I can see the execute spam being nice, but honestly I'm ok with it. Also take into consideration your gear and stats. I'm at 363 item level fury warrior with 2set bonus. If anything I'm very pleased with the cc and in fact I think it's by far one of the best written, simple and clean ui, easy to understand and performs flawlessly.
only spec that currently uses execute spam is arms atm very weird doh... im not exactly sure if thats optimum for that spec havent quite looked not sure if truman did either though, mostly fury was discussed during his heavy development of this, and fury spec execute phase is to do execute 5x to stack executioner 25% inc attk speed then back to regular rotation of sorts.
so official post for people wondering i hit 1750 arena rating in 2s using only bot, and popping CDs myself. not really hard, enjoy the best CC i played so far! shamwow isnt working that great in pvp, for me at least at lvl 68 .
I just tried it with lazy raider in arena and it won't do anything but auto-attack. What did you do to get it to work?
Fixed my problem. If you check "Use Demo Shout" it doesn't work. Other than that, GREAT CC thanks! Only thing that needs work is the Colossus Smash priority. Should use Colossus Smash always over everything else and then use the best rotation with CS us that includes 1 MS and 2 OP, with a slam. Check it out, would up the DPS substantially on this awesome bot.
im not sure whats going but no updates for a while. this CC still suported by the developper? would love to see some more improvements, this could easily become THE best CC for honorbuddy, has alot of potential, just a few very minor tweaks.
Could not compile CC from C:\Users\Desktop\Honorbuddy_2.0.0.5063\CustomClasses\Gladiatore v3.4! File: Settings.cs Line: 6 Error: The namespace 'Gladiatore' already contains a definition for 'GladiatoreSettings'
i did a user update in some of the later pages... but i think some things needs looking into i havent tested latest hb release they come out so timely these days
this cc use to work like a charm, with the new honorbuddys it seems not to function at all...Is there any way to make it work?
if you have any problems post a log .. but the 3.41 works fine aside from the demoralizing shout bug in the arms spec.
whats wrong with the rotation on arms .... and nothing wrong with smf or fury i have noticed hb has problems with using slam or noticing the proc but thats it.