Blizzard isn't stupid enough to do something like that. While they do have their moments, they never do anything illegal. (Especially not (D)DoS'ing a network. That can land them easily in the shitter.)
Although Blizzard isn't stupid enough to do that, I'm sure there are some fanatical people out there that may. Sad as it is.
I still get the error And very often aswell.. Please fix This is fucked I cant bot anything, 2 minutes and i get "Session invalid"
Hello, i have this invalid session once every 5-10 minutes using archeology bot, is impossible to make it run like this, very very annoying. Any suggestion?
This really sucks >_> i was on a paladin Leveling streak. now its over. got her to 65 in 2 days. well guess ill just stop for now in case blizz gets suspicious
Sigh. If you had read my post, you would've known you can revert back to the version before the latest version and have a stable version again...... Or wait till it gets sorted. Tony already had said it will be looked into.
I am using the previous one, 5097 and still get it, every few hours it seem , unless its the 5063 that doesnt get that bug ?
I bought a 1 day key today to try this bot out before i invest in a lifetime key. I have been getting disconnected all day long. Can I please get another 1 day pass for when the bot gets fixed? As it stands now, this is not a very good 1st impression for somebody looking to spend more money with you guys. I seen that the devs are aware of this problem now and are working on a fix. If you want my money, then I expect this thing to work for the entire day before I invest any more money.
welcome to the freakin club... ive had this for MONTHS and nobody except Tony has been trying to help me... maybe kickazz tryed abit but Tony really took his time and tryed to help me but we couldnt solve the problem :/
Yeah, my last timeout was yesterday around 4pm. Been working since then, and my bot is finally mailing correctly when bags are full now. Now I can really go all out 24/7! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk