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  • Raid Guild [H] Blackrock-PVP

    Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum' started by Stree, Aug 24, 2011.

    1. Stree

      Stree New Member

      Jun 9, 2011
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      Hey fellow HB users!

      I am currently posting to gauge the interest of other HonorBuddy users in the formation of a weekend raiding guild & weekday PVP team.

      Heres a little information:

      "GUILD" has been placed in the mission statement over the guild name to protect possible members from harassment from those who may have access this forum that do not bot.

      The Server: US-Blackrock Horde [PVP] (IP: - to test ping)
      The BattleGroup: Bloodlust
      Host Location: Los Angeles Datacenters
      Server Time: US Pacific Time
      Alliance Population: 1,270 (6%)
      Horde Population: 20,679 (94%)

      10man Raid Schedule: Fri/Sat/Sun (Time to be set based on core raid roster schedules)
      PVP Schedule: Tues/Wed/Thurs (Time to be set based on core pvp roster schedules)

      *NOTE: Guild may shift from 10man focus to 25man focus if enough interest is shown and recruitment goes well in game*

      Class Needs: *Exceptional Players of all specs/classes welcome*
      Tanks: Prot Warrior, Prot Paladin
      Healers: Holy Paladin (Resto Druid and Resto Shaman Positions filled)
      DPS *Range*: Arcane Mage, MM/Survival Hunter, Balance Druid, Destro Lock
      DPS *Melee*: Arms/Fury Warrior, Frost DK, Sub Rogue, Feral Cat (any one of these for #10 slot)

      Current Composition Concept: http://raidcomp.mmo-champion.com/?c=ueo6d4ar90000002l5st00000000000000000000

      If you are interested please send me a private message on the forums with the following information:

      Character Armory Link:
      Main Spec:
      PVPer or Raider?
      Available play schedule: (when you are actually at your computer and able to raid)
      Do you have a working microphone?
      Do you have either Skype or Ventrilo?
      If you have questions, feel free to direct them to a Private Message as well!

      In addition to standard guild development operations, I am currently in the process of designing and developing a website for the guild that I am very pleased with thus far. I am looking to build a community with the website with many features and information.

      - Gaming News
      - Hardware Reviews
      - Live Streams
      - Raid Guides
      - Class Guides
      - Blue Tracker
      - RSS Feeds from popular MMO networks such as MMO-Champion & others.
      - Monthly prize drawings (Mice, Keyboards, Gamecards, Blizzard / Activision Products, etc.) after website has been launched.
      - & More!
      Last edited: Aug 24, 2011
    2. Apoc

      Apoc Moderator Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 16, 2010
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      As a raid leader, you really don't want a disc priest in a 10man (unless they're incredibly skilled). You're far better off with a holy priest, or holy pally. (10mans don't have enough room to allow for tank-only heals, which is why you need a good healer comp that can handle tank and raid healing at the same time.)

      Your raid comp sucks. Next to no AOE (arcane mages are garbage as they have to be up mobs asses to AOE, MM hunters aren't bad, but still not great seeing as they can only get off ~3-4 multishots before their focus starved. And... boomkins... yea... Shrooms only do so much, and hurricane is a mana drain. WTB: Demo/Destro lock)

      What do you have against DKs? DK tanks especially are great in this tier of content due to the pure balls that is AMS. (IMO, the best current tanking combo is DK/War or DK/Pally. Druids can be useful on certain fights such as Baleroc, but thats situational.)

      IMO, the best 10man comp at the moment is as follows:

      DK/War tank
      Resto Shaman, Resto Druid, H Pally heals
      Destro/Demo lock, MM/Surv Hunter, Boomkin (shrooms do become useful, and the extra rebirth just in case), Arcane Mage or Ele shaman (crit/magic damage debuffs)
      Rogue/War/DK for melee. (This tier of content, as usual, benefits ranged more than melee, so you'll find more success in running ranged-heavy groups than melee heavy)

      You really don't need/want "specific" types of spec/class roles in 10 mans, you just plain can't afford it unless you plan on switching people in and out for bosses to make the comp work. (Which will end your guild fairly quickly FYI)

      Side-note; yes, I raid-lead 10mans, and have led them for quite a while. (I lead 40s in vanilla, 10s/25s in BC, 10s/25s in LK, and pure-10s in Cata)
    3. fasteddie78

      fasteddie78 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Apoc I was under the impression that DK tanks were the bottom of the barrel for tanking?
    4. Stree

      Stree New Member

      Jun 9, 2011
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      The comp was built as a base to start from, that would give us all the buffs and debuffs and give little to no gear distribution issues.

      My original composition was DK Tank/Warrior Tank (but after hearing nothing good about DK tanks in current content, I opted to make some changes to the lineup that would let us continue to have all buffs and debuffs), Resto Druid/Holy Pally/Resto Shaman. Last I heard demo locks weren't that great on DPS.

      This is just a base to begin recruitment with to then make adjustments to, I am always open to suggestions in all facets of the game and management of a guild.

      There are guilds out there running similar comps that have little to no issues downing content.


      Making the changes you suggested *some of which were in my original concept* (but with a small adjustment or 2) and going with something like this http://raidcomp.mmo-champion.com/?c=ueo6d4ar90000002l5s000000000000000000000 could work out. Just lose a bleed debuff (with the Frsot DK filling #10 slot), and I am actually much happier with this comp than my previously posted comp. Group 4 being one of the possible #10 slot fillers.

      With Frost DK or Arms Warrior, the Hunter would need to pickup the Crit Damage % buff with a wolf pet or bleed damage % with ravager pet if Fury Warrior.
      Last edited: Aug 24, 2011
    5. Angelus

      Angelus Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I stopped reading after that. Clearly you havent seen an awesome druid like me.
    6. Auryn

      Auryn New Member

      Aug 18, 2011
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      Shrooms only do so much...considering they are single target damage and not effected by the AOE cap and yeah they are also buffed by solar, not to mention with boomkin mastery working as it does, moonkins are one of the strongest aoe specs in the game right now. :p....Just thought I would mention that :D
    7. TigerX

      TigerX New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Yep. As a healer in 25heroics, DK's are pretty shitty atm. As our DK tank explained one night. Blizz fucked up designing them for Cata, they dont have any abilities like Holy shield or Shield Block (i think), and their Death Strike mechanic is fucked too or something.
    8. Stree

      Stree New Member

      Jun 9, 2011
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      DK according to Blizz is the only tank that is operating the way they want them to. They are going to be changing all tanks to follow the current DK model (but instead of Death Strike, will get changes to current shield cooldowns).

      Expect them to bump up threat modifier again as well, they want tanks to be able to have NO threat issues at all and focus more on managing cooldowns to survive.
    9. Apoc

      Apoc Moderator Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 16, 2010
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      There's nothing wrong with DKs. If you run with mastery-stacking DKs, they're doing it wrong. Mastery is nice, but it requires them to take the damage for the shield. They need to go for more avoidance overall. (Don't get me wrong, mastery stacking may work at lower gear levels, but its nowhere near as good as shooting for avoidance first, then mastery as you can pick it up.) They should be focusing on avoiding the damage to begin with, then popping DS as needed (or on CD if the fight calls for it).

      Don't assume DKs are bad because your DK players don't know how to gear properly, or don't want to try new things. (EJ isn't always right, and their theorycrafting is usually correct, however I've found them completely wrong when it comes to DK tanking) Our MT is a DK (heroic 10s) and not once have we had any problems healing him, but again, he doesn't play by the "stack as much mastery as possible" theory.

      Also; I didn't mean to say shrooms were bad. They're (right now at least) the highest burst DPS AOE in the game. The drawback is how they're used (and the CD on detonate, coupled with 3 GCDs to even drop them), compared to say a demo lock, or hunter who can keep dropping AOE bombs as the mobs move. (I think we can all agree that Hurricane is more or less a mana drain, and the "last ditch effort" fallback for druid AOE)

      Lastly; as far as 10mans go, I wouldn't shoot for comps just for buffs/debuffs. While the static buffs (fort, arcane int, etc are pretty much required in some way shape or form) the minor combat buffs aren't nearly as important as class/spec utility. Yea, its nice having a bleed debuff, but how many of your players actually apply bleeds? (FYI; having 2 shamans covers the major haste buffs, or 1 shaman + 1 boomkin as well, which is why its almost always recommended to have some form of shaman, if only for the utility buffs). In 25s, yes, you want to get a comp to cover all the buffs, but keep in mind, 10s require more from the *whole* raid than 25s. (Less wiggle/fuck up room in 10s than 25s for most fights)
      Last edited: Aug 24, 2011
    10. cm2003

      cm2003 New Member

      Jul 16, 2011
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      That's Bullshit. They have the same CDs at least like Paladin (playing both classes) and even more.

      They've got a 1min 20% CD (boneshield) as well as every 3min a 50% CD. In addition they have the vampiric thing for increased stamina + more incoming heal. And the anti magic shield with 45sec is also badass in most of the fights.
      In addition they have an insane selfheal + shield, which lets me get up to 9k hps (including the absorb) and in a bossfight at least up to 4k.
      Also they have the army (less incoming DMG, but not sure how much it was), dancing rune weapon 20% parry and more aggro with glyph, and sacrifice the ghul. Trinkets and enchants (engineering) as well.

      So please tell me again, that DK doesn't have CDs. And tell your mate, that he should check his spellbook.

      Still it's true, that DKs sometimes drop really hard. But that's normal and is getting compensated by all his cooldowns and selfheal.

      But I also do not aggree with Apoc. Yes avoidance AND parry are very important, but if its about reforging you should always have mastery on all your items!
      Mastery gear needs timing and skill. Avoid / Parry needs pure luck. If it's about sockeling (is that an English word? I mean gems :)) you usually are good with stamina, maybe in combination with mastery / parry (for yellow/red slots). If its about reforging you should reforge everything except avoid / parry into mastery.

      Regarding Moonkins: in my opinion Moonkin and cat are the most powerfully bombing class. Ive been in a 2 days a week 10man raid and we had 4/7 heroic, so I believe weve been a very good group. Our moonkin was simply bombing the most, in every fucking fight :) bethilac he was bombing all the small spiders, lord all the silver and sparks, Ragnaros in P2. It was crazy. I really do think that a destro warlock + moonkin makes much more sense than a demo warlock.

      PS: 94% Horde on a PVP sever :) poor Alliance :)

      Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
      Last edited: Aug 24, 2011
    11. fasteddie78

      fasteddie78 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Well All I know is that the TOP guilds in the world refuse to use DK tanks unless they need like a 3rd tank for adds or some easy shit.
    12. Alcibiades

      Alcibiades New Member

      Dec 2, 2010
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      So, how exactly do you keep a Blizz employee from joining?

      Another thought, how do we know you're not a Blizz employee?
      Last edited: Aug 24, 2011
    13. Apoc

      Apoc Moderator Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 16, 2010
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      Avoidance = Dodge + Parry + Armor + Block (also, Avoidance == Mitigation for the most part.) Could also include shit like magic resists, AMS, etc, but thats just nitpicky.

      Reforging *for* mastery isn't really mastery stacking. (Talking people putting +40 mastery, or +67 or w/e it is for JC gems, etc) And yes, DK tanks are very far from "bottom of the barrel". They have some of the best CDs of any tank (I mean seriously, a raid-wide heal for I believe 15% max HP? Thats just silly for a tank) And yes, Icebound Fortitude is awesome, but very few DK tanks make much use of it from what I've seen. (That and blood tap for that matter) Also, I wouldn't say having mastery on every item is a good thing. There are a few places where mastery just may make no sense, or you really need some other stat (eg; to even out your dodge/parry if they're horribly off, and your mastery is "good enough")

      And yes, boomkins are awesome for quite a few fights, but some they just can't do the required AOE (think Beth'tilac on 10man. 3 avenues for lings to come out, and most 10mans only have 3 or 4 RDPS, which means at least 2 of them are running between the 3 spawns dropping them. Thats a lot of ramp-up time for boomkins to get the shrooms down .(Yes, I know its not that difficult, but its still a problem to keep in mind)

      Lastly; the word is "Socketing" for future reference. You were close enough :p
    14. Stree

      Stree New Member

      Jun 9, 2011
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      Firstly I plan to speak with everyone who apps from the forum via ventrilo or skype before they receive any information on guild name or my toons name or the names of the other toons in the guild.

      Outside of that there is not 100% surefire way to prove someone is or isn't a Blizzard employee. Same could be said to you. How can you PROVE you aren't yourself a blizzard employee?

      It is true that all of the top ranked guilds refuse to use DK tanks, and many also refuse to bring Shamans into their raids. Both sides make good arguments, however I would like to keep the thread from becoming a flame war about DK's being good and or bad. So lets try to keep things civil as best we can (not saying it hasn't been, just don't want it to go too far)!

      I am willing to give any class, and class composition a shot to see what works for us and what does not work for us. To me as long as the content is being cleared each week, I am sure we will all be happy!

      Please keep the apps coming, and I am looking forward to speaking with those who app more in ventrilo or skype!
    15. Megser

      Megser Well-Known Member

      Apr 17, 2010
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      I'm very interested in this. I'm a paladin, I can either heal or DPS (possibly tank too, just some pieces missing). Get in touch with me, you can see my Skype in my signature. My reputation around here is good I believe and I'm a mature and fun person.

      Cheers, Megs
    16. Zeewolf

      Zeewolf Member

      Feb 2, 2011
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      Wth are you talking about... see lings, place shrooms ahead of them.. blow shrooms as they pass over them, then knock them back so they pass through the slow again and start sunfiring them. Its normally myself and a mage in our 10man group taking on the spiderlings and we do fine. I also have plenty of time to apply SF/IS to all the other adds that come during the fight

      I stay in solar the entirity of P1 and always come 1st on dmg, then when P2 comes i rape
    17. Stree

      Stree New Member

      Jun 9, 2011
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      If you have any inkling of interest in this, but don't want to transfer a current character over to the server and may be interested in rolling some new toons, we would still like to hear from you!

      If you are interested but have concerns, questions, or are unable to make 100% of the projected raid days, please contact me and ask me about anything you have concerns about!
      Also remember, there is always the possibility of 2 (two) 10man raid teams on different schedules.

      If you are interested in guild RBG's and arena, please feel free to contact me. Blackrock is one of the most active Arena/RBG and general PVP servers I have ever played on. There is a 24/7 flow of players looking for arena partners and RBGs.
    18. Stree

      Stree New Member

      Jun 9, 2011
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      Bump! Website development moving along nicely, recruitment beginning to pickup a bit as well. Once website is complete recruitment will go into full swing!
    19. neodite

      neodite New Member

      Oct 12, 2010
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      This is a great idea, well done to you sir!

      Just a shame im not on Blackrock :p

      *Somone make one for Kazzak (EU)-(H)
    20. Stree

      Stree New Member

      Jun 9, 2011
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      Thanks Neo!

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