I know long ago with openbot there was a way to auto mesh XX yards around you. Pretty sure it would "map" around trees. Can't remember since it was like 3 years ago Was wondering if that would at all be possible to make somethign similar for HB?
And why wouldn't that be possible fps? Since this is mesh and not waypoints it should be able to read the terrain a few yards in a circle around you. Though, it was alot of work for greyman and the others in ismods to make it happen
Actually it is possible once you have a mesh, say the 1-60 mesh you can load it start your bot and enable the mesh mapping, this way the mesh gets bigger as the bot lvls
And when it runs into objects and jumps fences / obstacles and walks off a clif or something similar it will also add this to the mesh. And the next time it wants to go somewhere it may very well think its perfectly acceptable to walk off a cliff. I tried this quite a while ago, the mesh was a huge mess and the character would frequently get stuck as a result.
Yea dont want auto-meshing. The way it is right now, meshing is EASY... just run around the area you want it to go. If using a mesh and die or get stuck somewhere, just turn on start mapping, get it back to its mesh and STOP mapping, save new mesh (to be safe rename old mesh in-between so can revert back if FAIL). Ive added a lot to meshes and works great. While meshing look at connectors.. if it says 3 then the path you are on is ONLY path.. when says 5-20 that means meshes are overlapping and thats what you want unless its path from death.
Yes I agree meshing is easy, but an auto mesh that would mesh around trees, rocks,etc. would be easier That is why I asked if something similar to the open bot auto mesh would be possible. Also with what Bossland said, I have also tried that just like fps and got one hell of a mess. Not saying that it wouldn't work, but the several attempts I made at it making it mesh itself did not turn out well
It is possible to make something like pather (for glider) with honor buddy so yes it is possible. Is it worth doing? No because if you are going to go that far you may as well re-invent pather for HB.
Correct me if i'm wrong here, but didn't hawker&bossland already say , that some kind of automeshing and questing will be included in the main HB ? If this is true, there is no need to try it yourself until then .
How hard would it be to interface Ppather with HB? It is definitely a plugin that I would love to see.
Honestly its not hard to create your own mesh. and with eProfilecreator it takes the hassle outta making profiles.