Hey guys, i've just bougth HB today, now im loking for a god farming profile for max. Gold/Hour. ( 85 shammy) I used the search but there were so many hits. Would be nice if u can post a link or something.
Well if it were as easy as just clicking start and you have 100k in your bank a few hours later that would be great, but it takes a little bit of time to learn things. So your best advice might be; Take some time to read and experiment with some profiles. As stated, do a search and absorb some of the great wisdom here and it will make a world of difference. Grats on buying the best bot out there and good luck making some serious golds!
farm in cata content and sell raw mats to private buyers. I make around 6k a day and the bot only runs 6-10 hours a day.
Pretty much what the guy above me said... The server I'm on is for some reason always low on Ore..... Lets just say I exploit that to the abosolute max.
Well it depends on what is in demand on your server , your toons profession etc etc. There is no make 100k in 10h profile , making gold need some work. Finding a private buyer that you can sell ore/herbs to is one way thou.
as people has stated here, thats the way to go. Searching for any particular profile and going with it. Listen, i am new too, and my professions are skinning and leatherworking. Twilight Highland profile to skin savage leather and dragonscale along with Highland guppy fish and volatile fire fishing have become my main money making profile. Heck a stack of 20 Highlang guppy fish, i can easily sell them for 400g, so 3 hours of farming them i can easily get about 6 stack of them. No bad money.