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  • Hunter range issue

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by PolkSDA, Jan 20, 2010.

    1. PolkSDA

      PolkSDA New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I've leveled a hunter from 46 to 57 using HB, and for the most part it works well, but over about the last 4 levels or so, I've seen some bizarre behavior:

      Normally when a mob gets close/attacks, the hunter will melee until the pet (gorilla) gets aggro and then the hunter backs off and plinks from range, as he should.

      Over the last 4 levels though, instead of just moving back or away just far enough to be out of melee range and shooting, he tries to run a hundred yards away, often outside of range and/or straight into other mobs, which of course melee him since the pet is otherwise occupied with the original mob.

      What gives? What got changed?
    2. PolkSDA

      PolkSDA New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      After further monitoring the bot, it appears to be a problem with the Movement: StrafeLeft. Instead of simply moving enough to get out of melee range, it tries to run the char out of range entirely, i.e., beyond shooting range.
      Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2010
    3. PolkSDA

      PolkSDA New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      After more experimentation, the problem is the default hunter.cs that comes with HB. I don't know exactly why, but once I installed the hunter.cs referred to in this thread:


      the problem went away. This new profile appears to use "Disengage" rather than "Strafe Left" to get out of melee to shooting range, which works infinitely better.

      The only problem with the new profile is that it does not feed your pet when happiness runs low, whereas the original profile handled this well.

      I'm not enough of a coder to merge the two profiles. :(

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