This should be the Uldum one, Ill grab the Hyjal in a bit. View attachment 18-09-2011_12_26 PM 64936 Log.txt
Code: [12:34:04 PM:370] Compiling expression '(HasQuest(28533))' @ line 713 [12:34:06 PM:424] Goal: Flying to <-9428.679, -959.0134, 111.0127> [12:34:06 PM:424] [FlyTo-v184(debug) @line 714]: Flying to '<-9428.679, -959.0134, 111.0127>': <-9428.679, -959.0134, 111.0127>. ? and then it waited 100 secs for the movie
oh in the beginning it runs on the ground in that first camp... just chill, it will fly all over once it's done w/ the first set of quests