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  • Running dungeons and Raids as a bot group

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Malice211, Sep 1, 2011.

    1. Malice211

      Malice211 Member

      Aug 4, 2010
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      So I have a question and am looking for a bit of help. I am looking to use some of my bot accounts to farm a few older raids & dungeons (mainly raids) in conjunction with my main account. I am looking for specific gear for the new Transmog stuff coming out soon and it is much easier if I am the only one in the group.

      Now, I know that you can que up for dungeons and whatnot as you are leveling on a single toon and I have done this many times in the past. However, as all my bots are at 85 there is no more que available for lower level dungeons.

      Essentially, I want to take my main toon and several bot toons into a raid/dungeon (via the entrance and not a que teleport) then I want to start up HB on my bot accounts and have my bots follow my main and attack what he attacks. I am not worried about the bots needing to tank or heal as their dps alone will crush the instances I want to do. The only catch is that I do not want HB attached to my main wow account (I never bot on my main).

      Is there an option for something like this in HB? Thanks to any that can help.
    2. Malice211

      Malice211 Member

      Aug 4, 2010
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    3. Morten S

      Morten S New Member

      Feb 14, 2011
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      Enter the dungeon with all your chars and start Instancebuddy, that should work. I think.
    4. Mario27

      Mario27 Banned

      Jan 15, 2010
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      i wouldnt do that instancebuddy is bugged it never goes wel for me always get stuck
    5. nyrhtak

      nyrhtak New Member

      Nov 11, 2010
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      I used to use Lazy raider on two bots with my dk to do reliquary interrupts . Same thing with a holy paly healer CC to get Agro on all razorgores adds. Id look into that if its still maintained. Not sure on how it's autotarget is -but even if it doesn't autotaget something like keyclone with an assist macro on 1 would do that. Or solo trash and manual target bosses.
      Last edited: Sep 1, 2011
    6. Malice211

      Malice211 Member

      Aug 4, 2010
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      I may give Lazy Raider a try tonight to see how it goes. I would love to see a simple follow/defend option with Honorbuddy. It would essentially be along the lines of Instancebuddy in that it would use the mesh of a dungeon and the cc in HB except no queing or need to say anything, autoloots or any of that. It would just follow the leader around and fight what he fights or even heal perhaps. Alot of people, at least on my realms, are after doing the old dungeons/raids for gear for the Transmog feture in the next patch. Alot easier to get when you are the only one in the party. :)

      UPDATE: LazyRaider work pretty well for my needs. Certainly would work better if there was a setting or plugin to "Attack Tank Target" or something along those lines but not to shabby overall.
      Last edited: Sep 3, 2011
    7. Malice211

      Malice211 Member

      Aug 4, 2010
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      I have been using Lazyraider over the weekend to farm a few old raids and dungeons. Essentially I set 4 of my botting accounts up to follow one of my main account toons. I decided to use my rogue as I discovered I can stealth right into a mob pack with my bots in tow a couple of yards behind me and the mobs will attack my bots. Since they are beihg attacked, the bots will auto target the attacking mobs and fight back using lazyraider. Saves me the annoyance of having to switch between windows targeting for the bots. Then I just pick my heaviest geared tank bot and misdirect everything to them using my rogue. Alreadyt farmed a bunch of nice gear for the upcoming transmog patch. Now I just have to level another bot healer to fill out my party and my solo runs will be near perfect. :)
    8. amputations

      amputations Active Member

      Jan 6, 2011
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      Man, you should put up a run on youtube or something, I would love to see that. I'd try what you are if I could afford several accounts, but watching it would be fun too ^^
    9. rshay

      rshay New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I've actually been doing the same thing. Playing the tank, and running with 4 bots behind me. Just got them all to 60. I've tried using IB, and it was OK, but I wasn't really happy with the result. I'm currently using LazyRaider and the ShamWOW CC (4 are shaman).

      I'm not sure exactly why it's working or what's making them target my target, but it seems to work out alright for the most part. At least on trash and bosses that you can just muscle down. Following is still a bit weird sometimes, and I've had several instances where a boss will have a knockback and the bots will end up facing the wrong direction. It's just something that has to be worked around for now I guess. IB is great when it works, and LR does exactly what it says it does. It seems there's just a need for a middle of the road solution for a particular niche.

      Maybe someone will have some free time at some point.

      Also, just a thought.. perhaps it's the Jamba Addon that's causing them to assist on combat? I'm not 100% sure.
      I REALLY wish that someone could get HB to work with ISBoxer, but I don't see that ever happening since they both hook into Direct3D and conflict.

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