a Feature Enhancement request.

      To illustrate with a scenario, if you're mounted in Battle for Gilneas trying to get to the Lighthouse from Mines and some rogue along the way has 90% health, the bot will cast Riptide as soon as the rogue is in range forcing a dismount. This is all well and good in BGBot or PVPbot, but *unbelievably* annoying when you're trying to get somewhere across the map or follow your friends.

      In my humble opinion, something like a check box in the General Tab of the Config that says "Disable Spell Casting While Mounted in LazyRaider" would be a rather elegant way to do it. With something like this implementation, it would continue to function as it does now in BGBot and PVPBot and then toggled off if the user wants to have LazyRaider automatically follow the tank.
    19. zuabros

      zuabros Active Member

      Jan 12, 2011
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      All I can say is: Bobby53 I love you. Your bot excels most healers with just average gear.... :)

      Here is my healing chart at Arathi Basin... never touched the keyboard.

      Thank you again man!!! Sorry for you pallys... 5 of you were overrun by a bot hahahahha...

      Uploaded with ImageShack.us
      bobby53 likes this.
    20. sfagent07

      sfagent07 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I love this bot but noticed it is lacking a key feature. Please give us a checkbox to enable rezing. I use this has resto with IB and it looks bad that it wont rez anyone. Would love to see this small fix
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