3176.524, -2761.057, 229.6957 Noticed this on several characters. when flying to the arch zone in Eastern Plaguelands [Zul'Mashnar] it gets stuck at the above location. It just starts flying back and forth in the air like a retard. Is it possibly an Unmeshed location? Because once I manually fly my character out of it it works perfectly. But when flying through it, it gets JACKED up forever.
I deleted it. Not sure when the bot will have that location again. I've seen it on numerous characters with different CC's. I'm pretty sure it's probably a mesh issue.
View attachment 9-13-2011_8_03 AM 4324 Log.txt Got a log here of it just standing next to a ready to click Arch dig, but it just freaks out and can't move. Then after I manually clicked it myself to pick up the arch discovery, it mounted up to go to a new location, then wow crash.
View attachment 9-13-2011_9_01 AM 9388 Log.txt I already said that's what I use. Here is another stuck place in STV where the bot always gets stuck. Came back with my character humping a tree branch for 4 hours. Even started using stuck helper. No good.