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  • [MUST READ] For real Goldfarmers who use HB&GB since the beginning

    Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum' started by Vilarix, Sep 18, 2011.

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    1. Vilarix

      Vilarix Banned

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Since WoW is dying little by little, the price of gold has fallen dramatically since Wotlk, the number of players decreases, and most are now playing Rift, Bossland has his own business to sell gold and therefore does not really know this crisis, here is what I propose:

      Surely there are casual farmers who will read this, it is not for them. I appeal to real goldfarmers, those who have invested several hundreds $ or €, who have experienced times where we could find buyers without problem, when you could buy a second PC or TV in 3-4 months of farming.
      Those who can not even play their class because they only use HB and do not play WoW any more, who realize every day that WoW is no longer what it was and that a solution is needed

      • Blizzard has announced the end of WoW and they plan to develop another MMO. Cataclysm is maybe not the last extension but there will surely not be more than one other extension.
      • Bossland GMBH announced that he was sued by Blizzard but would continue to sell until they are forced to stop.

      You understood, the end is near. If we can not change anything for WoW, we can for Gatherbuddy and Honorbuddy.

      I am not going to give all the solutions, you can discuss about this in this thread if you have ideas. Keep in mind that Bossland is sued and therefore, he needs money.
      So do not ask for free sessions.

      Here the solution I propose :

      This solution can be very lucrative for Bossland if well used.
      If you are using only one or two sessions and the rest is useless for you, it may be relevant to your interest.

      The possibility to create sub-sessions in Buddy Auth Portal
      It would count for a sessions for us, but it would be limited in time.

      We create a forum or a website to promote this in our language with prices etc., someone wants to use e.g. Gatherbuddy for 320 minutes, after we receive payment we enter his email address, a password is generated and sent to his email with a download link, a link to tutorials etc. And the session is stopped after 320 minutes of farming.

      Now the prices :

      Since we paid for our sessions we should not have to pay Bossland with this method. But not all of us have Lifetime and I am sure Bossland would like money from this.

      With a system of payment directly to Bossland it would be very lucrative :
      E.g. : 120 minutes for 2$ - 75% for us, 25% for Bossland and the possibility to create unlimited sub-sessions (or 40-50 sub-sessions with bandwidth restrictions).
      In this way all HB&GB users become sellers, spreading the bot at low-cost but to hundreds of customers who did not know about HB/GB or simply did not want to pay a high price while they just need 2 days of farming.

      With this, the possibility to have a personal buddy page like h*tp://vilarix.honorbuddy.com/ displaying price/hour, discounts etc. in our language and the possibility to pay with Allopass, Bitcoin etc.
      Payment sent to Bossland and then 75% (or 50% it depends of Bossland) back to us.
      The possibility to create 1-85 pack with sessions which stop when the character reaches 85 would be great too, as well as a 5000 honor pack etc.

      Bossland will surely set a minimum to pay per minute to avoid it to be less expensive to use this method than to buy a HB Key.

      It is not the best solution !
      There are surely errors but it is a beginning !

      To code something like that would take weeks.

      You can share your ideas and discuss about mine too.
      I like this community, I am part of it since GB started and I do not want to see it dying just because of difficult times.
      Bossland, if you read this, I hope you will see the potential of something like that and not only think "that's too difficult we can't do such a thing".
    2. Dubbelu

      Dubbelu New Member

      May 13, 2011
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      Don't have much time to reply, all I have to say this doesn't look like a good plan.
      Renting out HB so you can make money is not what bossland wanted, else he would create this sell model himself.
    3. Vilarix

      Vilarix Banned

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Of course it is not what he wanted when he created the bot. But a lot of things change and goldfarmers are not making the same amount of money as 2 years ago.
      In my opinion, to stay on a system of farming/selling gold is an error. Selling gold to chinese is worthless now. What people want is honor and gold and the best way for them to get it at low cost is to have a bot.

      It is like selling a kit to build a table for 20$ instead of selling the table itself for 60$.
    4. Dubbelu

      Dubbelu New Member

      May 13, 2011
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      No it's like taking something he created, and earning more money with it then he would, that's unfair even if it would benefit me.
    5. Vilarix

      Vilarix Banned

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Using customers to spread a product while earning 25 or 50% from is an economic strategy used by a lot of companies. It is not unfair, it gives money to Bossland while he is doing nothing. And we win money for spreading the bot.

      It is like Bossland was giving us 50% of his benefits if we use referrals to get him customers.
      And by this, he doesn't have to provide support for those customers and is not restricted by language.

      But I see what you mean, and you are not wrong, it is something that only Bossland can consider. But if he says no, would you keep farming until you don't earn enough to pay your gametime ? (I assume you are a goldfarmer)
    6. rizarjay

      rizarjay Member

      Jan 29, 2010
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      While no official word has been said, I'm pretty sure there will be 2, if not 3 more.
    7. dezaint

      dezaint New Member

      May 8, 2011
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      I dont wanna be rude or something, but in my eyes you sound like one of those bad guys in movies where they wanna buy a company just to split it in pieces and sell it for larger amounts. :(
    8. Vilarix

      Vilarix Banned

      Jan 15, 2010
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      So you think, like Dubbelu, that it is OK to continue farming mats, crafting and earn gold and then sell it ? On 3 of my servers the price of gold is at 0.2$ per 1000 gold. That's 20$ for 100k. I am not sure that we will be able to continue for a long time. Except for a minority who have 10's of private buyers. (I am one of them but not everyone is lucky, and not to be able to enter the market of goldselling because we need contacts to earn descent money is not a good thing, even for Bossland)

      Seriously guys, don't you see that it means a lot of benefits for Bossland and for us ? Did you ever study economy or marketing ?
      Am I the only one thinking it would earn a lot of money ?

      I don't care if my idea is not a good thing, like I said, you can share yours. But you can't say that the system of selling gold is a still a good thing. It is not like the market, the price of gold will not rise suddenly.
      Last edited: Sep 18, 2011
    9. SunshinePanda

      SunshinePanda New Member

      Jul 19, 2011
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      Ignoring the other servers you bot on, if you're only making $.2/1000, you need to learn how to adapt to changes.

      Example: The game I used to play and make money off of announced it was shutting down around 6 months before the actual end-date. The result? Around $1000 worth of items and in-game currency I had turned into $200, not including the hundreds of items I invested in to help increase my profits. So what did I do? I sold off what I could, ended my subs, and resubbed my WoW account.

      I discovered that my server wasn't a good server to sell gold on. Result? I leveled (50% by hand because the questing bot is very buggy) two gathering toons on a new server. After I got set up and had some gold to sell, I discovered that prices from websites were terrible. Result? I looked up more forums that people use to sell virtual goods.

      WoW is still a good game to make money off of. If you aren't happy with your profits, then find a new server to bot on or find a new customer base. When neither of those work, then it's time to pack up and find a new game (or a new method, like this, although it's definitely not necessary right now)...
    10. w00tsauce

      w00tsauce New Member

      May 15, 2010
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      Blizzard will NOT even think about closing out WoW until subscribers probably falls to under 1million. Even with just 1 million subscribers they are still making at least 15million a month.
    11. Vilarix

      Vilarix Banned

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Everything you said is possible, but not for everyone. Not for those who need money and just want to invest 25€. They need experience, contacts with goldsellers etc.
      I am just saying that the GB&HB system is or will get old soon. We can still adapt, that's what I am doing of course, but we also have to think in long term. And Bossland too.
      Creating a sort of "rush" like this, earning a lot of money for all of us but for a short time is for me the best thing to do before to think of creating bots for Star Wars or World of Tank.

      What you are saying is very interesting, I appreciate your participation. I am not whining, not at all, I am still farming gold and adapting too but that's not the case of everyone.
    12. SoulWeaver

      SoulWeaver New Member

      Sep 12, 2011
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      Why would you just buy all that gold on your server at .20, Transfer it to the a higher end server and resell with 200% profit ?
    13. SoulWeaver

      SoulWeaver New Member

      Sep 12, 2011
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      Why wouldn't you just buy all that gold at .20 and transfer the character to the higher end servers to resell for a 200% Profit?
    14. Methal

      Methal New Member

      Jul 31, 2011
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      Blizzard: no end in sight for WoW
    15. fasteddie78

      fasteddie78 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Did you fall and hit your head?
    16. Doofus

      Doofus New Member

      Mar 9, 2011
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      Im wondering how your going to get players to use a bot for a short period of time? Most players who are not botting allready are probably not botting due to the risks, anyone slightly interested in botting only as to come here and do it though this site, Im struggling to see who would risk there account for a $2 bot session of 3 days, when they probably would need that 3 days to learn to set up and run the bot as risk free as possible. Theres allready facilities for players to hire leveling/honor/gold services from third parties, and im sure they are feeling the pinch as much as you are.

      I just cant see this working as well as you believe and making a fortune from it, to me it just sounds like a lazy way to try and make money off of someone elses work, with minimum effort, and like someone allready said subletting sessions or small bot rental sessions would have been covered by bossland allready if it was viable.
    17. shaorinor

      shaorinor New Member

      Feb 8, 2011
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      I don't know any of my friends that have quit for Rift. If they stopped playing WoW, they just stopped playing and rejoined the fantasy that is real life. As for declining prices in gold, it is supply and demand. With more and more people botting, there are more people farming gold. Therefore, the supply of gold is in excess of people who want to buy it. It sucks that you are no longer making money from it, but you are delusional if you thought it would last forever. Unfortunately, that is the timeline of an MMO. WoW lasted obscenely long, and the end is still far from here. Most people quit and then restart when an expansion comes out, so you may see gold prices fly up again once the new expansions come out.

      It isn't bossland's job to license out his product so you can make money for it. The bot was made to automate the game. A byproduct is that it makes it easier for people to earn gold. And a byproduct of that is people can make money off of said gold. You making money is no one else's concern but yours. And while I applaud you thinking outside the box, your proposal probably won't ever see actual implementation. My advice would be to ride the wave as long as you can and find another way to supplement your income.
    18. Anonuzer01

      Anonuzer01 Active Member

      Sep 9, 2010
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      ^This. Look at Everquest. As subscribers drop, they just keep combining servers so that server populations stay reasonable.
    19. cawpet

      cawpet Member

      Jan 23, 2010
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      I'll presume from the replies it's a silly idea. Something along the lines of *Well, I have permission to make love to my wife 3 times a day, but I can only do it the once, so maybe I could rent her out for the extra two sessions to make some cash out of her rather than having her sitting there*.

      See, when you put it in a understandable short context such as that, it's clear it just wouldn't work well.
    20. lordsithius01

      lordsithius01 New Member

      Jun 8, 2011
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      Wait, You wouldn't rent your wife out to 2 other men? What kind of businessman are you?
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