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  • UPaCCBT: The BehaviourTree Ultimate Paladin Healer Custom Class

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Gilderoy, Jul 17, 2011.

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    1. koalemos2

      koalemos2 New Member

      May 10, 2011
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      so fast with the fixes, it's amazing
    2. TranceAddict

      TranceAddict New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Haha wish there was a dungeon prot CC that worked as well as this zomg
    3. koalemos2

      koalemos2 New Member

      May 10, 2011
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      This may be a stretch but I wonder if it would be possible to add a feature to NOT heal out of combat. That way after a boss fight we aren't spamming heals on everyone unnecessarily.
    4. dynamite

      dynamite New Member

      Feb 19, 2011
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      While doing a Beth'ilic on 10 man last night noticed it was delaying heals on the tank while upstairs with him, tank never died but came damn near close alot, we ended up doing 10 attempts (fail pug), I noticed the problem at first was it was healing everyone downstairs, i figured they would be out of range (guessed wrong) amazingly thx to your CC it did an awesome job handling both but decided since the tank was getting near death quite abit (twice LoH at 1%, its set at 20%) .

      I'd turn on selective healing just selected the two tanks and the other two healers. Still kept running into a prob where the tank was getting low. I didnt want to just heal only the tank b/c well i know your CC and my gear can handle the healing more than just him. My question is there an option in the Gui or somewhere (couldnt find it during the raid) where it would cancel all heals to anyone if tank hits XX% of health, I had him set as my tank target in lazyraider and all, never had a problem with it till this fight.

      I'll take a look to find the log from that raid to see. other than that I gotta say this CC is almost god like. i literally healed BWD with only me i was doing 15k+ hps while the other two were doing 4-5k simply b/c i was picking up their raid heals aswell as the tanks...just amazing, even got a compliment last night during a huge trash pull in FL where I ended up with 30k hps and a massive amount of total healing on the pull and no one died. sorry im rambling, let me go look for those logs if it will help to see why.

      ok was gonna post log but its 3+mbs and it wont let me upload it b/c its over 1mb..hmmm any suggestion or just ignore it as i see you've already replied to it :p, your to damn good with this CC i wish they had a hunter CC dev as commited as you :p
      Last edited: Jul 28, 2011
    5. Gilderoy

      Gilderoy New Member

      May 10, 2010
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      @koalemos2: well there is not such an option for now, I can add it if you think is necessary, what i do not want is people start screaming in party chat "hey healer HEAL ME!!!111111!!111" or things like that after a boss fight :D for example tank must be at 100% (or close) before the next pull and so shoul be the dps but the CC has no way to know _when_ the tank will pull the next trash.. so what she does is heal everybody back to 100% as soon as possible after a fight :)
      @dynamite: happy this is working good for you! ^__^
      For now the priority on tank healing is a little too low according to many people, i'll put in more code to add more priority on the tank(s) when i'll be sure to have a realy stable release (is on the TODO list if you look at that :) )
    6. dynamite

      dynamite New Member

      Feb 19, 2011
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      was glancing over the logs a bit noticed its using Trinket 1 (my darkmoon card) but never trinket 2.(one with an actual on use) its been like that for awhile so i had been using a trinket plugin to blow my trinket off CD, I have the option set in the GUI to use both, Im actually gonna turn off Trinket 1 since theres no on use effect, and see if that helps later when Im ingame, The plugin quit working for him a week ago so ive been just manually using it, noticed last night after updating the CC you put in a Gui (been using rev 125 for quite awhile) but from looking at the logs it only tried to use trinket 1, ALOT as it has no actual on use, So im wondering if maybe that had an effect on its healing during the Beth'lic fight constantly spamming that trinket.
    7. Gilderoy

      Gilderoy New Member

      May 10, 2010
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      this CC for now has no code for using trinket EXCEPT tyrande favorite doll
      that's the only trinket that will be used, and only if you have an english client :) what line in the log make you think the CC was tryng to use a trinket?
    8. dynamite

      dynamite New Member

      Feb 19, 2011
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      Heres a part of the log to give an example its littered alllllll over the log but heres a snippet

      [10:17:39 PM:559] Trinket 1: - Darkmoon Card: Tsunami
      [10:17:39 PM:728] Using trinkets!
      [10:17:39 PM:744] Trinket 1: - Darkmoon Card: Tsunami
      [10:17:39 PM:940] Using trinkets!
      [10:17:39 PM:955] Trinket 1: - Darkmoon Card: Tsunami
      [10:17:40 PM:146] Using trinkets!
      [10:17:40 PM:161] Trinket 1: - Darkmoon Card: Tsunami
      [10:17:40 PM:444] Actual healing called! will try to heal tar Tank Ta**** at hp 80.18 and distance 21.41 me.ismoving False cancastDL True cancastFL True cancastHL True Global cooldown False left 00:00:00
      [10:17:40 PM:505] Healing: casting Holy Shock on Tank Ta**** at distance 21.41 with type Heal at hp 80.18
      [10:17:40 PM:507] Spell_C::CastSpell(20473, 0, 0x400000002833406, 0) [840]
      [10:17:40 PM:706] Using trinkets!
      [10:17:40 PM:721] Trinket 1: - Darkmoon Card: Tsunami
      [10:17:40 PM:767] tar Tank Ta**** hp 72.41 distance 21.41
      [10:17:41 PM:014] Using trinkets!
      [10:17:41 PM:030] Trinket 1: - Darkmoon Card: Tsunami
      [10:17:41 PM:271] Using trinkets!
      [10:17:41 PM:287] Trinket 1: - Darkmoon Card: Tsunami
      [10:17:41 PM:468] Using trinkets!
      [10:17:41 PM:483] Trinket 1: - Darkmoon Card: Tsunami
      [10:17:41 PM:731] Using trinkets!
      [10:17:41 PM:745] Trinket 1: - Darkmoon Card: Tsunami
      [10:17:42 PM:064] Actual healing called! will try to heal tar Tank Ta**** at hp 84.01 and distance 21.41 me.ismoving False cancastDL True cancastFL True cancastHL True Global cooldown False left 00:00:00
      [10:17:42 PM:194] This is the last check before the real Heal, was a global cooldown proble? now we will know! will try to heal tar Tank Ta**** at hp 84.01 and distance 21.41 me.ismoving False cancastDL True cancastFL True cancastHL True Global cooldown False left 00:00:00
      [10:17:42 PM:271] Healing: casting Holy Light on Tank Ta**** at distance 21.41 with type Heal at hp 84.01
      [10:17:42 PM:272] Spell_C::CastSpell(635, 0, 0x400000002833406, 0) [841]
      [10:17:42 PM:483] Using trinkets!
      [10:17:42 PM:497] Trinket 1: - Darkmoon Card: Tsunami
      [10:17:42 PM:559] tar Tank Ta**** hp 84.01 distance 21.41
      [10:17:42 PM:805] Using trinkets!
      [10:17:42 PM:819] Trinket 1: - Darkmoon Card: Tsunami
      [10:17:42 PM:990] Using trinkets!
      [10:17:43 PM:006] Trinket 1: - Darkmoon Card: Tsunami
      [10:17:43 PM:187] Using trinkets!
      [10:17:43 PM:202] Trinket 1: - Darkmoon Card: Tsunami
      [10:17:43 PM:375] Using trinkets!
      [10:17:43 PM:390] Trinket 1: - Darkmoon Card: Tsunami
      [10:17:43 PM:556] Using trinkets!
      [10:17:43 PM:571] Trinket 1: - Darkmoon Card: Tsunami
      [10:17:43 PM:745] Using trinkets!
      [10:17:43 PM:759] Trinket 1: - Darkmoon Card: Tsunami
      [10:17:43 PM:926] Using trinkets!
      [10:17:43 PM:943] Trinket 1: - Darkmoon Card: Tsunami
      [10:17:44 PM:115] Using trinkets!
      [10:17:44 PM:130] Trinket 1: - Darkmoon Card: Tsunami
      [10:17:44 PM:297] Using trinkets!
      [10:17:44 PM:312] Trinket 1: - Darkmoon Card: Tsunami
      [10:17:44 PM:476] Using trinkets!
      [10:17:44 PM:490] Trinket 1: - Darkmoon Card: Tsunami
      [10:17:44 PM:550] Missing Judgment of the Pure: casting Judgement on Beth'tilac at distance 15.37 with type Buff at hp 99.46
      [10:17:44 PM:552] Spell_C::CastSpell(20271, 0, 0xF150CD1200008805, 0) [842]
      [10:17:44 PM:717] Using trinkets!
      [10:17:44 PM:731] Trinket 1: - Darkmoon Card: Tsunami
      [10:17:44 PM:779] tar Tank Ta**** hp 64.14 distance 21.41
      [10:17:45 PM:011] Using trinkets!
      [10:17:45 PM:025] Trinket 1: - Darkmoon Card: Tsunami
      [10:17:45 PM:200] Using trinkets!
      [10:17:45 PM:211] Trinket 1: - Darkmoon Card: Tsunami
      [10:17:45 PM:384] Using trinkets!
      [10:17:45 PM:398] Trinket 1: - Darkmoon Card: Tsunami
      [10:17:45 PM:561] Using trinkets!
      [10:17:45 PM:576] Trinket 1: - Darkmoon Card: Tsunami
      [10:17:45 PM:737] Using trinkets!
      [10:17:45 PM:751] Trinket 1: - Darkmoon Card: Tsunami
      [10:17:45 PM:917] Using trinkets!
      [10:17:45 PM:929] Trinket 1: - Darkmoon Card: Tsunami
      [10:17:46 PM:107] Using trinkets!
      [10:17:46 PM:124] Trinket 1: - Darkmoon Card: Tsunami
      [10:17:46 PM:461] Actual healing called! will try to heal tar Tank Ta**** at hp 72.96 and distance 21.41 me.ismoving False cancastDL True cancastFL True cancastHL True Global cooldown False left 00:00:00
      [10:17:46 PM:610] This is the last check before the real Heal, was a global cooldown proble? now we will know! will try to heal tar Tank Ta**** at hp 72.96 and distance 21.41 me.ismoving False cancastDL True cancastFL True cancastHL True Global cooldown False left 00:00:00
      [10:17:46 PM:671] Healing: casting Holy Light on Tank Ta**** at distance 21.41 with type Heal at hp 72.96
      [10:17:46 PM:672] Spell_C::CastSpell(635, 0, 0x400000002833406, 0) [843]
      [10:17:46 PM:895] Using trinkets!
    9. dynamite

      dynamite New Member

      Feb 19, 2011
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      heres a snippet from the start of honor buddy to show whats runnin

      [9:17:48 PM:210] Logging in...
      [9:17:48 PM:835] Buddy Sessions: 1/1
      Shared Sessions: 0/0
      [9:17:49 PM:797] Attached to WoW with ID 5720
      [9:17:49 PM:881] Honorbuddy v2.0.0.5097 started!
      [9:17:49 PM:882] Using WoW with process ID 5720
      [9:17:49 PM:882] Platform: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
      [9:17:49 PM:882] Executable Path: C:\Users\Dynamite\Desktop\My Mangas\Whatwhatindabutt\Honorbuddy.exe
      [9:17:49 PM:885] Character is a level 85 Human Paladin
      [9:17:49 PM:885] Current zone is Stormwind City
      [9:17:49 PM:888] New bot added!: ArchaeologyBuddy
      [9:17:50 PM:026] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.315]:----------------------------------------------------------------------
      [9:17:50 PM:028] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.315]:Currently supported tanking dungeons :
      [9:17:50 PM:028] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.315]:(This list will update itself automatically)
      [9:17:50 PM:028] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.315]:
      [9:17:50 PM:028] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.315]: (Level 15 - 21) Deadmines
      [9:17:50 PM:028] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.315]: (Level 15 - 21) Ragefire Chasm
      [9:17:50 PM:028] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.315]: (Level 16 - 26) Shadowfang Keep
      [9:17:50 PM:028] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.315]: (Level 20 - 30) The Stockade
      [9:17:50 PM:028] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.315]: (Level 26 - 36) Scarlet Monastery - Graveyard
      [9:17:50 PM:028] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.315]: (Level 29 - 39) Scarlet Monastery - Library
      [9:17:50 PM:028] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.315]: (Level 32 - 42) Scarlet Monastery - Armory
      [9:17:50 PM:028] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.315]: (Level 35 - 45) Scarlet Monastery - Cathedral
      [9:17:50 PM:028] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.315]: (Level 38 - 48) Scholomance
      [9:17:50 PM:028] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.315]: (Level 42 - 52) Stratholme - Main Gate
      [9:17:50 PM:028] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.315]: (Level 46 - 56) Stratholme - Service Entrance
      [9:17:50 PM:028] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.315]: (Level 57 - 67) Hellfire Ramparts
      [9:17:50 PM:028] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.315]: (Level 59 - 68) The Blood Furnace
      [9:17:50 PM:028] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.315]: (Level 62 - 71) Mana Tombs
      [9:17:50 PM:028] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.315]: (Level 65 - 73) Sethekk Halls
      [9:17:50 PM:028] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.315]:----------------------------------------------------------------------
      [9:17:50 PM:353] New bot added!: Instancebuddy
      [9:17:50 PM:370] New bot added!: Gatherbuddy2
      [9:17:50 PM:372] New bot added!: Grind Bot
      [9:17:50 PM:374] New bot added!: Questing
      [9:17:50 PM:376] New bot added!: PvP
      [9:17:50 PM:377] New bot added!: BG Bot [Beta]
      [9:17:50 PM:380] New bot added!: Mixed Mode
      [9:17:50 PM:381] New bot added!: PartyBot
      [9:17:50 PM:853] New bot added!: Combat Bot
      [9:17:50 PM:853] New bot added!: LazyRaider
      [9:17:51 PM:574] MeshesFolderPath: C:\Users\Dynamite\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes
      [9:17:51 PM:574] KillBetweenHotspots: False
      [9:17:51 PM:574] AdvancedSettingsMode: True
      [9:17:51 PM:574] LogoutForInactivity: False
      [9:17:51 PM:574] LogoutInactivityTimer: 10
      [9:17:51 PM:574] LogoutInactivityUseForceQuit: False
      [9:17:51 PM:574] ProfileDebuggingMode: False
      [9:17:51 PM:574] FoodAmount: 0
      [9:17:51 PM:574] DrinkAmount: 0
      [9:17:51 PM:574] EnabledPlugins:
      [9:17:51 PM:575] Bug Submitter
      [9:17:51 PM:575] Refreshment Detection
    10. dynamite

      dynamite New Member

      Feb 19, 2011
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      im fixing to run a random ill see if its still doing it or not ill report back in 5 or so mins

      ya wierd its not doing it now...lol no clue why that was showing up in the logs last night :/ ohs well no biggie. Didnt show up in the BWD i ran afterwards either...So i would say its not your CC causing the problem from what i can see
      Last edited: Jul 28, 2011
    11. Gilderoy

      Gilderoy New Member

      May 10, 2010
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      i can ensure you the trinket part is not for this CC, there is no code like that in the whole CC :)
      By the look of it that look more like a Pulse() from a plugin, try deleting all plugins from your plugin folder and run again and see if you get that message again
    12. TranceAddict

      TranceAddict New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      My pally never uses his doll :S
    13. dynamite

      dynamite New Member

      Feb 19, 2011
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      ya its weird why it did that and ive looked over every log from the past 5 days ive used the CC its never showed up, and its not showing that now either. I gotta say i like the GUI, and keep up the awesome work :p. sorry for that un related problem lolz
    14. assassin

      assassin New Member

      Dec 29, 2010
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      After running ZA/ZG several times today I can say that it is much more efficient with its mana that some recent revisions. For that I am thankful because I had some questionable PUGS that I don't think would have made it without some leet healing. I also did several BG's and TB's which went very well also. Keep it up!
    15. papatoast

      papatoast Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I'm actually not so happy with the frugal use of mana. I find its using holy light and flash of light when it REALLY should be using divine light. Flash healing a tank when its at about 10% is NOT the best way to keep it alive :(

      [11:14:03 AM:020] Healing: casting Flash of Light on Tank Ad**** at distance 12.02 with type Heal at hp 9.97
      Mana becomes less of an issue as you get better gear, so i'd rather get low mana on bad pulls than wipe because its using the wrong spell selections.

      I don't know whats happened since build 141, that seemed to pick spells perfectly.

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Jul 28, 2011
    16. Gilderoy

      Gilderoy New Member

      May 10, 2010
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      @papatoast: I'm sorry but Flash of light is the right spell to cast if tank is at 10%.. is the better spell to cast in that case!
      Flash of light is fast, mana ineffective and heal for the same as a divine light that has 1 sec more casting time..
      realy, you wanna cast a divine light on a tank at 10%? he will be dead before the spell land.
      BTW if you want, be my guest, just go in the GUI and change flash of light % to 0%, problem solved..
      @asssassin_ good to hear that! ^__^
      Also, rev154 is online, she has the scalable priority on tank, you can go from 0% (will heal just as now) to 100% (will always prioritize the tank) just as you whish. for now there is only for dungeon and raid but if you ask also for other behaviour I'll add it :)
      Also, there is a little surprise in this build :p
    17. Quixor

      Quixor Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      This probably isn't supported with the new build but I just wanted to give people a heads up who arena. I lost 6 games in a row at 1500 rating with the 154 build and I couldn't understand why, I switched this back to revision 74 of the old build and won the next 4 matches and 2 of them were against teams who I lost to the same night. So if you arena you should probably use the old CC for now until Gilderoy optimizes it for arena. I want to mention I use 154 for everything else including raiding and it works perfectly.
    18. imfat

      imfat New Member

      Sep 29, 2010
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      Is that a priest CC I see in there.

      YES IT IS
    19. sscgod

      sscgod New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      gotta level my priest quick! thank you for supporting priests!
      Last edited: Jul 29, 2011
    20. quel

      quel Member

      Oct 19, 2010
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      Loooooooove, priest <3

      Edit: What does it support atm?
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