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  • ShamWOW for HB2 - An Enhance/Elemental/Resto + PVP/RaF Healbot by Bobby53

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by bobby53, May 25, 2010.

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    1. Stree

      Stree New Member

      Jun 9, 2011
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      Changing the combat mode to "Healing over Combat" appears to have solved the issue where the bot would target an enemy, run to them, then run circles around them. I have also not had any issues again yet with the casting of spells requiring me to manually click the target.
    2. Thunderage

      Thunderage New Member

      Jan 13, 2011
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      Hey bobby haven't used your CC in a while but today i was doing some pvp on my Shammy with the latest version and i noticed the totem logic seems to be off. i can no longer place totems out of combat around lets say at a flag. when i do place totems it immediately recalls them being out of combat and only places them while in combat automatically and recalls them after combat is completed. The old logic worked great i could place a earthbind or magma in anticipation before the fight... Also the CC seems to want to cast heal even if mounted. Can you add a option to disable Totem logic so we can cast our own and only recall them if out of range? and maybe a mount logic to where it doesn't try to cast if mounted? I was using Lazy raider and Combat bot.
      Last edited: Aug 24, 2011
    3. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      To All ShamWOW Users:

      Please read the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] page before posting. I appreciate your time a great deal and don't want you to waste it describing issues that I won't be researching because key information is missing. What info is needed? Check out the FAQ. There is a template there along with instructions on attaching a complete debug log file. You'll want to provide that in any post that attempts to describe a problem you would like fixed, a behavior you would like improved, or a question about configuration or behavior.

      Thanks again for your interest in ShamWOW and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
      Last edited: Aug 25, 2011
    4. Jacob Bourne

      Jacob Bourne New Member

      Aug 24, 2011
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      bobby53, your CC seems to be the most popular on the forum and many users recomand to use it for mining&herbing due to it's perfection.
      Would you personaly recomand leveling a shaman for mining&herbing, istead of "pop" classes?
      Thank you!
      Last edited: Aug 24, 2011
    5. HB8654A32

      HB8654A32 New Member

      Jul 17, 2011
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      Hi Bobby

      Have been using Shamwow in BG's and Arenas as a healer and it does an excellent job - awesome in fact.

      When using it in arena , I recently tried Ele shaman , and have found that it is unable to target same faction players in the arena . It works beautifully as Ele against horde
      but when playing against an Alli team it is unable to select or find a target (Which I can understand)

      Are there any setting in Shamwow or HB that I would be able to change to enable same faction targetting ?

    6. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      You can easily gather with any class. Only things worth considering if you choose to farm with a Shaman:

      - If Gathering while you level, use Enhancement Spec so you get the Ancestral Swiftness speed buff early

      - If Horde and Herbalism choose Taurent, Alliance and Archaeology choose Dwarf. Others dont apply to Shaman

      Good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
    7. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      HB8654A32, Glad that it works well for you in general and my apologies for any issues you are experiencing. Please take a look at my post from yesterday [CLICK HERE]. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
    8. ryftobuddy

      ryftobuddy Banned

      Aug 19, 2011
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      This is truly an amazing profile. I just came back to wow after a 6 month hiatus and used this to heal my first Troll Heroic and everything went flawlessly. The amount of healing it does compared to when I used to play by hand is simply amazing.

      After I finished my heroic, I started this up in pvp and I have been either 1 or 2 in healing in every BG, as well as one BG, I also had more killing blows than anyone else, which surprised me.

      In a couple BG's I've noticed it doing something weird. It will constantly switch between casting earth shield on myself and water shield. Anytime I'm not healing, it seems to constantly be switching. I'm not sure if this is intended, or if I screwed up some setting somewhere. I haven't been questioned on it yet, but it makes things look a little suspicious. Anyone else ever notice this, and if so, do you have a solution to make it stop casting the shields over and over?
    9. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      ryftobuddy, Glad that it works well for you in general and my apologies for any issues you are experiencing. Please take a look at my post from yesterday [CLICK HERE]. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
    10. ryftobuddy

      ryftobuddy Banned

      Aug 19, 2011
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      Thanks for your prompt response, Bobby. If I notice the behavior happening when I get home tonight, I'll be sure to send you a log.

      I did have one question concerning the shield twisting option. It appears that you cannot use water shield over lightning shield. If I change the settings for the shield, it always tells me that lightning has to be a higher % mana than water shield. I didn't see this mentioned anywhere in your FAQ post.

      I tried to do a google search for shield twisting, and the only results I found are related to enhance shammies, which I could understand the desire to twist the shields. It seems that the cc still attempts to twist shields even as resto spec, which from my understanding, a resto should always be using water shield (at least when healing dungeons). Am I incorrect in that logic? If I manually cast water shield on myself outside of dungeons, it would automatically switch back to lightning shield. I'll once again try to duplicate this when I get home from work and send you a log if I notice this happening again. I guess my logic is that if I'm in resto spec, the shield twisting should disable and only attempt to use water shield.
    11. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      ryftobuddy, Thanks for the post, but I need a log file for any discussion of behavior you observed. They are stored in the HonorBuddy\Logs folder and unless you are deleting them manually after each run, they continue to accumulate so you always have them for reference for days after your botting session.

      Thanks for checking the FAQ first for this information. I was really directing users to it to for Item #1 entitled "How to post a question, issue, or constructive criticism" which covers the importance of attaching a complete debug log file. I update with other information so people can check and hopefully get answers to the most common questions immediately. I'll add an item describing shield twisting.

      The only time Shield Twisting is disabled is for Healers (yes, you can choose to heal as Elemental or Enhance), and only when running dungeons or raids. If its Resto it will cast Earth Shield on the Tank (as identified by the Bot) and Water Shield on self. For any spec/environment combination not matching this specific description, shield twisting is in effect and rightfully so.

      To disable shield twisting and keep Water Shield up regardless of your spec / environment, set the Damage Shield Mana % to 101 and the Water Shield Mana % to 100. You have to do them in that order because the UI enforces that the Water Shield % be less than the Damage Shield % (twisting to a damage shield in a low mana situation makes no sense.) Before you do this however it would be helpful to get a log file so I can review if the twisting you were observing is in line with the design objectives.

      Thanks for the post and I'll keep an eye out for the log file, Bobby53
    12. ryftobuddy

      ryftobuddy Banned

      Aug 19, 2011
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      Thanks again, Bobby. Your explanation is actually exactly what I was looking for, and from your post, what I was observing was exactly in line with the design objectives. I did only notice the behavior of the shield being switched back to lightning shield outside of dungeons, and worked correctly inside dungeons. Pardon my noobness. You and your cc are both amazing to say the least.

      I'll find the log when I get home that showed the earth shield/water shield switching inside battlegrounds. That you may be able to get some useful information from.
      Last edited: Aug 25, 2011
    13. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      ryftobuddy, Thanks for checking for the log, that would be helpful in verifying the changes I already made in that area for the next release. There are a couple situations where something similar to what you describe occurs, but in a different setting entirely (premade 5-mans with LazyRaider or InstanceBuddy.) Thanks for the follow up and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53

      PS Shield Twisting section added to FAQ. If you don't mind please read through it and let me know if it would have been helpful earlier or I've only made it more confusing than it needs to be.
      Last edited: Aug 25, 2011
    14. lickalime

      lickalime New Member

      Feb 8, 2010
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      It's been mentioned that you should only use this cc starting at a certain level. Is there any truth to this? if so what level?. I'm going to do elemental.
    15. HB8654A32

      HB8654A32 New Member

      Jul 17, 2011
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      HonorBuddy Mode: RaF Combat
      Shamans Location: Arena
      What should have happened (be specific):would like Shamwow to target enemy players who belong to the same faction

      What did happen (be specific):Shamwow will only identify a target if the other arena team are from the opposite faction. The key lines in the log to look at from 2 different matches are

      2:03:35 PM:085] % FindBestTarget: found 0 mobs within 40.0 yds

      In this game we were against an alliance team and HB/shamwow found 0 mobs for the entire game and did not engage

      2:05:58 PM:802] >>> BEST TARGET: Warrior-Warrior.A8A0[85] at 28.9 yds

      In this game we were against a Horde team and HB/Shamwow found the warrior and priest

      Computer time of problem (local time, not realm time):2:03

      This problem also stops the resto shamwow from casting hex, wind shear etc and other CC when playing against same faction teams

      Log file attached

      Attached Files:

    16. HB4717A34

      HB4717A34 Member

      Jun 24, 2011
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      Hi Bobby53,

      I love your CC. Its the only reason why I still have a shaman. The only reason...

      May I ask why you love your shaman so much that you decided to continue having it as your main and developing an amazing CC for it?

      Will you ever decide to support another class in the future?
    17. Algamish

      Algamish New Member

      Mar 7, 2011
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      I'm fairly positive that the CC is usable from 1-85. That being said, Elemental spec is somewhat slow in comparison to Enhancement in the early levels. Either way though, the CC should work just fine. It's an amazing CC.
    18. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      lickalime, Not sure where that was mentioned, but that is incorrect. As Algamish's mentioned, ShamWOW is intended for use by all levels. The reference to a difference in speed is an opinion of leveling an Elemental vs Enhancement in WOW and indicative of ShamWOW's Elemental implementation. Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
    19. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      HB8654A32, Thank you for the extremely well written post and my apologies for the issue you've encountered. When I get home from work I'll revise the targeting for Arena so it works as intended. Thanks again for the detailed issue post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
    20. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      HB4717A34, I greatly appreciate the kind words and am glad it is working well for you! When HonorBuddy was initially released, it had CC's for all classes except Shaman, so it chose me in a sense. I don't have time presently to support another CC, but appreciate the vote of confidence your request represents. Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
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