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  • Singular - A community driven All-In-One CC - It Just Plain Works - (Pt. 2)

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Xanathos, Apr 19, 2011.

    1. timotyman

      timotyman Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Is it possible to heal battlegrounds as a disc priest?
    2. pwnzoor

      pwnzoor New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      When using the "Flyto" with warlock, if no soulshards it wants to cast spell 79268 aka soul harvest, this will make the bot stand still as its in air and waiting to get the soul harvest cast.

      seems it wants to resummon my lolguard and health funnel every time it dismounts too
      Last edited: Jul 20, 2011
    3. incognitto

      incognitto New Member

      Aug 15, 2010
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      curious to know if sub has been implemented for rogues yet as the front page hasnt been updated since april
    4. MDurner11

      MDurner11 Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I as well would like to know if the front page list of implemented builds has been updated since april or not.
    5. Klovnene

      Klovnene Member

      Aug 30, 2010
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      Can i use this to tank raids with lazyraider as DK? :D
    6. kayes

      kayes Active Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I have almost only paladins, and they spam the hell out of the raid in BG's with blessings! Can we please get small issues like this fixed? Also there have been a long time since I could play my 5 team to do instances because my 3 paladins (tank, healer and retri) Argue of which blessing they want, so they all go OOM.
    7. Zacharybinx34

      Zacharybinx34 New Member

      May 11, 2011
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      Please make so the Warrior (maybe others too?) custom classes will actually rip off bubble and iceblock when movement is disabled.

      Also, When I am using combat bot on raid bosses, I often am required to stand literally inside the bosses body sometimes for the rotation to continue - like Nef. I think it has to do something with the hit box detection being off since many bosses hit boxes are vastly bigger than regular mobs.
    8. evilseed

      evilseed Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Are you using singular?
    9. Zacharybinx34

      Zacharybinx34 New Member

      May 11, 2011
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      uhm... yes...
    10. apepi

      apepi New Member

      Apr 2, 2011
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      Well what I did is I changed

      So instead of it using Icy touch it uses CoI.

      You change it in C:\Users\cullen\Honorbuddy\CustomClasses\Singular\ClassSpecific\DeathKnight\[insertspec]
    11. Alandra

      Alandra New Member

      Mar 20, 2011
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      I have got a problem with casters.
      I play in Fury spec and when are two mob and I charge melee mob first then nuke him. Second mob caster is shooting to me with spells but my char is doing nothing, he cannot charge again him becouse is in fight.
      Pull distance 20.

      Last edited: Jul 28, 2011
    12. Ruinit

      Ruinit Member

      Nov 1, 2010
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      Has there been any updates to this? Keep checking the svn been on same version for weeks?
    13. Zacharybinx34

      Zacharybinx34 New Member

      May 11, 2011
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      pretty much no.

      Bot's great. CC's are pretty bad.

      Still wondering why they don't work on the CC's since the bot is only as powerful as the CC is.
    14. Ruinit

      Ruinit Member

      Nov 1, 2010
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      Agree to many problems with cc's and targeting anymore, and now fps has been afk for weeks (with good reason) it just keeps getting worse with hb updates. Pretty sure the only one that works well is Shamwow :(
      Last edited: Jul 28, 2011
    15. zomgmage

      zomgmage Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      the default cc that ships with HB is working better than the svn version for me atm.
    16. Zacharybinx34

      Zacharybinx34 New Member

      May 11, 2011
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      So I tested this CC as Shadow. It's not prioritizing correctly and is not even putting up Devouring Plague and Shadow Word Pain.

      It needs to prioritize things OVER mind flay. Like if a dot drops, it should stop the mind flay mid cast and put it back up - same with mind blast, etc.

      Basically it's priority system needs some work.

      Below is a pretty good break down of Shadow Priest Rotation for 85. If you implement this, then it's perfected!
      The bot should try to take into account how much haste the character has, as I noticed it has about .5 seconds delay between casts.

      Stat scaling:
      1. Intellect - 1.0
      2. Spellpower - 0.7583
      3. Haste - 0.5428
      4. Spirit/Hit/Mastery - 0.4655
      5. Crit - 0.4566

      1. Vampiric Touch
      2. Devouring Plague
      3. Shadow Word: Pain - Can be refreshed with Mind Flay.

      4. Shadowfiend- On CD.
      5. Dark Archangel- Cast on CD. Ideal to time with volcanic potion, heroism, power torrent, trinkets.

      6. Shadow Word: Death - Under 25%. Also good to use if getting low on mana, but should ONLY be used to regain mana if target is above 25%.
      7. Mind Blast -Eats shadow orbs to give Empowered shadow buff: a periodic damage buff. Should be cast on CD!
      8. Mind Flay - Lowest priority, refreshes SW:p. Very mana efficient spell. Any other spell is better then MF and the channel should be canceled if something of higher priority is available.

      9. Mind Spike - Used to burst something down. Casting MS 2 times will grant a instant MB with a higher crit chance. Should NEVER be in a rotation because it erases all dots. )
      10. Mind Sear - AOE, dps loss if less then 5 targets are getting hit. )

      Red spells are high priority, high DPC. Orange is mid priority, high DPC. Green spells are dependent on boss percentage. Blue spells are DPS cooldowns that also give you mana. Black spells are situational.

      If you wanna get real advanced and really know what to priorities for Shadow, then the following is helpful.

      1. Should I wait for Shadow Orbs to cast Mind Blast?

      No, don't wait for them.

      Simulationcraft sims higher when you tell it to cast Mind Blast whenever it becomes available. This correlates to what I have seen and tested in game as well. Mind Blast is just too high of damage spell to hold back compared to Mind Flay, so use it as soon as you can. You will also want to clip Mind Flay just after a tick in order to cast Mind Blast, as this will also increase your DPS.

      There is a danger in playing this way that Empowered Shadows may fall off. The best thing you can do to control this situation is to recast your dots right before ES falls off. This will give you a minimum of 13 seconds to get ES back up before those dots will need to be recast.

      Image 2. How do I increase damage on single targets?

      Push the buttons harder. (Seriously.)

      For a shadow priest, every spell except Mind Flay is either an instant cast or a 1.5 second spell. It's important to understand that if you aren't moving, there's no action or button you can click that will cancel these spells once you've started casting them. Once you start casting Vampiric Touch, you can immediately start pushing/clicking the Devouring Plague button. If you are pushing/clicking repeatedly when the previous spell is near the end of its cast, the new spell will start casting as soon as the game engine will let you. If you aren't jamming the spells as fast as you can, you're probably doing it wrong.

      Bare in mind that Mind Flay does not work this way, however. While there's no penalty for clipping Mind Flay with another Mind Flay other than losing mana, you can clip a tick or two of damage when casting other spells. If you have a cast bar mod like Gnosis (or Quartz), you can see when the ticks of damage are happening, and you will be able to clip the spell shortly after damage has happened in order to keep from losing dps.

      It takes some practice to learn to clip Mind Flay, but it's worth it to learn how.

      Image 3. How do I increase damage on multiple targets and trash packs?

      If you are fighting a boss or mobs that will not die quickly, you can increase your DPS by keeping your dots active on the other mobs in the fight aside from your main target. Always keep the most damage on the main target - this is the mob you want to keep Devouring Plague, Mind Blast, and Mind Flays on. For any other mobs that are active, you can tab target them and cast Shadow Word: Pain and Vampiric Touch. VT and SW: P are always higher DPC than a single Mind Flay, so the more of those you can fill your cast time with the more DPS you will do.

      Some mobs don't last long enough to put all your spells on, so don't bother putting up dots or getting into a complex cast rotation if the spells won't last. If there are 4 or more targets, use Mind Sear. If there are 3 or less targets, just pick one and spam Mind Spike and Mind Blast until it dies. I've found Mind Spike to be pretty effective on small adds that need to die quickly.

      Last but not least, make sure to keep 5 stacks of Dark Evangelism and Empowered Shadows active while multi-dotting. Keep track of the buffs and throw in a Mind Flay and a Mind Blast whenever necessary so that your spells will continue doing their maximum damage. Mind Sear as far as I know is not affected by Dark Evangelism, but it is affected by Empowered Shadows. I generally keep ES up while I'm Mind Searing by throwing out a few Shadow Word: Pains.

      Image 4. What should I do when the boss is less than 25% health?

      At 25%, Shadow Word: Death should come before Mind Blast with no orbs up, and after Mind Blast with 1 Orb or more. Otherwise stick to the casting priority and maintain DOTs. A tip with this is to run around while spamming Shadow Word: Death. This can help proc a Shadowy Apparition, and add even more dps towards the end of the fight. I've had a few healers yell at me for getting out of position while doing this, so beware of the positioning requirements of the fight when you do this.

      Image 5. What should I do when moving?

      As long as you have mana, you should always be casting. You can't cast non-instant spells on the move however, so here are a couple techniques you can use instead.

      The first technique is to stutter your movements, pausing periodically to cast every spell but Mind Flay in your rotation. Stop briefly to refresh dots and cast Mind Blast, then move again while you're waiting to re-cast them. Essentially just do your normal priority rotation, except whenever you would normally cast Mind Flay, use the time to move where-ever you need to go. If you're doing this right it should have a run, cast, run, cast rhythm to it.

      The second technique is to only use instant casts while moving. You can spam Devouring Plague, which is your highest dps instant above 25%, and then add Shadow Word: Death below 25%. You can also use Shadow Word: Death above 25% for some mana gain if you need it. Other good instants to use are Power Word: Shield and Dispersion.

      Image 6. How do I manage mana?

      You can Hymn of Hope or Dispersion to gain mana, but this stops your dps for several seconds, so I would save these as last resort. If you find yousrelf running low on mana, the best tip I can give you is to add Shadow Word: Death into your rotation whenever you reach about 20% mana. The mana gain from Masochism should keep you going until your next dps-based mana cooldown becomes available (Shadowfiend and Archangel).

      If you find yourself needing to use Hymn of Hope, you can cast Dispersion right after it for the greatest mana gain.

      Image 7. What do I do when a trinket procs?

      There are two types of trinkets that you need to be aware of. Mastery trinkets and other trinkets. For both types of trinkets, it's an increase in dps to refresh your dots when you gain their buff. If Vampiric Touch has almost ended, just wait and refresh it when you normally would have rather than early.

      For Mastery trinkets, the way these work is that you have to cast a Mind Blast with a Shadow Orb active in order to get extra damage. The way you do this is that you refraining from casting Mind Blast until you see a Shadow Orb proc. As soon as you get one, cast your first available Mind Blast. After this, refresh your dots and keep your next Mind Blast in reserve until the end of the proc. You will be able to extend the life of the proc by casting another Mind Blast towards the end of the mastery bonus. Doing this will "stick" your Empowered Shadows buff at a higher setting for a longer time period.

      Image 8. Should I clip or not clip my dots?

      The concept of clipping doesn't exist anymore. Refreshing dots before they end just resets the dot's duration (this also works for Mind Flay, when clipped with another Mind Flay). In the case of Devouring Plague, you can refresh it just about whenever you want, as many times as you want. The extra bit of damage from Improved Devouring Plague makes it so that you don't go into a GCD deficit while casting it. For Vampiric Touch, you should try to refresh it as close to the end as possible. Generally speaking any downtime on DOTs is bad, and you want as little as possible.

      Mind Flay, on the other hand, is good to clip if there's a spell that would do more DPS by comparison to a single tick of it. Spells like Mind Blast and Shadow Word: Death (under 25%) will do more damage per second, so you can clip Mind Flay with those. As long as you are clipping Mind Flay closely after a tick of damage, you can clip it for anything, even to refresh dots. Mind Flay is our weakest damage per execute spell by far, and you'll gain dps by doing almost any other action. If you are using a cast bar addon, it will help you know when to properly clip Mind Flay without losing damage.

      Image 9. Any other DPS tricks?

      I use a lot of spellpower potions on boss fights. One right at the start before the encounter begins will allow you to use another later in the fight.

      Try to watch your spellpower procs and use Shadow fiend when a lot of them are active.

      Try to time your Archangel ability with potions and spellpower procs - you will get a lot more dps out of it this way. Hitting Archangel during heroism is the best - try to get your raid to let you know when in a fight they will use heroism, so that you can plan for Archangel to be active when it happens.

      When Multi-dotting, you can get a bit more dps out of it by refreshing Shadow Word: Pain with Mind Flay.

      Aside from the above, just try to watch your procs closely. Don't let important buffs fall off, and make sure to refresh your dots when big procs happen.


      MInd Blast on CD unless the empowered shadow buff is not active, then wait for atleast one orb.
      Last edited: Jul 31, 2011
    17. Zacharybinx34

      Zacharybinx34 New Member

      May 11, 2011
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      Also, the DK bot, doesn't work with combat bot or lazy raider because it randomly glitches out and takes over the selecting. This needs to be completely disabled when movement is disabled and let the user control this. I have some friends who have also found this to be true and the problem needs to be fixed.

    18. samrick

      samrick New Member

      Mar 1, 2010
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      DiscPriest leveling suggestion

      Hey there devs,

      I've been leveling a Priest from 14-56 at this point and found some improvements for the CC.
      As Shadow seems to be horribly broken right now for leveling (has to drink after every 2nd Mob, thx blizz) i tried disc, and it's running like a breeze.

      I made some minor adjustments to the CC to get it working even better ;)

      1. Commented SW:p as it is simply using to much mana for it to be useful (did about 300dmg for 250 mana, whereas Smite did 350dmg for 175mana during my tests). Especially at lower levels without BoA gear mana regeneration/conservation is kinda bad.
      In the end he's drinking less and fighting more, cutting down on rest-time and improving combat-time.
      SW:p might get better at higher levels, but imho it's just not worth it at lower levels.
      2. Implemented Power Infusion to be cast if current target is above 80% life or if we have adds.

      These changes were only tested while solo leveling sub-60, so maybe some more switches might be needed. Patch file is appended.

      PS: i like parentheses ^^

      Can't get Archangel working by the way ;(
      CC's checking for Evangelism buff allright but doesn't cast AA as far as i could see.

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Jul 31, 2011
    19. kayes

      kayes Active Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Can somone PLEASE take a look @ the retribution CC??? My toons suddenly start to use holy light while mobs / PVP attackers pwn my toons. Stun, then heal. Dont use a small heal with long cast time in the middle of the fight ffs.

      Edit: Also I posted several days ago the blessing bug, where the paladins go crazy if some other paladin use another blessing. This should be hotfixed asap because it draws alot of attention in BG's.
      Last edited: Jul 31, 2011
    20. Zacharybinx34

      Zacharybinx34 New Member

      May 11, 2011
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      Fury SMF doesn't do squat for damage. Is the rotation correct?

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