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  • ShamWOW for HB2 - An Enhance/Elemental/Resto + PVP/RaF Healbot by Bobby53

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by bobby53, May 25, 2010.

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    1. rshay

      rshay New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      HonorBuddy Mode: LazyRaider
      Shamans Location: Utgarde Keep (WoTLK)
      What should have happened (be specific): Heroism and Fire (or Earth) elementals should have been used at the boss fight.
      What did happen (be specific): Neither Heroism or Elemental totems were used.
      Computer time of problem (local time, not realm time): About 1:00 AM CST

      I've noticed this on every boss so far, maybe it's just an issue with them being too low level and not recognized as an actual boss.. not sure how that's handled. Anyway, I've attached logs from 4 different shaman all using the latest version of ShamWoW with LazyRaider. I tank on my Paladin, and let them heal / dps. It works pretty well with the exception of a couple of issues.

      One other thing that I did notice, is that randomly one of them will think they're enhancement or something and try to stand on top of whatever it is that I'm tanking. It doesn't happen every time, but it does happen periodically. This doesn't work out so well when there's a cleave. Does the "follow the tank" remain active in combat? Or is it paused? It could have something to do with me turning mobs so they don't cleave my dps / healer.

      Anyway, attached are 4 logs from 4 shaman. None of which use heroism or fire elementals on bosses as they're supposed to.

      Thanks so much for all your hard work! This Bot & CC combo are a win for sure.

      Attached Files:

      bobby53 likes this.
    2. Cracktomte

      Cracktomte Member

      Mar 7, 2010
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      I'm not 100% sure, but I think ShamWOW uses targets HP to determine if it's a boss or not, and that it's set for cataclysm content. As I think that would be the easiest way to do it. And about them running into melee range, I dunno.
    3. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      rshay, Thank you for the post and the compliment! That's a nice setup and am glad to hear it is working well overall for you! +rep I went through all four log files and it seems there are a couple issues:

      1. The HB API WoWUnit.CreatureRank did not identify the npc as a boss. In the log file the following entry:
      [12:59:48 AM:369] % NPC : Paladin - Prince Keleseth.B655[72] dist: 27.80
      would have had the term BOSS : rather than NPC : if it had been correctly detected. Since ShamWOW asked if the mob is a Boss and the answer was No, it never kicks off Boss only behavior (Bloodlusts, Elemental Totems, Feral Spirit.) I'll look into this further and if needed determine another boss detection mechanism. This affected all four Shaman.

      2. Bloodlust for Resto with a RAF Combat Style of Healing Only is currently broken. This should not affect your setup because your Resto was running as Healing Over Combat, but while I was reviewing this area I noticed it (thank you!) While in general a Resto that is Healing Only would focus purely on that, Bloodlust is the one spell that shouldn't fall into that category.

      All four logs appear to be partial files. I'll need complete debug log files in just about all cases. If space is an issue just .ZIP them. If space is still an issue you can delete the info appearing after the time frame you would like me to research, just not the info before that point.

      I don't need additional detail at this point as a fix for the boss detection is needed. I'll get a release posted with that later today.

      I will get back to you on the issue of a ranged Shaman stacking on the tanks position. I believe I'll need to add some additional log info to LazyRaider first. I'll get back to you on this one.

      Thanks for the post, Bobby53
      Last edited: Sep 12, 2011
    4. encarsia

      encarsia New Member

      Apr 20, 2011
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      Hi, first off I would like to say great work and I love your CC it is amazing! I having been using Lazyraider and have noticed that while the spell priority seems spot on I am consistently doing 2-2.5k less DPS while using the bot on my Enhancement shaman. I am wondering if there is anything that can be changed or that I am missing that would cause this loss in DPS. Also is there a way for me to edit the priority that the CC uses for my abilities?

      HonorBuddy Mode: LazyRaider
      Shamans Location: Firelands, BWD, Bot, Training Dummies
      What should have happened (be specific): DPS should be fairly consistent
      What did happen (be specific): DPS is 2 - 2.5k less than when I manually hit priority rotation.
      Computer time of problem (local time, not realm time): 12:35 pm
    5. rshay

      rshay New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      @Bobby53 - You're correct, they are partial files but only because I stopped the instance after the first boss since that was where the problem was happening. I didn't want to provide more to sift through than actually necessary. HB should have been started at the entrance, and stopped just after the first boss was killed.

      In regards to the boss detection, I had a sneaking suspicion that's what the problem was but wasn't able to pinpoint it. I did see the existing issue with Bloodlust / Heroism being broken in Healing Only which is exactly why I changed it to Healing over Combat! lol :)

      I'm glad to help out in any way possible, and obviously have the shaman to do so, so whenever you get around to posting an update I'd be happy to run through an instance and post the logs if necessary.

      Thanks again!
    6. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      rshay, The log files appear to be missing startup information. There is a standard prologue that would appear including HonorBuddy startup info and ShamWOW startup info that is missing from all files. Could be something else causing it, but they are missing info normally expected that the start.

      I'll try to have a solution even if its an innaccurate HP % detection method.

      Thanks for your help. I'll do what I can so you can get the most out of your posse of Shaman, Bobby53
    7. timotyman

      timotyman Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Are you a chef? because i smell something good cooking!
    8. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      encarsia, Thanks for the post. There are potentially different problems stated by your post, so let me address them both:

      1. DPS is 2k-2.5k DPS less than what I do manually: That difference is not a static number (it will vary due to player skill, character level, gear, and system lag) , but currently a L337 player should achieve better DPS for whatever their attention span is than the Bot. Manually you can pre-cast (start cast prior to current cast completing) based upon your system latency (lag.) HB just recently added support for pre-casting for cast spells but not instant spells (it doesn't adequately determine how much of the GCD is remaining.) Since the Enhancements rotation is made up of instants, you should expect the DPS to be lower with the Bot. My understanding is that may be resolved in the next release or so of HB, but the workaround until it becomes available is to play manually if you aren't satisfied with the DPS your achieving or change specs (both Elemental DPS and Resto HPS should approach advanced player manual numbers.) I will be making a minor change in the next release which should provide a minor gain. HB appears to be using a static 1500ms for GCD which doesn't take Haste or spell specific GCD's into account.

      2. DPS should be fairly consistent: In re-reading your post, I'm assuming you mean consistent with what you achieve manually. That won't entirely be the case for advanced players, since their knowledge of the combat scenario allows them to anticipate combat events before they happen and move/prepare/pre-cast as needed whereas HB can only react. That difference in time is a DPS loss. It can approach your manual play numbers, and possibly even match on stationary targets such as training dummies, but don't expect it to be identical. In your case playing Enhancement I would anticipate a fair amount of the difference seen is due to the situation explained in #1, but it could be that your just that good. If instead you were referring to consistent from training dummy session to training dummy session, the randomness of Crits, weapon damage, etc. and the varying load/responsiveness of the HB environment will yield different numbers. I would expect them to be within one standard deviation however if plotted out.

      As for editing the priority of abilities, the only items available for configuration are exposed in the Class Config dialog. ShamWOW isn't intended to be a sim environment for manipulating all possible Shaman abilities/prioritizations. It's design objective is to provide a zero-config Shaman CC while modeling the priority and behaviors defined in the reference documents cited in the first post of this thread. If you notice a difference between the behavior and the appropriate doc (like EJ for example) please post an issue using the template and steps in the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] in the same fashion you did for this post and a link (rather than a copy/paste) to the doc.

      Thanks for the well written post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
      Last edited: Sep 13, 2011
    9. rshay

      rshay New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Ahh, I just went back and compared the ones I uploaded to another log file. I see what you're talking about. I must have cleared my logs before the instance, but already had HB running. I'll have to remember to not do that in the future.

      I'll take them through an instance again later tonight and get some full log files.
    10. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      rshay, Thanks but no need at the moment. I should have an update of LazyRaider and ShamWOW by tomorrow that will include some additional logging that will be useful in pinpointing the movement issue you mentioned. Thanks, Bobby53
    11. iggi66

      iggi66 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Hey bobby, great CC so far! I'm having some issues, I think because I'm on an non-english client.

      First thing is, that I have to remove the shields and totems. Else the CC won't start up and stop HB. No big deal for me..

      Second thing is that it keeps applying Earthliving Weapon on my restor specc. I was looking through your code and I think this happens because you are comparing strings returned by some LUA which are localized.

      Attached Files:

    12. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      iggi66, Thanks for the post. Not exactly sure regarding the issue with Shields and Totems at startup, but I will delve into log file later tonight and see what I can determine. If it has been awhile since you restarted Windows or have Stop/Started HB a number of times you should probably do a Restart. On successive uses a lingering problem with the HB Auras list (buffs/debuffs) seems to grow in occurrence. It could be an issue in ShamWOW so will definitely review, but have seen the HB aura dictionary not being managed as expected in my own use (stack counts not being updated correctly, buff shown on UI not appearing in list, etc.) and its been fixed by a restart.

      The Earthliving spam is an issue encountered due to a miss in the internationalization of an HB API. All spell names, buffs, etc. in HB API's are normalized to the English name, but the API for temporary weapon enchants was not apparently. My apologies on that miss. I reworked this in the next release instead of posting an HB bug so ShamWOW users won't need to wait for a change in HB for it to work with a non-English client again. Thanks for the post, Bobby53
      Last edited: Sep 13, 2011
    13. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      frizzy, Thanks for the post. I'd suggest choosing just Reply rather than Reply With Quote if you post a new issue in thread, especially when the the quote is a large post (like post #1.) It obscures your message and makes it more difficult for me to check/reply to forum posts by phone browser. I am sticking with the current deployment of .zip attachments for the foreseeable future, but will notify ShamWOW users if a SVN becomes used for deployment. As for any issue/question you have regarding behavior you observe (like your mention of Flame Shock usage) please see the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] for a template to use and steps on attaching a complete debug log. I can't really look into your issue without that info. Thanks for your post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
    14. iggi66

      iggi66 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      The log is not showing the first issue, but I can provide some if you need them. I think it doesn't happen because of stopping HB and I will also look into it tomorrow.

      Well, it's not your miss. Would be great to see a (shamwow)fix for the temp enchants so my shaman can perform better. He's about to hit lvl 80 so it will be a matter soon when healing cata instances / raids :D

      Keep up your good work bobby, iggi.
    15. gathertime

      gathertime Member

      Sep 12, 2011
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      This plays Shaman better than I do... Unreal... great work!!!
      bobby53 likes this.
    16. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      gathertime, Thanks for the post on your ShamWOW success! +rep Good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
    17. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      ... cut from a PM ...
      Iamsmithy, Thanks for the post. There are fiver general components to HonorBuddy. Here are their roles and responsibilities:
      HonorBuddy - framework and environment for hosting components
      Bot - individual bot you select to accomplish a type of task ( Grinding, Questing, ArchaeologyBuddy, LazyRaider, etc.)
      Profile - XML file providing input to Bot indicating where you want to go and what you want to do
      CC - also known as Custom Class; handles Class specific combat (DK, Warrior, Shaman, etc.)
      Plug-In - provides additional behavior not included in items above
      In your case, you'll want to change profiles so you can quest in a different area. In the event your profile is intended to quest in Zul'Drak, you'll want to notify the profile author about the issue. So even though your character is a Shaman, you'll want to follow up with the profile author on any question/issues you may have about where you are questing.

      Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
      Last edited: Sep 14, 2011
    18. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      *NEW* ShamWOW 4.5.05 available for download!

      Fixes for the Earthliving (actually could be any imbue) spam some were seeing along with a few other items. For details see the Change History.

      For any issue or question you would like me to research and respond to regarding behavior you observed while running ShamWOW, please see the topic #1. How to post a question, issue, or constructive criticism .... in ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE]. It provides a template you can copy/paste and steps on how to attach a complete debug log file.

      Change History - 09/14/2011 Revision 4.5.05
    19. encarsia

      encarsia New Member

      Apr 20, 2011
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      change- will temporarily replace Fire Totem in Call of the Elements bar if detected 3+ enemies within 8 yds. This will provide a quick response when fighting trash where previously it would cast Call of the Elements then Magma Totem would be cast sometime later at a lower priority.

      How do I disable this feature, it changes it in CoE but doesn't change it back afterward
    20. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Encarsia, Thanks for the post but the results described don't match my testing. I am not entirely clear what you specifically mean by "change it back afterward." Please see the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] page for the template and steps to follow on providing the info necessary for me to research an issue for you. This isn't a behavior that will have a user option to disable. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
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