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  • Champion of Aldeeran - a Warrior CC

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by weischbier, May 31, 2011.

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    1. weischbier

      weischbier Guest

      So today i got a little spare time, i will start fixing the errors (i hope all of them)!
      But i have to disable movement fpr a while as this is my main headache making kind of coding.
      I wil ask several other developers to get it to working.



      (Copy from Necrophilia Thread)
    2. Zacharybinx34

      Zacharybinx34 New Member

      May 11, 2011
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      I can help test this one a lot too. Warrior is my main and I'll be pvping/arenaing with this + Lazy Raider if you have support working for both this and the DK one.

      Below is a basic guide for Arms Warrior PVP that is VERY helpful.
      Remember Recklessness is now usable in Battle Stance.

      Also, notice the parts about bursting with double overpowers ONLY with CS up. CS priority is huge.


      TFB=Taste for blood (overpower proc)
      MS=Mortal Strike
      CS=Colossus Smash
      HS=Heroic strike
      DPS=Damge per second
      DPR=Damage per rage
      DC=Deadly Calm
      Ltts=lambs to the slaughter

      Sustained Damage and Damage Sequences

      Achieving maximum sustained damage as an arms warrior is not very complicated(although it depends greatly on RNG), and can be summed up in a few golden rules.

      A)Never skip an overpower.

      Keep rend up 100% of the time and use all TFB procs before you're about to get a new one.TFB is a 9 second buff with a 5 sec cooldown which means that the latest you can use your OP is when you have 4(actually anywhere before 3,unless you multi rend,but do it at 4 to be on the safe side) seconds remaining on TFB.If you don't ,the new TFB will override the old one and you're going to "lose" an OP.

      While overpower doesn't hit that hard,the crit chance is very high (60%+ as opposed to 10-20% on every other strike.This is very significant due to deep wounds) and it costs just 5 rage,making it by far the best DPR move we've got.

      B)Smart CS usage.

      CS can refresh randomly on any attack you do,which means you want to usually use it asap when it's up so you don't waste a sudden death proc.Using your CS fast is very important,however what's more important is using it efficiently; Never CS when you're low on rage.

      CS greatly amplifies your damage (depending on the target,it can be up to an 110% damage increase) so you want to squeeze as many attacks as possible in it's duration.It lasts 6 seconds and triggers a 1.5 seconds gcd,which means you can use 3 on gcd abilities within the duration, plus up to 2 HS depending on your rage.

      If your CS lands at t=0, ideally you have an on-gcd special on 1.5,3 and 4.5 sec.Notice there's an 1.5 sec gap in the end so if your latency prevents you from landing the attacks perfectly,it doesn't matter very much,you'll still get 3 specials off.

      If possible,wait for a double OP for your CS

      Right now ,CS+MS+OP+OP is the best sequence you can do within a CS.

      How to double OP?Simply wait until your TFB buff is at 4 seconds.Rend ticks every 3 seconds,so your TFB will refresh when you actually have 3 seconds remaining on the buff (unless more than 1 targets is rended) and you'll be able to OP right in the next global.

      C) Keep your target snared ALWAYS!

      If your target is not snared, even though you're on him sometimes you won't be able to melee him due to lag on your or his side.White auto attacks do almost no damage,warriors depend on them to generate rage.Keeping your target snared 100% of the time is vital for rage generation and good dps!

      Note to more experienced players: I know that you sometimes let the snare drop off and it's the right choice but for someone who's not totally sure about what's he doing, leaving his target unsnared is the wrong choice 99.99% of the time.For example if your target is 20% and you think you'll kill him,no snare can fuck with your auto attack, giving you no rage and consequently no execute.

      In other words : When in doubt ,KEEP THE SNARE UP.


      Bursting as a warrior depends on cooldown availability and CS management.Since we're expecting a patch 10 days after this is being written,I'm going to ignore the +15% damage version of inner rage completely and edit this later.

      Realistically,it generally won't be possible to line up a perfect burst sequence, so I'll try to list the abilities you want up in a priority list.

      Firstly,you never,ever want to burst someone without CS up.While it's possible to swap on someone with DC and hope that your special attacks spam will give you a sudden death proc,it should be avoided.

      If possible,you'd want your main target to be stunned for a relatively long duration,which means either a full charge or a full deadly throw.Then you want to save DC and trinkets/blood fury/berserking which is pretty much common knowledge.

      If you want to do great damage(the kind of damage people will complain about) however you'll need a bit more than that.Assuming recklessness is available,make sure LTTS is up and mortal and ms is off cooldown.Rend should also be up on your target.

      When the CS lands,you should use Recklessness+MS+HS.Reck and Hs (or slam if spec'd into slam) are off gcd so this combo is possible,and MS+HS benefit from reck more than OP.Afterwards,go battle and use your double OP (and basically continue your normal dps rotation).Deadly calm should be used whenever you run out of rage in the duration of your burst,which allows you to spam yellows for 10 sec and then leave you at full rage (so you spam a bit more).

      If an enemy drops below 20% , execute him immediately if CS is on the target.If not,CS then execute.If CS is not available and you have enough rage,MS then execute.Ltts is a huge boost for finishing someone off.

      Against melee

      Against melee,demo shout and thunderclap are great tools.Here's how clap affects each class:

      Rogue/Cat: -20% attack speed and -20% energy regeneration
      DK: -20% attack speed,20% slower recharging on runes,indirectly slows runic power regeneration,if gargoyle gets summoned while clap is up then it will be 20% slower for the whole duration
      Warrior/bear: Just -20% attack speed.Rage gain reduced accordingly (not per hit,just less hits overall so less rage)
      Hunter: not really melee,but I don't think thunder clap affects them at all
      Enhance Shaman: -20% attack speed,indirectly reduces mana gain,less maelstrom weapon procs (which can be used for instant hex,heal or nuke)
      Ret Paladin: -20% slower attack speed and 20% increased cooldown on crusader strike
      Last edited: Jul 15, 2011
    3. nip

      nip New Member

      Apr 13, 2011
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      sweet! glad to hear it :), no ide if this is good or not but how about adding bladestorm to a pve rotation when you get 3 adds or so?
      it does not use bladestorm at all as it is now (talking about questing here not pvp and arms spec ofc)
    4. imfat

      imfat New Member

      Sep 29, 2010
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      @Zach Why do you use Lazy Raider for this. Just use Combat/Healbot and everything works the way it suppose to. Recklessness is already used at the beginning of the rotation.
    5. Zacharybinx34

      Zacharybinx34 New Member

      May 11, 2011
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      What is the difference between the two?
    6. imfat

      imfat New Member

      Sep 29, 2010
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      Combat/Healer works.
      If I recall you said you were having problems with LazyRaider and this CC.
      Also have you tried the PvP? I'm at a 1800 rating atm with a double dps team CC is working great.
    7. Someday

      Someday New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      What do you think when will you release the new version of your awesome cc?
      I'm so freakin' addicted botting honor with my warrior... <3
    8. Mirsey

      Mirsey New Member

      Mar 20, 2010
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      I dont see the attachment to download it :(
    9. Zacharybinx34

      Zacharybinx34 New Member

      May 11, 2011
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      Where did the download go?
    10. Someday

      Someday New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Removed - the code needs to be updated ;)
    11. CodenameG

      CodenameG New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Thread Closed by Creators Request, Developer Wish that his work NOT be continued or developed by another user, or developer.
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