Having spent 5 days in Shanghai last week I would not recommend that to anyone, and that's a civilized part of China.. G
Well, then we know that we are the largest bot on the market (that we knew already, but now it is confirmed by the hammer)! With that said, I will add that if Blizzard wins this (which they unfortunately did a few years ago) i sincerely hope that Blizzard not will require money from you. Good luck guys!
If Blizz wins can't Bossland just change server to one that is in some country where bots for sure are legal?
THats wat i think too if HB get downed, just remake it bossland? YOU KNOW HoW TO fuck BLizz ass alrdy lolz
What do you mean blizz one a few years ago? Glider Won there case Vs Blizzard, Only thing is the court felt like being dick's and not allowing them to sell glider anymore. Glider won, they dont have to give up there 3 mill, Only thing is they cannot sell there product anymore.
Bro Glider got slammed, they just said hes not liable for the damages. Would have defeated the purpose of a LLC. And, specifically, at the time of the first infraction he was actually legit.
well that's kinda bullshit. i had glider lifetime keys and u couldn't use the bot from the second on where blizz knocked at their door until today. what i don't understand is: why are you spreading such bullshit?
I think what he was saying is that the Glider team didn't personally get punished while their product did get shut down by a court order. As much as it hurts to say, I will assume that Bosssland is primarily worried about lost profits, not about having to cease developement. He was all ears when this was mentioned after all. That being said, I couldn't say who is right here, but wownerd seemed to agree to colten123 and backed that up with some hard facts in shape of a link to said case (not that I read it).
Tbh the whole idea of a bot and what it is curently being used and advertised for seems wrong and I'd be surprised if Bossland wins this fight. Imho the best chance would seem to market it as an input aid for those who either have a physical handicap (like chronic tendovaginitis) or no time to play the game with it's endless repetitive due to real life obligations. Blizzard specifically constructs the game mechanics so a player will have to execute these long repetitive tasks and afaik someone tried to sue them exactly for that over in the USA. The way it is now though, the forums are full of gold sellers and some bot publishers even offer a platform for buying/selling gold on their forums. It just has a very negative stigma attached to it and if judges look into that, I doubt this project will survive the shitstorm that will follow. I'm no lawyer and people might say "That's not how the legal system works", but it's what the feeling in my gut tells me anyway. There are people sitting there with common sense and it's not always just the reciting and application of paragraphs that influence the court decisions. I'm still hoping for this bot to go open source for the case that "we" will lose. Would be lovely if a dev could comment on that idea, but right now it doesn't look like they even want to consider losing. I know there's an open source diablo 2 bot that has a lot active developers.
From what I understood from the whole thing, was MDY could still sell Glider, they just weren't allowed to circumvent Warden. Naturally, that renders the bot useless as they're detected the second Glider starts up. MDY did win on a couple of key issues. It was just a couple of other ones that hung them. I'm not saying this is fact, just what I understood from what I'd read about the case.
you don't want open source... have you ever played on private servers, should i say more? the way i see it, this guy is SMART enough to do it. why open a can of worms? open source = people constantly fighting over money and pride. just keep the kingdom how it is . all hail king bossland( and his developers) .. hehe