Have anyone tested tanking with it with good results? What do you have to do manually except the obvious movement?
Could some1 plz expain to me, why my warrior only autoattacks when I use this in dungeons with Lazyraider? Was rly looking forward to see this in action, while lvl'ing. :/
help with initial aggro but thats bout it .... please give a log so we can see what happened, what spec were you using ? i know the only thing that isnt fixed is arms when demoralizing s hout is enabled. make sure you enabled spec/options on first usage as well as their is no default and/or auto detection
I've tanked zandalaris now with no problem at all with holding aggro and it just does really good, im positively surprised Havent tested tanking with the other cc's but this was better than I expected.
This is a no movement CC. If your trying to use this with Lazy-raider and Instance buddy, it wont do much.
I'm lvl 84 almost 85. What I meant was, that while I was lvl'ing I was rly looking forward to hitting endgame and try this in hc's and raids.
I use this cc for heroics, za/zg and raiding firelands, I will say to spec blood and thunder rather than the raid spec thunderstruck. I have no serious problem with this cc other than it wants to spam slam in arms with slaughter process rather than overpower which will hit harder than slam. Also I'd like to see throwdown incorporated into this cc also if that's not to much to ask for.
Very nice smooth CC! I got only one problem when i got Bloodsurge buff CC dont cast slam, only 1-2 times in 5-10mins rotation :\ I checking code but there isnt any misstype or anything. Btw ty your work (Sorry for my English)
Yeah I know that the original maker isnt updating it anymore but there are other coders that do, so if they were to look at this thread it would be really nice if they had the time to implement the above things and upload the updated cc! If I knew how to I would try and do it myself, is it hard coding CCs?
You guys who play as arms, is it good dps there as well? Tell me your ilvl and dps on singletarget (bosses) and on trash ^^
I think arms needs updating but before last updated I was pushing 20k on single target n trash... I think bloodsurge proc recognition needs another look at... Sometimes it happens to me where I have to manually press it, not all the time though like you making it seem but I use smf rotation as well.