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  • UPaCCBT: The BehaviourTree Ultimate Paladin Healer Custom Class

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Gilderoy, Jul 17, 2011.

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    1. Gilderoy

      Gilderoy New Member

      May 10, 2010
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      The Ultimate Paladin Healer Custom Class,
      now implemented in BehaviourTree!​

      Here I am, proud to present you my new daughter, UPaHCCBT!
      UPaHCCBT is a Custom Class that do more or less just 1 thing, she will heal :)

      Main Features:
      • Support for a lot of different situation (Solo, Dungeon, Raid, BG, Arena, WorldPVP)
      • Special code for special fight in Raid and for Arena2v2
      • No coniguration required
      • Still, everything is configurable using an XML file inside the CustomClass/Config folder
      • Will work from Level 15 up to Firelands Heroic
      • Auto mount, auto ress, auto OhShitButton, auto everything :D
      What can do:
      • All botbase supported, from BGbot to Archeology (will fight if alone)
      • Better used with LazyRaider BotBase LazyRaider
      How to install:
      • An SVN is available at UPaHCCBT /trunk
      • Copy the directory in you CustomClass directory
      • ?
      • Profit!
      How to use and configure:
      • Start HB.
      • When prompted for a CC select UPaHCCBT verx.x rev x.x
      • if you are using LazyRaider go in the bot config and select your Tank as Tank
      • if you want to configure anything, after the first time the CC is called a folder called Config will be created in your CustomClass folder, inside this folder there will be a XML file, edit the XML file

      Will work with any talent build but was programmed with this talent build in mind
      Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft

      Pls pls if you have any issue with this CC a descritption most of times will not be enought.
      Post a log! iti will require realy only 1 min..
      if the log is too big, zip it!
      if you need help
      How to post a Log, with Pictures!

      if you need help with spec glyph whatever try elitejerks: [Holy]Cataclysm Holy Compendium (4.0.6) - Elitist Jerks

      Read the FAQ!

      Use of 3rd party programs are against Blizzard's terms of use and license. This CC is not intended for use on live Blizzard Entertainment World of Warcraft realms. Any use on Blizzard realms is at your own risk and not supported per this statement.

      This CC is an hobby for me, i'm not even a programmer, so take she as she is and love her for what she is :p
      Still if you are so goldenhearted to tip me i'll be eternally grateful ^__^


      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Oct 23, 2011
      Snailomatic, xenn88, LAP87 and 2 others like this.
    2. Gilderoy

      Gilderoy New Member

      May 10, 2010
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      1. I want to configure the CC!
        [*]My pg is moving in arena! How can i stop this?
        [*]I'm getting the error "Could not compile CC from C:\
        File: CombatLog.cs Line: 21 Error: The namespace 'UltimatePaladinHealerBT' already contains a definition for 'CombatLogEventArgs'"..
        [*]I was asket to heal only 1 group! I was asked to heal only the Tanks! How can i configure that?
        [*]Mm.. I'm having another error, what do I do?

      NB: the GUI is a Work in Progress and is not yet finished!

      I want to configure the CC!
      Very well, open the Configure Class window and configure she! then click the save button.
      Setting will be saved and take effect only _after_ you clicked the Save button, not when you change it!

      My pg is moving in arena! How can i stop this?
      Go in the configure windows, arena tab and deselect "Move to Heal" and "Move to Hammer of Justice"

      I'm getting the error "Could not compile CC from
      C:\File: CombatLog.cs Line: 21 Error: The namespace 'UltimatePaladinHealerBT' already contains a definition for 'CombatLogEventArgs'"..
      Delete the folder called UltimatePalaHearBT in your customclass folder.
      Note the mispelling, you must have only one UltimatePalaHealerBT folder

      I was asket to heal only 1 group! I was asked to heal only the Tanks! How can i configure that?
      Go in the configure class window, tab Selective Healing, select Selective Healing, a list of all your raid members will pup up.
      Members checked will be healed, members unchecked will not.
      Click save.
      Remeber that every option is saved so next raid deselect it!!

      Mm.. I'm having another error, what do I do?
      Post a log. A full log. instruction on the main post of this CC, also describe your problem with as many detail as you can
      Say what you were doing (solo? bg? raid? dungeon? arena?) what the CC did and what do you want her to do.
      Also remeber, i'm not english, so explain well and explain "slowly" :)
      The log! do not forgot the log!

      Custom Class feature?s and GUI explanation.

      Please note the below settings need to be configured in every tab (dungeon,solo,raid,pvp etc) each tab can be configured differently.

      Welcome page
      Stop all healing: does just that Stops the bot from performing and healing actions (added to prevent a bug witch crash?s Honorbuddy when you stop bot)
      Precast modifier: Adjust this value to edit how soon the bot will start to precast a spell MAX value of ?7? anything over this will mess it up. Any value you enter is multiplied by 10.

      Enable buffs: Enable/disable buffing.
      Rest at this %: If you have mana food in bags your bot will Eat when mana goes below defines setting

      Tank Selection
      Import the tank from your focus: Set the target you would like as your /focus within the wow client and the bot will treat it as tank.
      Use the in-game Role check: Bot Selects the tank itself based on who Wow has defined as tank.

      Mana management
      All pretty straight forward here Define Value?s for each ability and when your character falls below that Mana % it will call on current ability?s.
      Activate your mana Trinket at mana %: This one here is used if you define on the trinkets tab to use trinket as a mana cooldown.

      Holy Radiance settings
      Consider people nearer then this to me: The Bot will only take into account people closer to you then the defined value (in yards)
      Consider Units with less then this health%: The bot will only Take into account units that are Closer to you then the value defined above and have less then the Defined HP% you set here.
      How many people inside: This value defines the amount of people that need to meet the above two settings for holy radiance to be cast.

      Advanced Options
      Do not consider people above this health: The bot will ignore anyone above this HP As in it will not heal them at all until they drop below.
      Face the target when needed: This option allows the bot to Face current targets Usefull for using Rebuke etc. No current use if you only plan on healing.
      Target if no target: Bot makes sure you always have a target to prevent a bug within Honorbuddy?s core.
      Ignore Units more distant then this: Bot will ignore any unit further away then this in yards ?default 40? as no spells reach further then 40 yards anyway.
      Do not check/cast beacon of light: Untick this if you would like to apply beacon of light yourself (to any target) - Not available in all tabs

      Self explanatory Bot will cast certain heals when units go above or below the defined value for each spell.

      Emergency buttons
      Again very self explanatory all these value?s besides the mana one Run off units HP(hitpoints) Unit falls below Current Value and the spell will be cast on current unit.

      Mount up: When selected the bot will detect if your tank mounts and also mount.
      Move in range to heal: If a target is out of range and needs to be healed the bot will attempt to run towards said target and heal.
      Move in Range to HoJ: If target is out of range the bot will move in range to cast HoJ
      Switch to crusader aura when mounted: When you mount up or the bot mounts up it will activate crusader Aura, then deactivate it when mount is dismissed.
      Do not dismount out of combat: The bot will never dismount when you are out of combat.
      Do not Dismount ever: As the title says the bot will never dismount even if your party is taking lots of damage (careful with this one :p)
      Note: There is a mounting code within the botbase lazyraider This CC can not override that.

      Oh Shit! Buttons
      If a Person in the party (or raid) falls below the defined value it will pop the following ticked cooldowns in an attempt to save his ass.
      Self explanatory will use the ticked Racials and defined HP or mana Percentages or when stunned (note each race has different racials).

      Over healing protection
      Cancel Divine light if above this %: If a target you are currently healing with Divine light?s hp Goes above the defined value the bot will Cancel the heal Saving you the mana (this is great! Divine light Costs a lot)

      Tank healing Priority (great feature)
      From 0 to 100% more priority: Want to give the tank more Priority to be healed over the rest make this setting higher!
      Multiplier: Multiplies the above value E.g. 40x2 = 80% more priority.
      This way you can reach a priority of 10000% meaning that you will heal only the tank and noone else. Useful if you need to heal only one person and you need to switch fast who you are healing (1 boss in fireland baleroc or something) combined with "get tank from focus"

      Optimize the cc for
      Speed!: This will edit the the Custom class?s behaviour to be FAST (less mana efficient )
      Accuracy: Slower but more mana effecient
      IntellyWait: This is glideroy?s pride and joy. (its fast and mana efficient)
      it works like this:
      Step A:
      1: if you are not in gloobal cooldown and are not casting go to step B.
      2: if you are in global cooldown and are not casting and the time left on global cooldown is less then 200ms+2xlatency+precast go to step B (else wait till one of the 3 condition are met)
      3: if you are casting and the cast time left on current spell is less then 200+2xlatency+precast go to step B (else wait till one of the 3 condition are met)
      Step B:
      Now we decide what spell to use, run all a complicate series of checks to decide who to heal and with what.
      Step C:
      1: if you are not in global cooldown and are not casting go to step D
      2: if you are in global cooldown and are not casting and the time left on global cooldown is less then 2xlatency+precast go to step B (else wait till one of the 3 condition are met)
      3: if you are casting and the cast time left on current spell is less then 2xlatency+precast go to step B (else wait till one of the 3 condition are met)
      (NOTE: in step C we do not add the 200 millisecond. This means we have as much as 200 millisecond to do all the calculation necessary to decide who to heal next and with what, this is our window)
      Step D
      Command WoW to cast the spell.
      Note: Precast Value?s are currently adjusted on the welcome page (within class configuration)

      Select Aura
      Tells the bot witch Aura it should be using.

      The bot will attempt to use the selected spells to interrupt enemy spell casts.
      (Currently this section is under a major rewrite)

      Ticking these will allow the bot to DPS while helaing. (note leave judgement ticked for mana regeneration)

      Cleanse urgent ASAP: having this selected will tell the bot to Cleanse any urgent Debuffs (witch can cause wipes) as soon as it can E.g. Static cling!
      You can edit what debuff to cleanse on the Cleanse Tab!

      Cleanse: Instructs the bot to Cleanse all debuffs witch can be cleansed as long as people are not taking damage
      Cleanse SUB option: Cleanse but only myself and the tank This will cleanse all normal debuffs but only from yourself and tank.

      Bless selection
      Auto: The bot will detect if what buffs other party members have applied and apply the correct missing buff. Or you can Define what blessing to use with the other options! OR none if you would like to select it yourself.

      Selective healing
      self explanatory when enabled the gui will populate with people's names from your party/raid simply tick the people you wish to be healed un-tick the people you do not want to heal.
      Last edited: Oct 3, 2011
    3. Gilderoy

      Gilderoy New Member

      May 10, 2010
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      rev232: Little change to the logging
      rev231: Tryng a fix for casting divine shild when you have the flag, also Priest now work from level 3 (was 16)
      rev230: Corrected an inconsistency, also Priest are working again
      rev229: Better log (less spam more information), still tryng to find where the error can be
      rev228: removed some test code that was left behind
      rev227: new IntellyWait also on priest
      rev226: IntellyWait rewritted to adapt to User computer speed and high latency
      rev225: ADDed option to only cleanse self and tank and add a first GUI for additional DPS
      rev224: Retribution support ADDED! (Only LazyRaider, no movement, no configuration, no GUI)
      rev223: FIXED Intellywait for Priest and Fixed a problem in Dalaran (PVPSanctuary in general)
      rev222: IntellyWait Rewritted, now you can choose how much time to Precast a spell
      rev221: Implement CooldownTimeLeft
      rev220: Fixed a problem when bot is started with no trinket equipped
      rev219: Trinket code is In!
      rev218: Fixed a problem on the multiplier logging code
      rev217: "Stop all healing" button is now properly working
      rev216: Implemented a "Stop all healing" button
      rev215: fixed a small problem with trinket and priests
      rev214: Second revision to the trinket code, autodetect now work but trinket are still not used (there is no code for it yet)
      rev213: Improuved logging for multiplier, added privacy for selective healing
      rev212: Added a multiplier for healing tank priority
      rev211: Preparatory patch for the Trinket auto use feature
      rev210: Priest: FIXED a problem of not being in the correct chakra state while in solo, sometimes
      rev209: Priest: Solo logic and Pull logic added!
      rev208: Pala: Fixed crusader strike and rebuke on boss with large hitbox, added an option for T12 2pieces bonus
      rev207: Priest: WorldPVP, RAF and ARENA logic added!
      rev206: Priest: FIXED the PoH spam in Dungeon and Raid tank healing
      rev205: All: FIXED a crashing bug if you are not an herbalist..
      rev204: All: upgraded log to detect when she is under CC
      rev203: Pala: Pull code added, need to be activeted in the GUI
      rev202: Priest:FIXED a major problem with binding heal in PVP
      rev201: All: will now account for WoW lag when casting a spell
      rev200: fixed a problem at low level with seal of rightoneouss spam
      rev199: preparing for a stable release
      rev198: corrected a problem to avoid standing on a horse while tank die
      rev197: corrected a problem with do_no_dismount_ooc not working
      rev196: All: Corrected a log problem and dispell setting were obscuring every other setting
      rev195: All: you can now configure what debuff to ignore and what to dispell ASAP, also Pala: will cast seal of rightoness at low level
      rev194: Priest: PoH inizial support
      rev193: All: Maybe fixed IB ghost run also in PVP realms
      rev192: All: vampiric touch is now correctly in the do not touch list
      rev191; All: try to fix the problem of not beeng holy specced and not alway determinate the correct class
      rev190: All: maybe a new fix for instancebuddy corpse run (yes, confirmed working)
      rev189: All: fixed a little RAF mode error
      rev188: Paladin: New selective healing (more elegant) system is in!
      rev187: Priest: some fixes and the function that will make PoH possible (I hope)
      rev186: Priest: correct a problem with HW:sanctuary (was not cliking)
      rev185: Priest:Battleground support added! ALL: flame shock and vampiric embrace in the do not touch list for PVP
      rev184: Paladin: added a little of log to better understand the problem with selective healing
      rev183: Priest: ADDED Raid AOE healer code, PoH is still missing
      rev182: Paladin: Solo mode will now only respond in PVP, never engage for first
      rev181: ALL: moved some code around to 2 new files to keep things in order
      rev180: Paladin: added the option to fight back in Solo on PVP realms when engaged by another player
      rev179: Paladin:RAF support is finaly in! (still no GUI for it), Priest: first attempt to a GUI to see if that work or not
      rev178: Priest: FIXED a problem with rest behaviour while in raid
      rev177: Paladin: will check the hight theresold between cast and interrupt before interrupt also minor improvement on priest aoe performance
      rev176: Priest: now AOE check for self, tank, focus, everyone (everyone disabled by default) in this order for a center
      rev175: ALL:little but important fix to the combat sistem selector
      rev174: ALL: intellywait is in and is default for all class/spec! try it :P
      rev173: Paladin: Fixed combat sistem selection (was inverted)
      rev172: Priest: fixed the name of the CC for them :P
      rev171: ALL: you can now select between combat sistem 4 (SPEED) and combat sistem 5 (ACCURANCY), also fixed instancebuddy corpse run
      rev169-170: Priest: fixed PW:F spam
      rev168: Raid Healing is in! will only act as a tank healer! change your Raid_healing_tank_priority accordingly!
      rev165-167: Priest: various fixes
      rev164: Priest:nomore check for tank outside instance, desperate prayer and fade logic activeted, shadowfiend and hymm of hope logic is in
      rev163: Priest: Improuved logic on targetted AOE, POM casted only if tank has a target, added fade and desperate prayer logic
      rev162: Priest: better binding heal logic, better renew logic, Prayer of Mending added, Spirit of redemption logic added, buffing fixed
      rev160-161: Uploaded a file I did forget about and revision number update
      rev158-159:Priest: uniformed dispelling and aoe cheking with paladin CC, this means if I need to add a new thing to dispell i have to change just 1 place :P Also fixed HW:S for good, also buffing code is in, also priority on spell has been reworked also now priests have their own Configure file separated from the paladin ones, also a couple of other fixies
      rev157: Priest:Dispelling added, topping off, guardian spirit, divine hymm circle of healing 
      rev156: tryng to fix HW:S bug
      rev155: corrected a silly bug in tank priority code
      rev154: priority code for tank healing is in, you can go from 0% (normal healing) to 100% (tank alway get priority)
      rev153: fix for the manual mount issue
      rev152: Blessing Selection Added both Code and GUI
      rev151: Fixed also the arena pet taunt, now _do_not_heal_above and _max_healing_range works for real and added WorldPVP logic and WorldPVP GUI
      rev150: little improvement for casted times heal
      rev149: Added a lot of Wait Composite, sound funny but should make things faster
      rev148: Battleground GUI is in
      rev147: Raid GUI is in
      rev146: ARENA GUI is in and tested
      rev145: Dungeon GUI is in and tested
      rev144: try a fix for sometimes not activating an OhShitButton
      rev143: makes the fix for the too many cleanse smarter
      rev141-142:redone of selective healing, now will put people in the right subgroup! also added a lot of log to check the problem on mass dispell
      rev140: same as 139 but working
      rev139: rewritten the composite selector, smarter overhealing protection (also some more overhealing protection ^_^) resetting selective healing on sturptup to prevent problems, also corrected a little mispelling
      rev137-138: added a LOT of logs so i can bettere understand why she is cleansing without healing sometime
      rev135-136: maybe fixed the problem on loading schreen
      rev134: fixed the loading problem and fixed a couple of solo settings
      rev133: added an option to disable tank selection from LUA, should solve the PVP stop at waypoint problem (leave unchecked in PVP)
      rev132: Solo GUI is finished!
      rev131: maybe a FIX for tank selection in Arena, also more or less half the solo GUI is in
      rev129-130: added a Raid option to ignore Beacon of light (also to the GUI)
      rev128: fixed a bug with tank from focus
      rev125-127: Added selection of tank from your focus if option is enabled, added that option in the GUI for every behaviour, reinsert immunity checks on flag carrier
      rev122-124: Selective Healing GUI online and working
      rev119-121: Selective healing is in and active!
      rev118: fix to prevent she from drinking in arena while the partner is dyeng
      rev117: fixed it! I mean it! ^__^
      rev116: FIXED a bug with the mounting check
      rev155: Added 2 new variables, can now choose to not dismount in combat or to not dismount ever, HoS put back in and some other fixes (targeetting..)
      rev113-114: tryng to fix a bug on loading schreen
      rev112: selection of raid fixed, lifeblood added and people ressed are now ignored for 15 sec
      rev111: FIXED and error with the urgent dispell, also add support for HoF in arena and a lot of small fixes all around
      rev110: FIXED an issue with BGBot, sometimes the CC just do not move out of combat, also add back in the Pet Taunting and Beacon Switching code for Arena
      Last edited: Oct 23, 2011
    4. Gilderoy

      Gilderoy New Member

      May 10, 2010
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      18816 lines of code and counting! :p [OLD]
      29364 lines of code and counting! (rev212)
      TODO list, mainly here so i do not forget what i must do next, but also for you so you know of what but i'm aware of and on what i'm working :D
      More GUI!
      Raid[COLOR=#d15e31](done, rev147)[/COLOR]>Arena[COLOR=#d15e31](done, rev146)[/COLOR]>dungeon[COLOR=#d15e31](done, rev145)[/COLOR]>BG[COLOR=#d15e31](done, rev148)[/COLOR]>WorldPVP[COLOR=#d15e31](done, rev151)[/COLOR]>Arena 2v2>RAF will be the order
      [COLOR=#d15e31](done, rev139)[/COLOR] rewrite the composite selector (performance improuvement)
      [COLOR=#d15e31](done, rev139) [/COLOR]reset selective healing to false on loading
      [COLOR=#d15e31](done, rev139)[/COLOR] better (smarter) overhealing protection
      [COLOR=#d15e31](Done and I hope is working good)[/COLOR] rewrite the Actual_Healing section, better control on why she sometimes do cleanse when healing is needed
      [COLOR=#d15e31](done, rev152)[/COLOR]Blessing selection overwrite code and GUI
      Do a tank selection tab
      [COLOR=#d15e31](done, rev155)[/COLOR]Better priority on the tanks for healing (select a target from tanks, a target from non-tanks and weight the 2 compared health percentage)
      mana potion support
      On use trinket support (on theyr way home..)
      Logic to move to nearest ally in BG if catch alone by an enemy
      Add talent and glyph checks
      [COLOR=#d15e31] (done)[/COLOR]Put in some code for PVP realms if she get in fight with an enemy faction
      Exorcism for Denunce
      Exorcism as fille
      Do not Holy Light a tank if he have Beacon of Light
      Implement Holy nova on low level melee mob
      Thanks to Panyama for the Wonderfull Image!
      Last edited: Sep 21, 2011
    5. imfat

      imfat New Member

      Sep 29, 2010
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      Ty for the hard work you put into this man. Testing now.
    6. xLegendx

      xLegendx Active Member

      Apr 25, 2010
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      2v2 Arena Code Coming Soon !?!?!

      Last edited: Jul 17, 2011
    7. imfat

      imfat New Member

      Sep 29, 2010
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      wanna face set at false still faces enemy.
      wanna target set to false still targets.
      Last edited: Jul 17, 2011
    8. tozededao

      tozededao Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I never used a Paladin Healing CC until yday that I found that farming Honor to convert to Justice is really fast, I love to play with my paladin and I can pretty much say I master it so I'm like afraid to have the bot performing worst then me.

      Since it was for BG's I didn't care how much it performs so I gave it a try, and I can pretty much say that I was really impressed with it, I was topping healing meters with 2/3/4 times more healing than the #2, what can I say?

      Keep up the amazing work.
    9. tozededao

      tozededao Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Just a comment about the talent tree you posted (Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft)

      How can you be skipping Divinity in Protection Tree that increases Healing done and received by 6%, I know that you said the CC is based in something like this, but some dumb/lazy people might take a look into it and copy without even noticing their missing Divinity :)
    10. Gilderoy

      Gilderoy New Member

      May 10, 2010
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      @imfat: Thank you!
      and, the setting are specific for the thing you are doing, if you are in dungeon only the Dungeon settings will be used, if you are alone only the Solo setting ecc ecc
      Settings are realy specific and the Arena2v2 RAF and WorldPVP have no effect for now
      @xlegendx for now you can use the normal Arena code that still work realy good :D
      @tozededao: happy is working good for you :)
      and.. well that's the spec i use, there are better talent out there than divinity for me :) the spec i'm using now in Arena for example is this http://www.wowhead.com/talent#scIbzrkuufo0bZcbM (still no divinity)
      Last edited: Jul 17, 2011
    11. tozededao

      tozededao Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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    12. Gilderoy

      Gilderoy New Member

      May 10, 2010
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      @imfat: are you using rev109? if you after you have run it 1 time a file will be createc in your CustomClass/Config folder (the config folder will be created if you do not have one)
      The file is and XML that will contain all the settings that you can change, divided by behaviour
      @tozededao: have you seen the link you are posting? :p look at the 3v3 & 5v5 balanced spec, no divinity (and is identical to mine, just 2 point change, from guardian favor to pursuit of justice) so.. :p
      3v3 & 5v5 Balanced
      Overall balanced spec, you can give out freedoms and make sure they will last long enough (unless purged). Your primary goal is to turret heals while trying to avoid/los enemy team.
    13. imfat

      imfat New Member

      Sep 29, 2010
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      I see the Config file now. Fixed TY.
    14. projektt

      projektt Active Member

      Sep 21, 2010
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      Will this work for level 10+? So say if I wanted to run dungeons as a pally healer at level 18 would this work good? I know some are only designed for level 80+
    15. quel

      quel Member

      Oct 19, 2010
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      Yes it does, tested it yesterday on my 15 paladin
    16. Gilderoy

      Gilderoy New Member

      May 10, 2010
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      @xenofell: movement in bgbot is handled by the bgbot, like with any other class. the class is called only to select what spell to cast, quite all the movement is in the hand of the bgbot. unfortunately the bgbot is designed with dps in mind so he will run toward enemy and not toward ally, there is nothing CC creator can do to "fix" that sorry :)
      this CC will work from level 15 with no problem :)
    17. timotyman

      timotyman Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      you sexy bitch, you. wonderful!
    18. llukeen

      llukeen New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      tested for pvp and a counterspell makes this cc just die.

      pve wise i can see it being good
    19. hi1674

      hi1674 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      This looks sexy.

      Maybe i'll dust off my Holy Pala yet again.
    20. xsilverdicex

      xsilverdicex New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Lol do you have any resilience??? i am at 2390 arena rating with this badboy....
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