Same thing happened to me with boomkin, i just took out the line "change to moonkin" deal and it works perfect, you just have to manually switch into form. By the way THX Proto, have been looking for a arcmage and boomkin forever.
SC.PlayerIsChanneling seems to work partially, I got to fix that. You may want to use one or both of them for now: A channeled spell is basically an instant spell that triggers a channeled spell effect. Raijan: I'm working on advanced targeting for healer classes, so you will soon be able to add that special behavior. I should release a new update this afternoon/evening, including everything needed to start tweaking 'rocket science' healer rotations. I have to admit that it's getting a bit more complex to implement such a thing in a graceful way. I'll be providing some friendly target behaviors (player, party, raid) and 'time to live' estimation for friendly targets. That's a bit more complex to handle, but at least the CC will be able to tell if a unit at 50% health needs emergency heals or whether a 'greater heal' would fit fine.
Cowdude i sent you a PM last night that might be a possible fix to your affliction rotation. I made a couple changes to the rotation and it picked up 4k dps.
Thanks, I'll try to see what was wrong before. I'm polishing some new features for now, will update/fix the affliction rotation ASAP.
I've installed Visual Studio C# 2008 but one reference i cannot find to re-add to project. Microsoft.Csharp.
Allthough it's nice it without any doubt has the highest crashpercent when stopping the bot. 5 out of 6 times it crashes wow. What is causing the crash ? A bug in Hb that isn't getting any attention from the devs ?
I think it's caused by the cc making LUA calls to WOW. The best way to avoid it is to insure you have been out of combat for about 20 secends b4 stopping or closing HB.
I'll try that. Thanks for the hint , appreciate it Have been swearing a lot while trying to tweak frostmage
This is my combat and sub additions, there is no Killing Spree in the combat version as the bot just loves to do it at the worst possible times, Say hello to ragnaro's hammer sort of stuff... Sub was thrown together today, and isnt strictly simcraft (Close) View attachment Combat.cs View attachment Subltey.cs
I've noticed that if you start bot in World it uses the SingleRotations even in BG's. It needs a better InRaid/BattleGround check ?
View attachment PaladinProt.cs View attachment Prot.cs View attachment FeralDruid.cs I also threw together a Prot Warrior and Prot Pally Also feral druid that handles Cat and Bear
Starting the bot inside a BG should pick the PVP rotation. Starting the bot outside a BG will pick the single rotation if you're not in a party.
I have a request. The possibility to make an auto-opener. One always have to engage manually now when using lazyraider.
Would love to see a warlock pvp action going on where maybe would cc a focus target keep them feared an what not spell locked?